Savior Simulator

Chapter 752 Difficulty Returning

Chapter 752 Difficulty Returning

Say goodbye to friends in Wenji Township, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Ma Yun, take the lion, scarecrow, tin woodman and Toto, and embark on a journey back to the Emerald City.

Of course it is impossible to walk back foolishly.

Student Xiao Ma spent an astrolabe energy to skip the long journey.

Under normal circumstances, the game screen will switch directly to the next story scene, which is the palace of the Emerald City.

However, unexpectedly, when the game screen freezes, everyone is still in the wilderness.

Standing in front of everyone is an endless sunflower field as vast as the sea.

"Strange, when we went to Wenji Township, we didn't pass such a large sunflower field on the way, did we?"

The Scarecrow scratched his head with doubts in his eyes.

"It's been less than a year since we set off last time. Could it be that someone planted such a large field of sunflowers in just one year?" the Tin Woodman guessed.

"It doesn't matter who planted it? Just go through it!"

The lion strode nonchalantly and walked straight to the flower field.

However, at this moment, the sunflower disks on the tall poles were all spinning like countless golden windmills, dazzling people's eyes.

The lion stared blankly for a while, feeling dizzy and nauseous, and couldn't help but vomited.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Ma Yun were also affected by the swirling sunflowers.

This feeling is like playing "Lianliankan" in a violently bumpy car. Those who don't get motion sickness are gods!


Xiao Ma, who was weaker in physique, couldn't bear it at first, bent over and retched.

Gao Fei also felt dizzy and his heart beat faster. He suppressed his nausea and reminded his companions: "Close your eyes!"

Ma Yun and Dimitri quickly closed their eyes, not daring to look at those dancing sunflowers anymore, and their dizziness eased.

Jiang Feng's perception attribute was the highest among all of them. Although he felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't feel dizzy or nauseous.

She stared at the large and weird sunflower field opposite, her brows gradually furrowed.

The specialty of "Sentinel" has greatly strengthened her "Perception" skill, and she is good at detecting those abnormal clues.

The sunflowers swayed wildly, as if they were being blown by a strong wind, but Jiang Feng didn't notice the change in the air flow in the air at all.

Since there is no wind, why does the sunflower keep swaying?
There are also three constructed creatures in the adventure team, Scarecrow, Tin Woodman and Mechanical Dog. Their physiological structure is different from that of natural creatures, and their nerves are not as fragile as flesh and blood humans and animals.

Although I was dazzled by the sunflowers, I didn't feel motion sickness.

Just when Jiang Feng was wondering secretly, Nick the Tin Woodman was getting impatient, and he picked up his ax and rushed to the flower field, intending to cut down the sunflowers blocking the way.

However, at this moment, the sunflowers in the field suddenly stopped spinning, and in the center of the flowers, lovely faces appeared, all of whom looked like eight or nine-year-old girls.

These girls had mischievous smiles on their faces, all sticking out their tongues at the Tin Woodman to make faces and laughing.

Nick froze for a moment, holding up the iron hand of the battle ax, a little hesitant.

"Stop it, stop it!" The Scarecrow hurriedly stopped Nick, "These sunflowers are all alive and transformed by little girls!"

"Yes, I saw it." Nick had confusion in his eyes, "But I don't understand what their intentions are in stopping us."

"Perhaps these poor little girls have been cursed and turned into half-human and half-sunflowers by magic, just like the misfortunes we have suffered, and are waiting for good-hearted people to rescue them." Vita judged others by himself.

"I'd like to lend a helping hand, but unfortunately I can't lift the spell of the curse." The Tin Woodman was troubled, "The only savior I can think of is Master Oz who helped us lift the curse back then, but these sunflowers prevent us from returning The only way to the Emerald City, and unless we harden our hearts and cut them down, there is no other way for us to meet Master Oz."

When everyone was frowning, the mechanical dog Toto suddenly roared and rushed straight to the airtight sunflower field.

"Toto! Don't run around!" the Scarecrow hurriedly shouted.

Toto ignored it and rushed into the flower field quickly.

Just when everyone thought it would knock down a row of sunflower stalks, all the sunflowers in front of them disappeared without a trace, revealing a barren field.

A rabbit was buried in the hole, and when it heard the roar of "Toto, Toto", it jumped three feet high in fright, and wanted to run away.

Toto pounced fiercely, bit the rabbit, grabbed the back of its neck, and ran back to the hostess, wagging his metal tail triumphantly, showing off the prey he had just caught.

As early as when he was on the road, Ma Yun gave Toto an order to let him hunt along the way.

The mechanical dog is not like a lion, who is lazy from time to time, and always strictly executes the tasks assigned by the hostess.

Just now, it heard the sound of a rabbit digging a hole, and rushed to hunt without hesitation.

As for those weird sunflowers with human faces, with Toto's intelligence level, he couldn't make up the tortuous plot of "the little girl was turned into a sunflower by an evil witch" like a scarecrow.
Unexpectedly, by mistake, he actually cracked the illusion in front of him.

"That's right, it's an illusion."

Gao Fei suddenly woke up.

"Someone cast a spell on the wasteland, using illusion to create a boundless sunflower field, and turned the flowers into a girl's face, trying to confuse us."

"Thanks to Toto for smashing through these realistic and fragile illusions, and inadvertently cracking the illusion."

"Great, this story tells us that it is precisely those people who claim to be smart, who are more likely to be confused by false appearances, and think of simple things so complicated that they frighten themselves back."

The Tin Woodman summed up his experiences and lessons solemnly.

The scarecrow scratched his head in embarrassment, thankful that his canvas face would not blush.

After a false alarm, everyone continued on the road.

As soon as the screen turned, a rushing river blocked the front.

The Tin Woodman took his ax and went to the woods by the river, intending to cut wood and make a raft for crossing the river.

"I bet!" the lion said angrily, "this big river is also created by illusion, if you don't believe me, just watch it!"

"Wait! My friend, that's not—"

The scarecrow tried to hold the reckless lion, but he fell down.

The lion is like a cannonball, rushing straight to the river.

He thought he had seen through the illusion, the moment his feet stepped on the rapids, the river water under his feet would turn back to solid ground.

Unfortunately, he was too confident.

With a thud, he fell into the river and went up and down with the waves.

"Help... help..."

The poor lion struggled in the rapids.

"Damn! This actually real...I can't swim!"

(End of this chapter)

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