Savior Simulator

Chapter 783 "Sister Bird" Tangning

Chapter 783 "Sister Bird" Tangning

According to the archives, Tang Ning, like Gao Fei, was also one of the first batch of trainee special police officers selected by Tiangong. He performed outstandingly in the disaster relief operations during the two outbreaks of the demonic tide. His special service points won the championship of station No. [-], and he obtained customized modules and exclusive jobs And two bonus magic tools.

Tang Ning's exclusive profession "Nature's Strings" is similar to Jiang Feng's "Templar", which has the characteristics of both a bard and a druid. It can not only sing supernatural music, but also learn 0~9 natural magic.

Tangning's main profession "Tiangong Special Police" has been upgraded to level 13, and her main sub-profession "Nature's String" has been upgraded to level 9.

Gao Fei, as the number one brother at station No. [-], naturally developed a sense of competition with Tang Ning, the No. [-] lady at station No. [-], and made some comparisons in private.

My special police profession is level 15, and my main sub-profession "imitator" is only level 6. Considering that the higher the professional level, the more experience points are needed to level up, my strength seems to be stronger than Tangning.

However, Gao Fei soon noticed that Tang Ning also had a very special talent.

This woman... she is actually a mutant!

Gao Fei couldn't believe his eyes.

Taking a closer look, that's right, the file indicated that Tang Ning was a "swarm-type" mutant, who could be decomposed into a flock of birds at any time, and could even sing poetic music in the form of birdsong in the flock.

Because of this special ability, Tangning also earned the nickname "Bird Sister", and her popularity on the Tianren Forum was no less than that of Gao Fei, the "Red Dragon Brother".

"Station Master, Tiangong will also select mutants as special police?"

Gao Fei couldn't help asking.

If this is all right, wouldn't Gu Siyi and Wu Xiaoqian also have a chance to be selected as the Tiangong Special Police?
"Human beings are infected by magic and mutated. This is a small probability event."

"Similarly, it is also a small probability event that a person has a high enough fit with the magic power to meet the selection conditions of the Tiangong special police."

"Only in extremely rare cases do these two low-probability events happen to the same individual."

Yao Guang patiently explained.

"So far, there has been no such exception in our No. [-] station, and in Kaiyang station, Tangning is also the only exception."

"Compared to that Tangning, who is stronger?" Jiang Feng asked his boyfriend in a low voice.

"I haven't fought before, so how do I know who is stronger?" Gao Fei shook his head and smiled wryly, "Considering that the leveling up of mutants also costs half of the experience points, which is equivalent to a shrunken version of a sub-profession, Tangning's overall level must be higher than mine. .”

"This also means that she has gained more total experience points than me during previous duties. If experience points are used as a performance indicator, I have to admit that she is better than me."

"The more experience you get, the stronger your actual combat ability may not be. I would like to compete with this No. [-] lady!" Jiang Nvxia was full of fighting spirit, "If I lose, you can go on stage and fight her again!" Contest!"

"Look at what you said, as if I'm stronger than you." Gao Fei gave his girlfriend a bitter look, "Don't forget, I learned all this kung fu from you, if you can't even beat them , I’ll give it away for nothing..."

Jiang Feng smiled, held his boyfriend's hand, and remained silent.

In fact, she knew in her heart that Gao Fei's strength had surpassed that of her master, and the reason why she said this was mainly to make her happy.

In addition, with Gao Fei's current status at Station No. [-], it is like a living signboard, which is not suitable for public competition.

Station No. [-] and Station No. [-], Tiangong, the two stations responsible for training newcomers, although they seldom communicate with each other, they still have a competitive relationship.

As Gao Fei is the undisputed leader of the No. [-] station, his personal victory or defeat is closely related to the honor and disgrace of the entire No. [-] station.

It's okay if you win, but if you lose, the station master and all the trainee special police officers of this station will be embarrassed in front of the colleagues at station No. [-].

Tang Ning's status at station [-] was similar to that of Gao Fei at station [-], and she was also under tremendous pressure.

Not to mention Gao Fei, even if Jiang Feng asked her to compete publicly, she might not accept the challenge.

Besides the well-known "Bird Sister" Tang Ning, "Kaiyang Station" also provided Gao Fei's team with a relatively low-key guide.

This person is the man of Asmat origin in the photo, named Pape.

According to the records in the file, Pep is 29 years old, the main occupation is Tiangong Special Police Level 9, and the main occupation is "Beastman" Level 8.

"Beastman" is a special type of ranger, which is characterized by giving up the spellcasting ability in exchange for the druid's "wild transformation", and it has been strengthened.

For example, under normal circumstances, druids must be at least level 5 before they can become medium-sized or small animals and plants.

Beastman has the same transformation ability at level 1. When it reaches level 5, it can change into the form of large animals and plants!

As long as you imagine that a level 5 Beastman can become a ferocious bear with a strength attribute of 31, it is not difficult to understand what kind of style this profession is...

In terms of occupation and rank, Pep was not as outstanding and famous as Tangning.

But his strength is not bad, at the seventh station, at least he can be ranked in the top 100.

Pep is from the Asmat tribe, and the headquarters of the Holy Blood Knights is located in his hometown.

Modern people living in cities often have misunderstandings and even conflicts with local aborigines when they travel to undeveloped wild areas due to cultural barriers.

Until the 60s and 70s, there were records of "headhunting" and even "cannibalism" in the Asmat area of ​​Irian Island. One of the most famous victims was born in Rockefeller, the richest man in the world at that time. family.

To this day, outsiders have no way of knowing whether the Asmat people still continue these sensational traditions.

With Pep in the team, helping everyone understand the local customs and dealing with the aborigines, Gao Fei at least doesn’t have to worry about being targeted by Pep’s fellow headhunters, trying to turn them into “human flesh sashimi” .

At this time, Yao Guang raised his hand to turn off the projection screen, and said to everyone: "The situation will be introduced here first, you go back and prepare, and at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, the collective transmission will be sent to the port city of Marauke in the south of Irian Island. Tangning will wait there for you to meet up, and let her arrange the itinerary afterwards."

Everyone got up one after another and said goodbye to the stationmaster lady.

"Gao Fei, don't leave yet." Yao Guang suddenly added.

Gao Fei was stunned for a moment, then sat back on the sofa, secretly guessing that the station chief left him alone, what else could be going on?
Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Qi Tian, ​​and Wang Daqing exchanged glances with each other, and they all fled away knowingly.

After everyone left, Yao Guang showed a mysterious smile at Gao Fei, turned around and walked to the door leading to the inner room of the office, and knocked lightly twice.

(End of this chapter)

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