Savior Simulator

Chapter 75 Occupational Assessment

Chapter 75 Occupational Assessment
"Fortitude saves are mainly used to resist diseases, poisons and instant death magic. Your monk has comprehended the 'diamond body' and is immune to all diseases. It is rarer than pandas, at least for now there is no need to take special precautions."

Gao Fei went on to analyze:
"As for 'Proficient Dodge', you can immediately increase your defense by 3 points after learning it. In the future, with the improvement of proficiency correction, the dodge bonus will also increase synchronously, up to +17 at level 6. For people like you who take the agility route For the players, stacking up the dodge value will definitely not lose money."

"Warrior Monk is a really weird class. It obviously can't wear armor and take shields, but after taking into account various defense bonuses, the overall defense level is even higher than that of the meat shield class. No wonder some players on the Tianren forum claimed that 'Warrior Monk is one of the most suitable professions to be an MT', it's not unreasonable."

"Take your monk as an example, the basic defense level is 10, agility +4, body protection qi +5, learning 'Proficient Dodge' and then +3, stand against a wall when fighting, get half cover +2 defense , This has already piled up to 24, and it is difficult for opponents of the same level to touch the corner of your clothes!"

"In the future, you can get a 'defensive wristband' or a 'shield ring' to wear... Tsk tsk, it's really a thousand flowers, not a single leaf sticks to your body, taking the head of a general among thousands of troops is like picking something out of a bag !” Gao Fei sighed.

"Wow! You said it so well, this is the image of a high-level master in my dreams!"

Jiang Feng was fascinated by Gao Fei's foolishness, and he no longer hesitated, and decisively chose "Proficient in Dodge"!
According to the rules of the game, teammates who are invited to assist in other people's modules cannot obtain experience points and other rewards.

But there is one exception.

The synchronous magic device on the player can also accumulate synchronous value in other people's modules!
In the battle of the desert army camp, Gao Fei personally killed a large number of monsters with dark vision, including jackals, smoke bats, fire snakes, and sand men, all of which met the synchronous requirements of the "floating ball". Belonging to elemental creatures that don't need to breathe, it just meets the attunement needs of the "Adaptation Necklace".

As a result, after the battle was won, Gao Fei's "Floating Ball" and "Adaptation Necklace" both completed the second-order synchronization, which can be regarded as an unexpected harvest.

The main plot of Chapter 6 of "The Stranger in the Vast Sea" is over, and the sky is already dark.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng didn't even bother to eat lunch. They were so hungry that their chests stuck to their backs, so they decided to stop here for today's strategy and go offline to find food.

When we arrived at the staff restaurant of Tiangong, Gao Fei suggested to change the taste and eat something light and healthy.

Jiang Feng readily agreed, and when he turned around, he brought a pot of steaming hot and oily hairy blood...

At first, Gao Fei wanted to stick to the way of health preservation, so he sent a small bowl of white rice porridge with cold cucumber and seaweed shreds, trying to deceive the stomach and intestines, but finally he couldn't hold back the original impulse, and stretched his chopsticks towards the pot of sinful hairy blood. .

After eating and drinking enough, the two left the Tianren base, chatted and walked in the beautiful suburban forest area, and did not return to the base until the middle of the month. The dinner was almost digested, and then went to the training hall to open a private room as usual.

The two first literally "hand-to-hand" for an hour, and then spent another hour to familiarize themselves with the reward profession.

Gao Fei rescued the druid girl Eve Valli in Chapter 5 of "The Revenge of the Prince", and won the reward profession "Druid of the Earth". Let me experience it while I have time, and do an evaluation by the way.

After the experience, I came to the conclusion that Xiaode can carry, fight, and breastfeed. He comes with a dog (animal companion) at the beginning, which can be said to be a very excellent and comprehensive extraordinary profession.

"You can say that Druids are not top-notch in everything, but when you can't find top experts, Druids can at least support the field. No wonder druids and bards are also known as the two 'panacea' professions. "Gao Fei said to Jiang Feng.

In addition to the common abilities of druids of all genres such as spellcasting, animal companions, and wild transformation, "earth druids" have many unique features.

For example, you can learn "Acid Etching Ray" at level 1. The range is directly proportional to the professional level, and the damage also increases gradually with the level. It is the most important long-range output method in the early stage.

When a druid reaches a certain level, he can use the "wild transformation" ability to transform into various birds, animals, plants, and even water, fire, earth, and wind elements.

"Earth Druid" has another feature, which is reflected in the transformation of elements.

Druids of other genres can only become "medium earth elementals" when they reach level 6, but earth druids can transform into "large earth elementals" at the same level. It can transform into a "small wind element" - after all, "wind" and "earth" are two opposing elements.

This phenomenon of strengthening and weakening the unity of opposites is also reflected in the subsequent upgrades of the earth druids. In short, various restrictions on the ability of the wind system, while strengthening the ability of the earth system.

Conversely speaking, a "Storm Druid" must be better at wind and electricity spells, and become a stronger wind element, while the ability of the earth element will be greatly weakened.

Jiang Feng's astrolabe also lit up a reward profession, which was Major Garcia's "Shenquan Envoy".

"Shenquanshishi" can comprehend divine arts, but they are not as professional as priests. They cannot wear heavy armor and hold shields.

"Shen Fist" does not have a qi pool, but it can use magic power instead of true qi to strengthen its defense. It is called "God Bless Armor". Wear light armor such as "leather armor".

Jiang Feng's evaluation of "Shenquan Envoy" was not bad.

"This class is not as good as the Sun Flame Monk alone, but if you take risks in a team, the team already has a DPS class, but lacks a professional nurse like a priest, then the healing and support abilities of the 'Shen Fist' can be used a lot use."

"On the other hand, if you already have a professional nanny in your team, you can let the 'Shenquan Shi' guide the energy and activate the signature martial art 'Flame Boxing'. It's not bad to rush up and deal damage."

The "Flame Fist" mentioned by Jiang Feng is equivalent to adding the flame attribute to the "Glorious Fist". "'s damage dice will also increase in stages.

It was already 10:30 in the evening when they left the training hall. The two teleported to the rental house first, and then Gao Fei sent Jiang Feng back to school.

Downstairs in the girls' dormitory, I happened to meet Jiang Feng's roommates, Liu Yuxiu and Zhang Kexin, and were stopped by these two girls who were burning with gossip.

 Thank you book friend: tce, reward 400 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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