Savior Simulator

Chapter 754 Mirage

Chapter 754 Mirage
This sneaky little old man was first caught by the mechanical dog's slight breathing sound, and then Gao Fei cast a spell to disperse the "invisibility", completely exposed to everyone's eyes, his face could not help showing panic, and hurriedly made gestures to cast spells.

Jiang Feng raised his left hand with a sneer, and flicked his fingers. A spider thread shot out from the ring and wrapped around Master Oz's wrist.

"Come here for me!"

The dwarf illusionist's strength attribute was only 8 points, and he was dragged forward by Jiang Feng, fell on his horse, and interrupted the spellcasting process.

When he struggled to get up and saw the fierce grin of the lion Dimitri when he looked up, he was so frightened that his head broke out in cold sweat.

"Don't, don't be impulsive! There is something to discuss!"

"Master Oz, you haven't answered the question my friend Dimitri just asked."

The Scarecrow came up and stopped the Lion from biting the little old man.

"Uh... sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about." Master Oz's eyes flickered.

"You're lying!" Nick the Tin Woodman snapped, his eyes shining with divine power.

He has already blessed "Discerning Lies", and he can tell at a glance that Master Oz is insincere.

"Master Oz, you gave Nick the job of 'Judger' by yourself, you should know the consequences of lying in front of a 'Judger'." Ma Yun was also a little angry.

Master Oz took off his sweat-soaked monocle, wiped it, and was forced to nod and confess under the glaring eyes of everyone.

"Well, I admit that the terrifying phantoms you saw on the way home were all created by me using the 5-ring magic 'Mirage'..."

"You shouldn't just want to joke with us and make a prank by doing this?"

Nick stared at Master Oz, while stroking the sharp ax blade. The sight that can see through lies is sharper than the ax blade.

"Well..." Master Oz coughed in embarrassment, "I did such a disgraceful thing because of my reasons..."

"We have plenty of time to listen to your grievances, but you'd better not try to lie." Gao Fei smiled, "Otherwise, the tin woodman's ax and the lion's teeth will not treat you as patiently as I do."

"I swear, everything I say next is the truth!"

Master Oz was really frightened by this group of evil spirits, and turned his eyes to the most talkative classmate Pony among the crowd, his eyes were extremely complicated.

"Miss Gale, I know you've eliminated the Witch of the West, and I'm very grateful for that."

"I also know that after you return to Emerald City, you will ask me to fulfill my promise and cast a spell to send you back to your hometown, and this is the source of my deep entanglement."

"On the one hand, I am obliged to fulfill my promise, but I am unwilling to do so, so I have no choice but to use illusions to frighten you and your companions and prevent you from returning to the Emerald City."

"I admit that this approach is very disgraceful, but I really didn't mean to hurt you, otherwise I wouldn't just use those harmless illusions."

Ma Yun didn't make a sound, but turned to look at the Tin Woodman.

The "Judger" nodded slightly, and there was no sign that Master Oz was lying.

"Okay, Master Oz, tell me frankly, you don't want to fulfill the agreement between us, is it because you can't do it, or you don't want to." Ma Yun asked straightforwardly.

Master Oz lifted his top hat and replied hesitantly: "If you ask if you can cast a spell to teleport you home, then I really can't do it, but... I have a backup plan, maybe it can be done. thing."

"Tell me, what is the backup plan?" Ma Yun asked curiously.

"Miss Gail, do you still remember how you got here?"

"Of course I remember, my wooden house was blown into the sky by the whirlwind, passed through a fairy passage, and traveled to Meng Qijin Township."

"Yes, you were blown here by a tornado, which means that there is a goblin passage hidden in the high-altitude clouds. If we can find this passage and cross it in reverse, we can send you back to the place where your hometown is. world."

"It sounds reasonable and simple. How do you do it?" Gao Fei was also interested.

"Sounds simple, but it's too difficult to do!" Master Oz shook his head and smiled bitterly, "In fact, in the sky above the Fairy Wilderness, deep in the dense clouds, there are countless hidden fairy passages, and all these passages The entrances are all changing with the movement of the clouds, and it is not an easy task to find the correct passage!"

"First of all, the first difficulty is to fly to the high altitude where the goblin passage is."

"What's so difficult? I can fly." Ma Yun said.

"Hehe! Flying technique? Miss Gail, you are so naive!"

Master Oz shook his head and smiled, and issued a series of sharp questions.

"How high did you fly at the highest level, did it go above the troposphere?"

"Do you know how terrible the high-altitude storm is?"

"Can the mere flying technique keep you stable for a long time in the storm?"

"Under the wind, can you catch up with the high-speed moving clouds?"

"The entrance of the goblin passage is like a roulette wheel on a gambling table. The color of the entrance is constantly changing, and different colors lead to different locations. Even if it is slow for a second, the destination will change completely. Do you want to make sure you fly into that portal home at your passing opportunity?"

"Okay, I admit that my thinking is too simple." Ma Yun scratched her head, and humbly asked Master Oz for advice, "May I ask what method you have to solve these problems?"

"In order to overcome all the above-mentioned difficulties, I spent countless money and energy to specially manufacture a magic flying machine, named 'Oz Rocket'!"

Speaking of his masterpiece, Master Oz beamed with joy.

"This rocket can fly to heights that no bird has ever reached, and keep it stable in the middle of the storm cloud, so the first problem is solved!"

"In addition, the rocket is equipped with a magic guide locator invented by myself. With this instrument, we can search for all the fairy passages hidden in the clouds, and predict which world the passage will lead to when it opens next time. "

"The Oz rocket and the magic guide locator, as long as you operate it properly, you can find the goblin passage to take you home."

"If the gods are blessed, our rocket can pass through the goblin passage smoothly and reach the high altitude of a certain place in your hometown. Next, we must shut down the engine and eject the parachute until the rocket lands safely."

"My God! This system is too complicated!" The scarecrow exclaimed, "Any accident in any link, even if it is only a small malfunction, will kill the person riding the rocket!"

"That's right, my friend!" The Lion nodded in agreement. "Any kind of machine, as long as it is so complicated that I can't understand it, must be unreliable! Dorothy, I advise you not to try it!"


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(End of this chapter)

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