Savior Simulator

Chapter 74 Prison Map

Chapter 74 Prison Map
"As far as the background of the story is concerned, the fire djinn and the djinn in the fantasy world have always been sworn enemies. If we manage to sneak into the prison and rescue the imprisoned djinn, when we launch a general attack on Verland in the future, maybe You can get a powerful helper against Noxus." Gao Fei said.

"I think so too, but there is another problem here. Yesenia is obviously a general under the command of Noxos, the djinn, but she deliberately leaked the map of the prison where the djinn is held to us. Isn't this the second Are the five youngsters acting?"

Jiang Feng asked suspiciously.

Gao Fei thought for a while, and slowly said: "First of all, it can be ruled out that Yesenia is setting a trap. If she wants to get rid of us, today is the best chance. Since she didn't seize this opportunity to assassinate General Rodriguez , and didn't hurt you and Garcia even though she had the upper hand, it only shows that she really wants to cooperate with us."

"As for the reason why Yesenia betrayed Noxus... It is impossible to say based on the existing information, but everyone can see that the cruel and selfish fire elf is not a boss worthy of loyal assistance. Maybe Yesenia Ya has had conflicts with her boss for a long time, maybe she wants to use the power of the military to overthrow the Noxus rule and become the boss herself."

In the end, Gao Fei concluded: "Whether Yesenia is sincerely cooperating or plotting to kill with a knife, at this stage, she is indeed an ally worth fighting for."

Jiang Feng nodded slightly and accepted his analysis.

At this time, Major Garcia woke up, and Gao Fei and Jiang Feng had a tacit understanding and stopped talking about Yesenia.

The three of them returned to the headquarters hall, and Jiang Feng used "qi therapy" to detoxify General Rodriguez and wake him up from his lethargy.

Garcia and his chaplains also performed magic spells to wake up the other officers who had been drugged down one by one.

After the general and officers woke up, they heard Jiang Feng's brief account of the ins and outs of what happened tonight. They were all in a cold sweat, and hurried out to gather troops to resist the bandits who attacked the barracks.

The disorganized army was reorganized, each took its place, and immediately glowed with strong combat effectiveness, and soon defeated the enemy, chasing them 20 miles away, and annihilating them all!
The battle lasted until dawn. General Rodriguez praised the three benefactors, Baron Lopez, Second Lieutenant Basaka, and Major Garcia. thousand gold coins.

This made Jiang Feng very happy. He pulled Gao Fei and said, "We made 1000 yuan in one night. Our hard work was finally not in vain! Let's have a good meal tomorrow, let's celebrate!"

"Aren't you celebrating every day if you measure it by 'good meal'?"

Gao Fei remarked casually, and Jiang Nuxia was so angry that her face was flushed, she rushed forward with gritted teeth, and beat her with a powder fist.

Fortunately, a system prompt popped up in time to save Gao Fei, informing Jiang Feng that he had reached the plot milestone of this chapter, and the energy of the astrolabe +1 (8 channels/day).

Su Mo has accumulated enough experience in this campaign, and he was promoted to level 6 Yangyan Sect Monk, with HP+8.

The even-numbered level added 1 point of attribute value, Jiang Feng continued to pile up on "perception", reaching the 20 mark, the perception correction became +5, the body protection qi was also simultaneously strengthened to +5 defense, and the capacity of the qi pool increased to 120 point.

After this upgrade, Jiang Feng's monks learned two new martial arts.

When a monk's cultivation reaches a certain level, his senses become extremely sharp, and the pores of his body radiate true energy, like invisible tentacles, and he can clearly feel the wind and grass within 60 feet even if he closes his eyes.

This ability is called "Tian Er Tong". In fact, the strengthening is not limited to hearing. It is more appropriate to call it "blind sight" or "tremor perception".

The second newly acquired martial art is called "Yang Yan Palm", which is the signature unique skill of "Yang Yan Sect".


Sun Flame Palm (Small Success): Consume 8 points of true qi, blast out a palm that contains Yang flame true qi, covering a 30-foot cone-shaped space in front, causing 10d6 radiant damage to all targets in the area and adding "blinding" ; Deals double damage to fungi, oozes, photophobic creatures, and undead creatures; photophobic undead creatures fail their Fortitude saves and are simply destroyed; the victim succeeds on a Reflex save, halves the damage and is not blinded.


As an AOE martial skill, "Yangyan Palm" has enough basic power, and it can also cause double damage to photophobic and undead creatures, and instantly kill "vampires" and other monsters with photophobia and undead attributes. "Daylight Enchantment", forcing enemies within the light range to have a disadvantage in saving throws, it is easy to deal full damage, and "boom boom boom boom" all the way like a bulldozer, which is extremely cool!
To say that the only flaw of this trick may be that the consumption of true energy is too large, so you need to pay attention to the issue of battery life.

As usual, this chapter is a one-time pass, rewarding one of four specialties, and all four specialties come from Yesenia!

Fortitude Enhancement: Proficient in Fortitude saving throws, and has an advantage in the check; if already proficient or already has an advantage, then count the double proficiency modifier when making the Fortitude saving throw.

Improved Dodge: Gain an additional dodge bonus equal to your proficiency modifier to defense.

Weapon Focus: Designate a type of weapon that this class is proficient in, and gain advantage on attack rolls.

Proficient in critical strike: Designate a class of weapons that this profession is good at, double the critical strike probability, and increase the critical strike damage multiplier by +1.


Jiang Feng reviewed all the four candidate specialties and found them all to be practical, so he inevitably fell into a barrier of choice, so he called Gao Fei over and asked him to help with his advice.

Since Jiang Nv Xia took the initiative to ask for help, Gao Fei didn't have to worry about making jokes about "washing coal with water".

"First rule out 'Weapon Specialization'." Gao Fei analyzed, "Your monk always activates the 'Daylight Barrier' at the beginning of the battle, which gives an advantage in the attack roll of light-type martial arts, and learning another 'Weapon Specialization' is enough It's kind of repetitive and not very rewarding."

Jiang Feng nodded in agreement, looking forward to his continued analysis.

"The monk's boxing skills, and your best stick, the critical strike rate is only 5%, doubled to 10%, whether it is high or low."

"If you can use a weapon with a high critical strike rate such as a scimitar or a rapier like Yesenia, after learning the 'Proficient Heavy Strike', you can stack the critical strike rate to 30%, and the average three swords will If you can make a critical strike and cause triple damage, then you must choose this specialty."

"In other words, since the monk can't wield a cutlass or rapier, it doesn't make much sense to learn 'Mastered Bash'."

Jiang Feng followed his logic to a conclusion.

Gao Fei nodded, and continued: "The remaining two candidate feats, 'Strength Enhancement' and 'Proficient Dodge' are both suitable for you, but considering that the monk profession is good at fortitude immunity, your physical attributes It's not bad, even if you don't learn 'strengthening', it's enough in most cases."

(End of this chapter)

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