Savior Simulator

Chapter 781 The source of the secret medicine

Chapter 781 The source of the secret medicine

"Think about it, as long as you perform a simple cut and paste operation, this person surnamed Huang can be sent to a receiving terminal thousands of miles away along the data cable or even the wireless network. It is hard to catch him later. To the sky!"

Speaking of this, Lin Qi couldn't help feeling a little scared.

"Fortunately, Ms. Metatron saw through his tricks, otherwise Xiao Pan and I would be played around by him!"

Gao Fei suddenly had an idea: "Sister Lin, I have a question. If the data of Huang's avatar is deleted, what will happen to him?"

"It will die." Lin Qi replied blankly, "If the data is not completely deleted, some remaining fragments of the corpse will pop up after the shutdown. If you format the hard drive after deleting, then he will have no bones. Save—that's what Ms. Metatron said."

Gao Fei's scalp tingled when he heard this, and he thought that this so-called "cyber lurker" would definitely not dare to install anti-virus software on his mobile phone and computer, lest he accidentally kill himself one day.

"After Huang was arrested, he confessed that his previous family was the 'Holy Blood Knights' headquartered on Irian Island in the South Pacific."

Lin Qi continued to introduce the case.

"This so-called 'Holy Blood Knights' has the background of a mercenary group. Its main business is the manufacture and sale of illegal drugs, and its organizational form has distinct characteristics of a cult. It is full of five poisons!"

"Since we are talking about cults, is this 'Holy Blood Knights' related to some heretical branches of Christianity?" Gao Fei asked Lin Qi.

According to legend, "holy blood" refers to the blood shed by Christ during his crucifixion, which was collected by believers in a cup and later became a holy object, which is the famous "Holy Grail".

King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table, one of the important purposes of going out for adventure is to find the Holy Grail, but unfortunately most of them return without success.

There is also a saying about "holy blood".According to the "Bible", on the eve of Christ's crucifixion, when he shared the last supper with his disciples, after praying with bread and wine, he distributed them to the disciples and called them his body and blood.

Since then, the believers of the Lord have called the red wine in the cup "holy blood" when they hold the "communion ceremony".

Judging from the name "Holy Blood Knights", it obviously has a strong religious meaning.

"I don't know if the Holy Blood Knights are a heretical branch of Christianity, but they did borrow a lot of allusions from the Bible as the code names for the key members of the Knights."

"The apparent leader of this organization, Peter van der Waals, is known as an 'international security service provider', but he is actually a warmonger who has close ties to many dictators who came to power through military coups. Hutto's family business is also provided with security services by the mercenary team under Van der Waals."

"Backed by the power of the Suharto family, Van der Waal established a private armed force in the south of Irian Island, and has become a de facto warlord. The Holy Blood Knights is the most powerful mercenary team in his hands. , including Van der Waal himself, has a total of 24 members, known as the 'Twelve Apostles' and 'Twelve Angels'."

"Sister Lin, the 'apostle' and the 'angel' of the Holy Blood Knights, who has a higher status and is stronger?" Jiang Feng asked curiously.

"In general, the status of apostles is higher than that of angels. For example, Peter van der Waals himself considers himself the first apostle."

"However, this does not mean that the power of the apostles must be stronger than that of the angels."

"The twelve apostles, including Peter, are all human beings who have awakened superpowers after taking drugs. As for the twelve angels... If the surname Huang didn't lie to me, they are not human!"

"If it's not human, what is it?" Jiang Feng asked in surprise.

"It's a monster." Lin Qi's face was solemn, "The twelve angels of the Holy Blood Knights are themselves spontaneously mutated monsters stimulated by the silver flash. After being captured by Van der Waal's party, they were fed hero medicine and mutated again. It has been raised to another level before.”

"As for what kind of superpowers the apostles are good at and how strong the angels are, Huang doesn't know. After all, he is just a distributor and cannot be regarded as a core member of the 'Holy Blood Knights'."

"In addition, we also learned from Huang that the headquarters of the 'Holy Blood Knights' is located in the deep swamp valley in the southwest of Irian Island, where the hero medicine is produced and sold all over the world."

"The reason why the 'Holy Blood Knights' chose to establish a pharmaceutical factory in such a remote place is mainly due to two factors."

"One, the area is a traditional settlement of the Asmat people."

"The Asmat, the natives of Irian Island, once shocked the world with their savage headhunting and cannibalism."

"This wild land covered with jungle and swamps is also an area where the anti-government armed 'Papua Freedom Army' is rampant, and it is hardly under the control of the Batavian government."

"This kind of three-way zone is most suitable for illegal activities such as drug production and trafficking, just like the former 'Golden Triangle'."

"Secondly, the Asmat region where the headquarters of the Holy Blood Knights is located belongs to the largest magic power-enriched area in the world today."

"If a person awakens superpowers after taking the hero drug, in a non-magic environment, the superpowers can only last for three to four hours, or even shorter, but in a magic-enriched area, they can last a whole day. There are also fewer side effects."

"The core members of the Holy Blood Knights are all mutants who have obtained superpowers by taking drugs. In order to use superpowers longer and safer, it is undoubtedly a wise choice to settle in a magic-rich area."

"Sister Lin, I have a question."

Goofy frowned.

"The Holy Blood Knights set up the pharmaceutical factory in such a wild place far away from the current civilization, which will inevitably bring about problems in transportation and living inconvenience."

"For example, how to transport pharmaceutical equipment and raw materials, and how to send the produced drugs to distributors all over the world? If it is all by air, the logistics cost will be terribly high."

"I don't know how the hero medicine is produced, but I know that the Holy Blood Knights can send the medicine to any corner of the world unimpeded, because they have established a unique logistics channel."

Lin Qi smiled slightly, and revealed the answer to the mystery under the curious gaze of Gao Fei and others.

"Among the twelve apostles of the Holy Blood Knights, there is an apostle code-named 'Matia' who is responsible for delivering goods."

"This person is similar to Huang, and he is also a cyber mutant. His superpower is called 'postman'. As long as he gets the email address or phone number of the recipient, he can directly send items that do not exceed a certain amount to the corresponding party. the address of."

"On the consignee's side, just receive the email or connect the phone, and the goods will be sent to you in an instant, just like receiving a fax."

(End of this chapter)

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