Savior Simulator

Chapter 741 Clockwork Module

Chapter 741 Clockwork Module
"Leave aside the matter of money. If I use this manual to create a sand golem for the richest man, will the sand golem treat me as its master and disobey the command of the richest man?"

"Uh... there is indeed such a possibility." Jiang Feng nodded with a wry smile, "After you complete the sand golem, can you transfer the ownership to Xiaoyun?"

"I don't know about this." Gao Fei said honestly, "If the ownership of the sand golem can be transferred, I don't mind spending money and effort to help the richest man make the sand golem. Is it too busy?"

"That's right! Brother Fei is just a foreign aid I invited, and he can't take out the equipment in this mod. If he quits the game, will the sand golem disappear immediately?"

"It shouldn't be so... If this happens, it will be a vicious bug." Jiang Feng was not too sure.

"In short, you put away the "Sand Golem Manufacturing Manual" first, and after finishing this chapter, send a letter to the customer service. After figuring out the issue of ownership, let's consider whether to burn money to make a sand golem to play with." Play." Gao Fei said to Ma Yun.

Xiao Ma nodded happily, and put the two books and four spell scrolls into the astrolabe.

The Elling ruins had been explored, and everyone left the tower buried deep under the yellow sand along the way they came.

The moment they stepped out of the window on the fifth floor, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Ma Yun all received a system prompt:
"Achieve the milestone of the main plot of this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe +1!"

Ma Yun's artificer has been upgraded to level 8.

HP +4 (34); intelligence attribute +1 (21).

Next is the main event!

Beginning at level 8, artificers can finally make plug-and-play "clockwork modules" that strengthen constructs.

"Clockwork Module" is a special item infusion technique.

For example, similar to computer peripherals + drivers, plugged into the body of the construct, the corresponding functions can be realized.

Clockwork modules are divided into two categories.

The first type is called "energy clockwork", also known as "artificial magic pool", and the manufacturing cost is as high as 1 pound of magic crystal, which is equivalent to 10000 gold coins.

Installing it in the body of the construct can simulate the function of the magic pool. The capacity of the magic pool that is automatically filled every day is equal to the construct's health dice x the highest spiritual attribute.

When the construct is equipped with an "energy clockwork" and a magic pool is opened up, it has the hardware prerequisites for casting spells.

However, if the construct itself does not have a spellcasting profession, it will not know a single spell, and even if it has a magic pool, it will be useless.

In this case, it is the turn of the second type of clockwork module - "spell clockwork" - to play a role.

The manufacturing process of "spell clockwork" is similar to "item infusion", except that magic crystals corresponding to the number of rings need to be spent during the infusion process.

Injecting N rings of magic will consume N ounces of magic crystals, so that the spells can be fixed on the clockwork module.

A well-made spell clockwork, such as "fireball clockwork", is loaded into the constructed organism and linked to the "energy clockwork", allowing the constructed creature to spend its own magic power to release "fireball".

If the construct itself has a magic pool, such as the scarecrow Vader who has obtained the "trickster" profession, and the tin woodman Nick who has obtained the "judgment" profession, there is no need to install an additional "energy clockwork".

Directly load the "Spell Clockwork", and you can learn the corresponding spells - just like loading a new program software into a computer.

The number of clockwork modules that can be accommodated by a construct is very limited, usually no more than the artificer's proficiency modifier.

Ma Yun is a level 8 artificer, proficiency correction +4, so at this stage she can add up to 4 clockwork modules to a construct.

Ma Yun's pet, Toto, also rose to a level with his master.


The hag's daughter, Eastna, was not in vain, and was also promoted to a level after the adventure.


There are no bonus classes in this chapter.

The three candidate bonus feats are all metamagic feats-"Spell Delay", Spell Increase" and "Spell Silence".

The three metamagic feats all require an additional 2 points of magic power, and each has its own characteristics.


Spell Delay: Doubles the duration of spell effects.

Extended Spells: Doubles the range of spells.

Silent Spell: No need to chant a spell when casting a spell.


After comparing the three supermagic specialties, Ma Yun chose the "spell delay" that she thought was the most practical.

Due to killing a large group of steam mephits who are good at invisibility in the alchemy laboratory, Goofy's "vision lamp" has completed the first-order synchronization, and the anti-invisibility radius has been expanded to 1 feet, and all the hostile targets in this area will be marked "Fairfire" mark, making it impossible to be invisible, giving it an advantage in attacks.

The flesh golem couldn't bring out the Eladrin ruins, so everyone had to wave goodbye to the 1001 big brother.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Yun took the mechanical dog and planned to take the mechanical cornerstone and return to the surface the same way.

At this time, Gao Fei noticed that Eastna was standing outside the cabin door, her face was cloudy and uncertain, and she seemed to be hesitating whether to go with them.

Gao Fei's heart moved, he stopped, turned around and tried to invite the hag's daughter to follow everyone into the cabin.

"Let's go, we'll give you a ride and talk about a deal by the way."

"Deal?" Eastna immediately became vigilant, "Little thief, what bad idea are you planning?"

Gao Fei smiled, and frankly stated his plan.

"We intend to return to Sands Castle, kill the old witch Theodora, and rescue Dorothy's three friends, Eastna, if you help us deal with the old witch and overthrow her brutal rule in Winkie Township, how much Rosie and all the residents of Wenji Township will thank you from the bottom of their hearts and praise you as the most beautiful and kind woman in the world."

"Hmph! Don't use this kind of rhetoric with me! Even if I don't help, wouldn't it be beautiful and kind?" Eastna asked angrily.

"Now you are of course beautiful and kind, but I think... In fact, you still have a lot of room for improvement."

Gao Fei answered seriously.

Eastna proudly raised her chest and akimbo, and she was very pleased with his compliment.

However, Jiang Feng and Ma Yun couldn't hold back their laughter. They complained in the team chat channel that Gao Fei was full of gossip, and he had a bad intention for the little hag.

"Little thief! It's not impossible to let me help you, but it's not enough to please me, you have to give me some practical benefits!"

Eastna is not stupid and sweet, and took the opportunity to ask for prices.

"The little village girl will give me back my share of inheritance, including my mother's magic book and silver shoes, and I will help you deal with Theodora. This deal is fair, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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