Savior Simulator

Chapter 76: Turtle Island

Chapter 76: Turtle Island

Gao Fei told the truth that he played games with Jiang Feng for a day, and also practiced martial arts to keep fit.

Liu Yuxiu and Zhang Kexin didn't say anything, but their expressions were quite disapproving. They obviously didn't take his words seriously, and they might suspect that they went somewhere to fool around.

At 7 o'clock the next morning, when Gao Fei was brushing his teeth, he heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and saw that Jiang Nvxia was still dressed in a foreign style today. She was wearing a puff-sleeved dress with blue background and white flowers. Hermes bag, put the bag on the dining table after entering the house, and excitedly took out two cups of milk tea and two boxes of burning noodles.

Gao Fei opened the plastic lunch box, and used his chopsticks to push aside the minced meat and crushed peanuts spread on the surface of the oily alkaline water. When he saw the oily and finely chopped black sprouts, he smiled and praised Jiang Feng for really knowing how to eat them.

"Although it's only a product from a roadside stall, the burning noodles are quite authentic." Jiang Nvxia proudly asked for credit.

After breakfast, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng entered the world of "Savior Simulator" again, and today it was their turn to advance Gao Fei's Berserker module.


It is said that Brother Basaka rescued Eve from the Wali tribe and the two "bear warriors" Al and Ush. A group of four people plus "Flash Dog" Mu Ning set sail on a sahuagin pirate ship. After more than two months of voyage, they finally arrived at the "Turtleman Island" marked on the treasure map.

Turtleman Island is located in the sea near the Tropic of Cancer in the Vales World. The island covers an area of ​​about 1000 square miles. The subtropical climate and warm ocean currents bring sufficient precipitation and rich vegetation to the local area. Most of the island is covered by rainforest. , Coconut trees and palms grow along the beach, which is a good place for summer vacation.

There are about a thousand Turtle people who have settled on the island for generations, and most of them live in small trading towns near the port.

As the name suggests, the turtle man looks like a human with a huge turtle shell on his back, except that the head is exactly like a turtle, and the rough and wrinkled skin is dark in color.

Generally speaking, the turtle people tend to be kind. They are good at hunting, fishing, construction and sailing.

Everyone moored the sailboat into the island's port, leaving two bear warriors to guard the boat. Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Eve's sister took the big yellow dog Mu Ning to the Turtleman's Wharf. A three-story fort opposite the pier.

The rock-built fortress, which looks like a huge turtle shell, is not only a military fortress on the island, but also the office of the town government and customs.

On the south side of the fortress is a lively market, where chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs are running around. These poultry and livestock were sold to Turtle-Man Island along with merchant ships. Strictly speaking, they are considered invasive species.

Of course, in this fantasy game world, there are countless monsters and monsters in the wilderness. There are too many lice, and the islanders don't care about the invasion of any species.

As soon as he got off the pier, Gao Fei encountered a problem.

Sister Eve hugged his arms affectionately, and proposed to go to the market to have a look at the local specialties, and inquire about the situation on the island, especially the information about Dragon Tooth Valley.

Of course, Jiang Feng knew that Eve and Basaka were the official partners of the module, but he couldn't help being a little annoyed when he saw the two of them arguing. He deliberately contradicted Eve Valli and proposed to go to the north of the Turtleman Fortress.

"I heard that there is a very famous martial arts gym on the island. You can receive a one-year training in the martial arts gym for 1000 gold coins. After graduation, you will be promoted to a level 1 'Wave Sect' monk. I want to make friends with martial arts. , do you want to go together?"

The "Ripple Sect" is one of the mainstream monk sects in the world of Vales. It is good at water combat and water martial arts. It is very famous and influential in the circle of aquatic intelligent groups.

There are two traditional extraordinary profession inheritances of the Turtle Clan, one is the water system druid, and the other is the Ripple Sect monk-the Ripple Sect martial arts are proudly called "Turtle Style Qigong" by the Turtle People.

The "Ripple Martial Arts Hall" on Turtle Island is quite famous, and people from other places often travel thousands of miles to learn from their masters.

When Gao Fei first heard about this rumor, his mind was moved.

He can afford the tuition of 1000 yuan. If he can learn from a teacher in the Guiren Martial Art Museum, can he be able to light up the "Wave Ripple Sect Monk" on the astrolabe career tree?
However, after inquiring with the locals on the pier, I learned that one must practice on the island for a full year in order to obtain the Ripple Monk inheritance.

Gao Fei is not afraid of spending money, but he can't afford to waste time.

The adventure module also has a time-lapse setting, Barsaka must complete the main task as soon as possible, otherwise it will affect the subsequent development of the plot.

If you stay on Turtleman Island for too long, Barsaka's old enemy, the frost giant warlock Gelmir, is likely to seize the artifact "Olaf's Holy Axe" first, and Gao Fei can only read the file and start over.

Considering the time constraints, Gao Fei had to temporarily put aside the idea of ​​going to the martial arts hall to learn from a teacher. After completing the time-limited main task, if he had time to explore freely in the future, it would not be too late to come back to visit the Ripple martial arts hall.

The problem now is, Eve wants to go to the open-air market, Jiang Feng wants to visit the martial arts gym, Gao Fei can only accompany one of them first, which one should I choose?
When he was in a dilemma, Jiang Nvxia sent a private message through the astrolabe.

"You go shopping with Eve first, I will go to the martial arts hall alone, and we will meet at the pier at noon."

"Should I go to the martial arts gym with you?" Gao Fei felt sorry.

"Don't be stupid, if you don't accompany me, I won't lose a piece of meat! Eve is a key npc. If you don't accompany her, you may lose your favorability. If she empathizes with her, follow-up There's no way for the story to unfold!"

"It's Basaka who has a crush on Eve. It's none of my business. It feels weird to bind me to her, or I'll switch to God's perspective." Gao Fei said.

"Wouldn't it be nice to be a girl in person? You really don't know how to be blessed!" Jiang Feng said with a smile.

"It feels like an imposter, I don't like it." Gao Fei said seriously.

At Gao Fei's insistence, Jiang Feng reluctantly agreed with him to switch to God's perspective, floating around the island to see the scenery, allowing Basaka and Eve to develop their relationship freely.

"The game is not reality, why are you so stubborn? Since it is a role-playing game, falling in love is also a part of acting! Why do you want to avoid it? Ma Tao is really right. You are very old-fashioned in your bones. Miss you." It’s a great opportunity to pick up girls in the game, don’t regret it in the future!”

Jiang Nv Xia talked about Gao Fei, it was obviously a role-playing game, but she couldn't fully participate in the play, it was ridiculous, but Gao Fei felt that what she thought in her heart and what she said were not necessarily the same thing.

Judging from the fact that she was whistling and bouncing towards the Kameto Dojo, she seemed to be in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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