Savior Simulator

Chapter 742 Draw the little hag

Chapter 742 Draw the little hag

"But, the silver shoes have been snatched by Theodora." Ma Yun couldn't help interjecting.

"As long as you promise to return the silver shoes to me, I might as well trust you once." Eastna said lightly.

Ma Yun was able to win the trust of this suspicious little hag, and offered to help her fight first, and then settle the bill, thanks to the side-by-side fighting in the ruins just now.

Xiao Ma hesitated for a moment, and tried to bargain.

"If I lose the silver shoes, I will never be able to go home. As for your mother's magic book, I can return it to you."

In Ivanola's spell book, there are only 0-3 magic spells recorded, and Ma Yun has already learned it, and transcribed it into her own spell book, and there is no loss to return it to Eastna.

Eastna looked hesitant.

At this time, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Yun received a system prompt at the same time, asking one of them to make a DC 18 "Persuasion" or "Deception" check.

If you pass the test successfully, you can persuade the hag's daughter to cooperate with the Witch of the West.

Choosing "lobbying" means negotiating according to the conditions offered by Ma Yun.

Choosing to "deceive" is to pretend to return both the spell book and the silver shoes to Eastna.

These two attitudes actually correspond to two branches of the plot.

No matter which one you choose, the difficulty of the test is the same, and it depends entirely on the player's preferences and skill configuration.

"First rule out 'deception'!" Jiang Feng said in the chat channel, "The little hag isn't too bad, she helped us a lot in the Yaling ruins just now, I can't bear to deceive her!"

"I think so too, but Sister Feng, the Templar Raider you're playing now happens to have proficiency in the skill 'Deceit', and you just don't like to deceive people. Will playing this role lack a sense of substitution?" Ma Yun joked with a smile.

"That's not true!" Jiang Feng replied confidently, "Of course I can deceive people and act, but these tricks that are not aboveboard can only be used to deal with real bad guys!"

"Understood, I am the bad guy." Gao Fei said quietly.

"Ha! You are quite self-aware!"

Jiang Feng gave her boyfriend a charming look.

"Big villain, both you and Xiaoyun are proficient in the skill 'Persuasion'. Which of you will persuade Eastna?"

"Let Brother Fei come, he is more attractive than me, and I messed up once before, so I feel that my luck is not good today."

Thinking of the failed test in the alchemy laboratory, Xiao Ma was terrified.

"Okay, then I'll try."

Gao Fei first took a picture of "Eagle's Prestige" for himself, raising the charm attribute to 26 points, counting the +3 proficiency correction, and the total skill correction was +11.

Twenty-sided dice, at least 7 points must be rolled, the "lobbying" check can be successful, and the success rate is about 70%.

In fact, regardless of whether Eastna joined or not, the three of Gao Fei and the others are quite sure to kill the old witch Theodora, and there is no psychological burden when making the check.

There seems to be some kind of rule in the dark. For such checks that do not affect the overall situation, the player's luck is usually better.

Gao Fei was lucky today, and he cast 15 points, successfully convincing Eastna to join him.

After a little consideration, the little hag readily accepted Ma Yun's offer and got into the cabin.

Ma Yun started the mechanical cornerstone and returned to the same route.

That's the end of today's adventure.


The next day was Sunday. Early in the morning, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Ma Yun met online and continued to explore Chapter 8 of "The Wizard of Oz".

In fact, after going offline yesterday, Xiao Ma still has more to say.

Before going to bed at night, I went back online alone and sold my property.

She packaged and sold all the gold, silver and jewelry she obtained in the game in the past six months to the system store, in exchange for a total of [-] gold coins.

The money is far from enough to make sand golems, but it is enough to modify the mechanical cornerstone.

Before leaving the Eladrin ruins yesterday, Xiao Ma hugged grass and beat rabbits, returned to the alchemy laboratory, commanded the fleshy golem to work as a coolie, removed the blower that she couldn't forget, packed it up and carried it out, and stuffed it into the locker of the mechanical cornerstone .

Back in the game today, Xiao Ma couldn't wait to play with the blower.

Gao Fei watched her busy, and couldn't help but ask: "If you come out for an adventure, you can bring back a blower, will the old witch Theodora be satisfied?"

"Whether she is satisfied or not, this blower is not for her anyway!" Ma Yun said without looking back.

"You're not even willing to give her a blower, so how can you do business?"

"What's the difference? Let's go back this time and just kill the old witch!" Ma Yun said confidently.

"Will this idea be too radical?" Jiang Feng also raised concerns, "You know, our opponent is not only Theodora, but also the many tengu and warg servants around her, as well as the group of flying creatures The monkey... may not be able to handle it with the strength of the three of us alone."

"Xiaoyun, don't forget that the enemy is not only outnumbered, but also holds three hostages!" Jiang Feng then proposed the worst possibility, "If we openly turn against the old witch, she will take The hostages are forcing you to surrender, what are you going to do?"

"Comrade Xiao Jiang is very thoughtful."

Goofy fully agrees with the concerns raised by his girlfriend.

"It's too risky to turn against the old witch directly."

"You might as well go back to the castle first, hand over part of the booty you got during this trip, say a few compliments, and make the old witch happy, and take advantage of her letting go of your guard, kill the old witch by surprise, and save the lion, the scarecrow and the tin woodman .”

"Once the old witch dies, her gang will naturally fall and disperse."

"Brother Fei, the plan you proposed is not bad, but it's too troublesome. I've endured it for too long, and I don't want to swallow that ugly old witch anymore!"

Gao Fei saw that classmate Xiao Ma had made up his mind, so he stopped forcing her to accept his own ideas.

"The richest man, what are you going to do?"

"I need to make some preparations first, and when I'm ready, I'll send out a signal to get the little hag Eastna to help me fight."

"Istna and I drove the mechanical cornerstone to storm the Sands Castle from the main entrance, and made a big fuss!"

Ma Yun's face was full of excitement, gearing up.

"Where are you and I, Brother Fei?" Jiang Feng asked.

"You two use the 'invisibility technique' to hide first, and when I make a big fuss and attract the old witch and her guards, you and Brother Fei will take the opportunity to sneak into the castle tower and rescue the little hamster who was turned into a little hamster by the old witch. Dimitri."

Ma Yun went on to say:
"After the hostages are successfully rescued, you two will come back to join the battle, assist Eastna and me, and attack the old witch from both sides!"


It's almost the end of the month, please ask for a monthly pass, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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