Savior Simulator

Chapter 753 Mysterious Illusion

Chapter 753 Mysterious Illusion
Ma Yun was amused by this bastard. While laughing, she took out a large bundle of cables, activated them with a spell, and threw them into the river.

The activated cable stretched out in the air, one end entangled the big tree on the bank, and the other end shuttled through the river, like a dexterous water snake, soon swam to the lion, tied him up, and dragged him towards the bank.

After a lot of work, the drowned lion finally returned to the shore, spitting water and still explaining in embarrassment.

"Friends, it's not my fault for being reckless!"

"I clearly remember that when we came here, there was absolutely no such a big river blocking the way... Well, well, I admit that there was a small stream here at the time, but the water was very shallow, and I could easily jump to the other side."

"So, there must be some bad guys who cast a spell secretly, turning the original stream into a big river, deliberately entrapping Lao Tzu!"

The lion complained angrily.

"Oh, Dimitri, your ignorance shocks me!" Vita the Scarecrow looked at the lion sympathetically, "You think that you have been framed by someone, it is purely delusional, and the stream becomes a river, it is just a natural phenomenon of the change of seasons .”

"When we came here half a year ago, it was in the dry season, and the water flow was very small. It looked like a small stream."

"Now it's the flood season, and the volume of water has increased, overflowing the embankments on both sides, and the creek has become a wide river."

"Huh! What you said is so complicated, who can understand it?"

The lion knew in his heart that he had been embarrassed, but the "king of the jungle" had to lose face, so he bit the bullet and talked loudly.

"No matter how you explain it, I still think someone is playing tricks in the dark!"

While the scarecrow was arguing with the lion, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng had already helped the tin woodman tie up the raft.

Everyone took a raft and crossed the river to the shore without any danger.

Going forward for a while, a high granite wall towered in front of them, blocking their way.

"Anyone dare to bet with me? This wall is definitely created by illusion!"

The lion Dimitri, who had just suffered a loss, did not change his true colors, and rushed towards the stone wall with all his strength.

"Oh! My God!"

The scarecrow covered his eyes, and couldn't bear to see the lion's head was beaten to death.

This time, however, Dimitri made the right bet and passed through the stone wall without hindrance.

Behind him, the seemingly indestructible stone wall quietly dissipated and turned into a wisp of mist.

"It seems that Dimitri is right." Gao Fei said to his girlfriend and classmate Xiao Ma in a low voice, "We have been blocked by the illusion barrier twice on the way home, the first time is a coincidence, and the second time can be a coincidence? I'm afraid Someone is really behind the scenes trying to prevent us from returning to the Emerald City."

"Who could it be?" Jiang Feng frowned and guessed, "The little hag Eastna?"

"It is unlikely!" Ma Yun said decisively, "I have read Eastna's spell book, she is not good at the magic of the illusion school, and to be able to make such a big battle, the mastermind behind the scenes is probably a senior Illusionist."

"Senior Illusionist..."

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng exchanged glances, tacit understanding.

In the entire country of Oz, there is only one high-level illusionist, and that is Master Oz, the lord of the Emerald City.

The phantoms encountered twice before are probably set by Master Oz.

The question is, why would he do this?
With doubts, everyone continued on their way.

At the end of the trip, everyone had already seen the gate of the Emerald City from a distance, and the grass in front suddenly burst into flames.

The fire ignited the entire grassland in a blink of an eye, and spread towards the place where everyone stood.

The others were still calm, but Vita, who was naturally afraid of fire, was so frightened that he couldn't help shaking.

If a spark fell on his straw body, it would burn him to ashes in an instant.

Jiang Feng subconsciously wanted to use the "water making technique" to artificially rain to put out the fire.

Gao Fei walked towards the fire first, and let the raging fire scorch his body without changing his face.

Sure enough, it was illusion again!
Along the way, they were teased three times in a row, and everyone felt angry, believing that Master Oz was behind the trick.

Everyone returned to the Emerald City full of anger, and immediately went to the palace to find Master Oz.

The guard asked them to wait outside and went in to report by themselves.

After waiting for more than half an hour, everyone was a little impatient.

Dimitri, the most irritable lion, was pacing up and down the waiting room, looking on the verge of getting angry. Finally, the guards came back and said that Master Oz wanted to summon them.

Everyone walked into the audience hall and saw Master Oz sitting in a large armchair, still in the same attire: wearing a tuxedo, a top hat, and a pair of monocles.

Gao Fei stared at the lord of the Emerald City, and noticed that his expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he became a little more suspicious.

Dorothy, the heroine of the game played by Ma Yun, has eliminated Theodora, the Witch of the West, the nemesis of Master Oz. It stands to reason that he should be very happy, why there is no smile on his face, but he seems to be worried.

Before entering the palace, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Yun had already discussed the direction of the follow-up plot in the team channel.
The three agreed that Master Oz would most likely not fulfill his promise to send the heroine home.

However, everyone doesn't want to publicly turn their faces on other people's territory, which is too reckless.

Master Oz is also a level 12 spellcaster, and there are many guards inside and outside the palace. If there is a conflict, and his side is outnumbered, he may be arrested and put in prison.

A more secure approach is to make false claims with Master Oz first, and find out his true intentions by means of side-talking, so as to stably lead to the follow-up plot clues.

If the two sides disagree, they must fight, and they must be caught off guard, and they will attack suddenly, and they will capture Master Oz alive in one round, and then negotiate terms with him.

The three of them were all considering the overall situation and the long-term, but neglected the psychological construction of the three NPC teammates around them.

As a result, as soon as he saw Master Oz, before Ma Yun, the heroine, could speak, the anxious and irritable lion roared and rushed towards the throne.

"Little old man! Are those phantoms we encountered on the way a trick of yours?"

Master Oz on the throne was stunned.

As soon as the lion's sharp claws touched him, the figure on the throne disappeared without a sound, like a burst of soap bubbles.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize that Master Oz on the throne was also a product of illusion.

He himself was not there at all.

The lion jumped into the air and roared angrily.

At this time, the vigilant mechanical dog suddenly became agitated, turned its head and roared towards the corner of the hall: "Toto! Toto!"

Gao Fei's heart skipped a beat, and he cast the "dispersion technique" without thinking.

A green light curtain enveloped the corner of the wall.

Between the tall vase and the curtain, a short figure emerged, which was the real body of Master Oz.

(End of this chapter)

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