Savior Simulator

Chapter 782 Tiangong Station No. 6

Chapter 782

"It is precisely because of Matthias's super power that the medicine package sent by the Holy Blood Knights can avoid the inspection of the customs of various countries, and be delivered to agents in various places without anyone noticing, and then sent through the distribution channels of the agents. to the buyer."

"We arrested Huang, but we only destroyed a distribution terminal of the Holy Blood Knights. Before long, they will establish a new distribution channel."

Lin Qi stood up and looked at Yaoguang:
"Station Master, that's all I want to report, what else can I order?"

Yao Guang smiled and nodded, and then assigned tasks.

"Thank you, Lin Qi, your team 01 continues to investigate the mutant criminal organization in the Xiangjiang area. As for the work of tracing the source of the hero drug, it will be handed over to team 05 from now on. Gao Fei and the others will go to Batavia on business tomorrow."

After seeing Lin Qi off, Yao Guang returned to the desk and turned on the projection screen.

The eyes of Gao Fei and the others were immediately attracted by the Big Dipper pattern on the projection screen, and at the same time, they were muttering in their hearts, unable to guess the intention of the station master.

"Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Qi Tian, ​​Wang Daqing, and Ma Yun, you have been trainee special police officers for almost half a year, but your understanding of Tiangong is limited to Station No. [-]. The other trainee special police officers you met here, They all have the same skin color and speak the same language as you, don't you think it's strange?"

The question raised by Yaoguang immediately resonated with everyone.

"Station Master! Actually, I've wanted to ask for a long time, does Tiangong not accept foreigners as special police?" Qi Tian looked puzzled, "Whether at the base or during the duty process, I have never seen any foreigner colleagues, as if In the whole world, there are only Tiangong special police in China..."

"Of course this is not true." Yaoguang explained with a smile, "Tiangong does focus more on domestic business, but we will also recruit young people with potential abroad to receive special police training."

"The reason for this illusion is that the Tiangong No. [-] station you are currently in is officially called 'China Station', which is responsible for the business in the Greater China region, and all the trainee special police officers recruited are from this region."

"You have been working and living at Station No. [-], so of course you have no access to foreign affairs and foreign colleagues."

Seeing the dazed expressions of the young special police officers, Yao Guang spread out his palms, conjured a silver pointer out of thin air, and pointed to the seven sub-stations of Tiangong named after the Big Dipper on the projection screen, introducing the functions of each sub-station.

"The first is the first station 'Tianshu', which is the administrative and scientific research center of Tiangong. Tiangong's board of directors, module design department, Vinda laboratory and other institutions are all located in 'Tianshu Station'."

"The second station 'Tianxuan', also known as 'Industrial Station'."

"The arsenal, magic device manufacturing plant, and construct production line affiliated to Tiangong are all located at Tianxuan Station."

"Station No. [-] is named 'Tianji'. It occupies the largest space among all the seven stations, and its internal environment is also the most complicated. It is equivalent to a miniature model of the multiverse."

"Tianji Station has two main functions, one is to recover the supernatural monsters that broke into Blue Star; the other is to serve as a special prison for mutant prisoners."

"The monsters and prisoners in the Tianji Station are divided into E-class to SS-class according to the degree of danger. Among them, the SS-class containment with the highest degree of danger is also called 'legendary class'. If you release any of them, it may give Bring disaster to the whole world!"

After listening to Yao Guang's narration, Gao Fei immediately thought of Ms. Metatron.

It is said that this specially-appointed researcher of Tiangong was originally an SS-level prisoner imprisoned in the "Tianji Station"-although Gao Fei couldn't see any destructive and terrifying power in this beautiful and elegant female scholar.

"The Tiangong No. [-] station is called 'Tianquan', also known as the 'Plane Station'. All tasks that need to cross the barriers of the planes and go to other worlds are carried out by Tianquan Station."

"Tiangong No. [-] station 'Yuheng', commonly known as 'Star Station'."

"The universe that Blue Star belongs to is just one of the countless crystal wall systems (Tianyu) on the material plane. Its official name is 'Earth Sky', and Blue Star is an insignificant planet in Eth Sky."

"Beyond our planet, in the vast depths of the universe, there are many planets that also have intelligent creatures, and have even established god-level civilizations that far exceed the current technological level of Blue Star. Some of these civilizations have established cooperative relations with Tiangong , There are also individual alien civilizations who are against us."

"All civilized races in the universe are now facing drastic changes in the environment where silver flashes erupt and the concentration of magic power increases. When necessary, Tiangong will also send agents to perform missions in outer space millions of light-years away. Such missions , and the 'Yuheng Station' will be responsible for the execution."

Finally, Yao Guang pointed the pointer at the sixth star of the Big Dipper on the projection screen——Kaiyang Star.

"Tiangong No. [-] station 'Kaiyang' has similar functions to our No. [-] station. It is mainly responsible for training new people and sending talents to other stations."

"The difference is that 'Kaiyang Station' mainly conducts business abroad, and the trainee special police recruited are all foreigners, so it is also called 'Overseas Station'."

Yao Guang put down the pointer, and said to Gao Fei and others: "This time, your 05 team is on a business trip to Irian Island. You are not familiar with the place abroad. In order to facilitate the work, I specifically contacted Station No. [-] for assistance."

"Sister Kaiyang is very kind to me. Even though she herself suffers from a shortage of manpower, she has dispatched two trainee special police officers from Batavia to serve as guides for this trip to assist you in fighting the transnational criminal organization 'Holy Blood Knights'. .”

On the projection screen behind Yaoguang, two photos were displayed.

One of them is a fair-skinned and beautiful young woman in her twenties, who at first glance appears to be of Chinese descent, with a tall nose bridge and blue-gray eyes, showing some mixed-race characteristics.

The other is a brown-skinned man with a thin build, curly hair, raised eyebrows, and sunken eye sockets. He seems to be from an indigenous tribe on Irian Island, and his exact age cannot be seen.

The couple in the photo are both trainee special police officers at Kaiyang Station.

According to the information provided by Yaoguang, Gao Fei learned that the woman in the photo was named Nicole Tang, a Batavian, 25 years old, with three quarters of Chinese descent and one quarter of Dutch descent, Chinese name is Tang Ning.

Tang Ning's public identity is an investigative reporter, and she is currently writing a work exposing the bloody suppression of the West Papua independence movement by the Batavian government. She is familiar with the situation on Irian Island, so she is suitable as a guide for Gao Fei and others.

If Tang Ning was only regarded as a guide, then she would be underestimated.

In fact, Tangning was the number one special police officer in "Kaiyang Station" in terms of overall strength!
(End of this chapter)

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