Savior Simulator

Chapter 780 Cyber ​​Lurker

Chapter 780 Cyber ​​Lurker

"Sister Lin, this 'flame fist' sounds like it's good at fire superpowers?" Jiang Feng asked curiously.

Lin Qi nodded: "This person was born in martial arts and worked as a stuntman in a film company. He is also a so-called 'dragon and tiger martial artist'. He is quite good at punching and kicking. He can also create flames out of thin air, and every punch has additional fire damage. .”

"In addition, this person's physique is also very special. No matter how many traumas he has suffered, as long as he is burned with fire, the wound will heal automatically!"

"Wow! That's really amazing, I guess it can compete with Gu Siyi!" Ma Tao said.

"No way!" Jiang Feng shook his head disapprovingly, and fairly evaluated the strength of his best friend, "Xiao Gu has evolved into a C-level armed mutant, and he can cut off this person's head with a hand knife. come out."

"It should be said that 'Yanquan' is about the same strength as Sister Gu when she came to me for a martial arts competition. As for who is stronger, I will only know after fighting." Gao Fei then asked Lin Qi, "Who defeated 'Yanquan' later?" ?”

"Brother Liu personally dealt with this arrogant guy, transformed into a large water elemental form, and extinguished the fire on him in two or three strokes, that kid was immediately dumbfounded!"

Lin Qi laughed out loud.

"Sister Lin, does this 'Yanquan' belong to the Mutants of the Armed Department, or the Transformation Department?" Jiang Feng asked with great interest.

"Neither of them." Lin Qi shook her head lightly, "In this arrest operation, apart from 'hypnosis', 'armed', 'change', 'possession', 'cluster', 'super sense', 'remote control', Ten common types of superpowers are 'virus', 'spirituality' and 'activation', and we also discovered two new types of mutants, 'cyber-type' and 'kinetic-type'."

"The so-called 'manipulation system' refers to the superpower of manipulating energy such as water, fire, wind, earth, sound, electricity, light, and magnetism."

"'Yanquan' is a typical mutant of the 'kinetic system', collectively referred to as 'kinetics'."

"The 'kinetic' mutants sound a lot like the 'Evocation School' among the eight schools of mages."

Ma Yun commented from her own professional perspective.

Lin Qi nodded, and continued: "Xiao Pan and I encountered unexpected troubles and almost screwed up."

"Sister Lin, have you met an opponent stronger than 'Yanquan'?" Gao Fei asked with concern.

"How should I put it... If it's too strong, it's just weird!"

Lin Qi's expression became a little subtle.

"We didn't know in advance that the drug dealer surnamed Huang is also a mutant, and he is the weirdest 'cyber system'!"

"Cyber ​​system", also known as "digital system".

This type of mutant, whose superpowers are closely related to data networks and electronic equipment, has a somewhat "cyberpunk" style.

For example, Deng Hui's "do what he says" he awakened after taking the hero drug belongs to a typical "cyber system" superpower.

So far, most of the mutants that have appeared on Blue Star can find their corresponding fantasy versions in the game world of "Savior Simulator".

For example, the "Kinetics Department" is very similar to the "Evocation School" magic that Ma Yun just mentioned.

However, only this "cyber system" is a product of Blue Star's local evolution. There is no Internet in the fantasy world, and there are no electronic devices based on network services, and no corresponding magic or supernatural abilities can be found.

When a Tiangong special policeman faces cyber mutants, all the training and experience he has received in the game world in the past will be of no use.

Because of this, Lin Qi felt that this kind of mutants were particularly weird and didn't know how to deal with them.

"Xiao Pan and I sneaked into the second floor of the villa and blocked the person surnamed Huang in his office. At that time, this guy was on the phone to discuss business with the buyer. When he saw us breaking in, he pretended to accuse Xiao Pan and me of trespassing. House, threatened to call the police."

"I was too lazy to go around in circles with him, so I just showed my ID to show that I am a policeman!"

"The person surnamed Huang changed his face in fright, but in the next moment, this person disappeared out of thin air!"

"Only his clothes and pants were left at the scene, and his mobile phone fell on the floor."

"This sounds like 'invisibility', how could it be classified into the cyber department?" Gao Fei asked wonderingly.

"Xiao Pan and I also thought so at first, but I still couldn't find Huang with the blessing of the spell of seeing through invisibility. Only then did I realize that things are not as simple as we thought!"

Lin Qi's tone was serious.

"How did you catch Huang later?"

"Xiao Pan and I searched the second floor of the villa and confirmed that there is no secret room to hide in, so we had to ask Brother Liu for help."

"Brother Liu and the others couldn't find any trace of Mr. Huang, so they asked me to report to the station master and apply for calling the magic satellite to locate Mr. Huang's hiding place through satellite scanning."

Gao Fei turned to look at Yao Guang.

"I agreed to Lin Qi's request, but unfortunately, the Magic Satellite could not find the target. This person seemed to have completely evaporated, without leaving any signs of life."

"I couldn't solve this problem, so I asked Tiangong's scientific research department for help, and soon got a reply from Ms. Metatron. She asked Lin Qi to do one thing, and solved this puzzle." Yao The light smile is weird.

"What advice did Ms. Metatron give?" Gao Fei couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"She asked me to turn off Huang's cell phone." Lin Qi replied.

"It's that simple?" Gao Fei couldn't believe it.

"Yes, it's that simple." Lin Qi couldn't help sneering, "The moment the phone was turned off, Huang appeared from the place where he disappeared before, naked and naked."

"So what's going on here?" Wang Daqing scratched his head and asked, "I'm completely confused!"

"Huang's superpower can convert his flesh and blood into binary data and store it in a storage device."

Lin Qi solves the mystery.

"As long as his body is in contact with any device that can store data, such as a mobile phone or a computer, he can hide in the hard drive without being traced."

"This ability, which was later named 'Cyber ​​Lurker' by Tiangong's scientific research department, has two restrictions."

"One is that you can only digitize your own flesh and blood, and the clothes you wear and the items you carry cannot be brought into the hard drive."

"Secondly, the storage device must be turned on. Once the power is turned off or the power is cut off, the data code of Huang's avatar will be cleared out of the hard disk immediately, and he will return to his flesh and blood."

"It's amazing to be able to operate like this!" Qi Tian sighed in admiration.

"The more amazing thing is yet to come." Lin Qi went on to say, "Under our interrogation, Huang confessed that when he was in the form of data, if someone cut, pasted or sent the data in the mobile phone to other electronic In the device, then he himself can also send it over."

(End of this chapter)

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