Savior Simulator

Chapter 792 The All-Seeing Eye

Chapter 792 The All-Seeing Eye
"Matia's superpower is so magical that it quickly aroused the interest of Peter van der Waals, and he spent a lot of money to recruit this person to his side, and let him be responsible for building and maintaining the online sales channel of 'hero medicine' .”

"Matia is nicknamed 'Postman', and the superpower awakened after taking the medicine is called 'Online Express', which can decompose a certain amount of objects into data codes through the communication network or data lines, and deliver them to the receiving terminal instantly along the communication network, and then Reconstructed into the real thing.”

"It is thanks to Matthias' superpower that the Holy Blood Knights were able to sell hero medicine all over the world in just one year."

"Sister Tang, I heard a colleague talk about the special ability of the 'postman' Matthias, and at the same time I came up with an idea."

Gao Fei took over the conversation.

"The valley where the Holy Blood Knights' headquarters is located is far away from modern cities, and transportation and communication are very inconvenient. Matthias must obtain communication guarantees if he wants to maintain a smooth delivery network. He must either set up a base station by himself or rent a communication satellite."

"If we try to destroy the local communication base station, or use electronic interference to cut off the communication network between the local area and the outside world, we can prevent Matthias from sending mail and paralyze the sales network of hero medicine."

"I have also considered the method you mentioned. It is indeed feasible, but it will also scare the snake." Tangning sighed, "As long as Matthias is still alive, we can resume our old business in another place with Internet connection. We can't put the whole All communication networks on Irian Island are down."

"Besides, it is meaningless to just destroy the delivery network of hero medicine. The most important thing is to ban the pharmaceutical factory and get the formula of hero medicine. To achieve this goal, you must head-to-head with the 'Holy Blood Knights' and completely eliminate this crime. gang, there are no shortcuts."

Gao Fei agreed with Tangning's analysis and nodded, signaling for her to introduce other apostles.

"The No. 11 apostle, code-named 'John', is said to be a Nobel Prize-winning biologist. Funded by Van der Waals, he came to Irian Island to study mutant creatures."

"Peter van der Waal's original intention of hiring John was to use his research results to increase the probability of secondary mutation and awakening of superpowers in mutant beasts after taking medicine."

"John was fascinated by this challenging job, and soon made satisfactory progress to the employer. Most of the 'angels' of the Holy Blood Knights were screened and catalyzed by the method invented by John."

"John is not satisfied with just experimenting with animals, but also wants to extend his research results to humans."

"Peter supported his research, and also suggested that a group of able-bodied young men could be selected from the mercenary team as his experimental samples."

"John is worthy of being a famous scholar, and he still has professional ethics."

"He rejected Peter's suggestion and didn't want to conduct dangerous human experiments on others, but he didn't mind using himself as a test subject and swallowing hero medicine by himself."

"Wori! This John really looks like the mad scientist in the movie." Ma Tao complained in a low voice.

"After John took the medicine, he awakened super-sensing superpowers, like a human-shaped remote sensing satellite, which can project his vision to infinity, observe any corner of the world, and project what he sees on the monitor , so that people around him can also share his knowledge."

"In addition, John's gaze can penetrate all disguises and illusions, including 'invisibility' and 'disguise', and there is no way to hide under his sight, so John won the title of 'all-seeing eye'. "

"Sister Tang, John's 'All-Seeing Eye' sounds a lot like the 4th level of 'Scry' and the 6th level of 'True Seeing'."

Ma Yun made an evaluation from her own professional perspective.

"John and Matthias have a very good friendship, and they belong to two different types in the Holy Blood Knights." Tangning continued, "These two apostles are both scholars, not good at fighting, and their moral bottom line is much higher than other apostles. .When we have a conflict with the Holy Blood Knights, try not to hurt John and Matthias, and it is best to persuade them to abandon the dark and turn to the light."

"Thomas the Tenth Apostle, nicknamed 'Suspicious', a gang member on the streets of Batavia, a pimp and drug addict, smoking betel nut and marijuana all day long."

"A gangster like Thomas, if he hadn't awakened a strong superpower after taking drugs, he wouldn't have been recruited by Peter to the Holy Blood Knights."

"This person is a mutant of the virus system. It is said that he can emit a strange neurotoxin, which causes the poisoned person to have severe symptoms of cognitive dissonance, and the behavior becomes completely opposite to the original intention. The right hand wants to move forward, but both feet move back involuntarily."

"Thomas' bodyguard is 'Spider Angel'."

"This monster was originally a large mutated spider. It is said that it can also shuttle between the spirit world and the real world, appearing like a ghost."

"As for what superpowers 'Spider Angel' can develop after taking the hero medicine, I'm sorry, but I don't know."

"The Ninth Apostle is code-named 'Little Jacob', a telekinetic mutant, and his superpower is called the 'Hand of God'. He can use a gamepad to remotely control other people, just like manipulating a marionette."

"Little Jacob is an avid game lover. He doesn't seem to have any other interests other than playing games. The reason why he accepted Peter's recruitment was that besides the generous commission, another important factor was that he could continuously obtain free hero medicine, which made him You can use living people as toys to hone your game skills.”

"Little Jacob's bodyguard 'Ape Angel' is a ferocious four-armed orangutan. Under the control of Little Jacob, he can skillfully use guns and other firearms. It is more terrifying than relying on the instinct of wild beasts to fight melee!"

"The eighth apostle is Bartholomew nicknamed 'Screaming', a hypnotic mutant."

"The superpower awakened by this person taking the hero medicine is called 'Pain Chain'. When he is hurt, he can use this trick to make the surrounding enemies feel double the pain."

"Bartholomew's fighting style is very special. To see who doesn't like it, he stabs himself with a knife. Through the 'chain of pain', the opponent can experience the pain of ten thousand knives piercing through the heart."

"Bartholomew is mentally abnormal, he has transvestism, and he is also a perverted masochist. Self-mutilation will make him feel physical pleasure, so when he stabs himself with a knife, he is actually enjoying himself. Maybe this That's why he can awaken the abnormal ability of 'Pain Chain'."

"Bartholomew's entourage is called 'Leech Angel'. It is likely to be a group of mutated leeches. There is no definite information about their special abilities."

(End of this chapter)

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