Savior Simulator

Chapter 740 Sand Golem Manual

Chapter 740 Sand Golem Manual

In the sand hag example provided in the research notes, the challenge level is level 5, the HP is around 80 points, and the attributes are: Strength 21, Dexterity 13, Constitution 18, Intelligence 12, Perception 15, and Charm 16.

Sand hags have a natural defense of +8, being naked is equivalent to ordinary people wearing a set of plate armor, damage reduction armor 10/magic bludgeoning, exactly the same as sand golems, and also have "dark vision" and "tremor perception" , can dive in the soft sand, which is equivalent to a weakened version of Tudun.

In addition to turning into the quicksand form at will, the sand hag also has its own magic resistance, as well as three innate specialties of "vigilance", "perseverance", and "proficient in grapple".

Sand hags are born warlocks.

With the growth of age, the following bloodline spells can be automatically awakened: 0-level "Secondary Phantom", "Dry Water" and "Fire Arrow", 1-level "Disguise", 2-level "Mist Sight", 4-level "Stone Skin" and "Charm Monster", 5 rings "Manipulation of Wind" and "Mirage".

The Western Witch Theodora, on the basis of ordinary sand hags, also has a 12th-level warlock profession, her strength must be much stronger than the example recorded in the book, and she is also good at more spells.

Nevertheless, this information is still very valuable and can be used as a reference when dealing with Theodora in the future.

There is also a book, Gao Fei thought it was a magic book at first, but after using the astrolabe to identify it, he unexpectedly found that it turned out to be a "rare" level of wonder, called "Sand Golem Manufacturing Manual".

As the name suggests, this manual records in detail the materials and complete set of techniques needed to make a sand golem.

If that's all, it's nothing more than a textbook, not worthy of the "rare" rating.

The more amazing thing about this kind of manual is that it contains powerful magic power, which can greatly reduce the difficulty of making golems.

Under normal circumstances, if a spellcaster wants to create a sand golem, not to mention material costs such as money and magic crystals, he must first master the following core crafts:

3rd level "Stone Shaping", 4th level "Withering", 5th level "Turn Mud into Stone", "Fosmise into Mud" and "Animation of Object", 6th level "Instruct" and "Oath from Otherworld", And the 7th ring "Limited Wish".

If I don't know some of the spells, at least I have to get a corresponding spell scroll.

However, if you have a "Sand Golem Making Manual" in hand, things will be easy.

There is no need to master the above-mentioned crafts, and there is no need to spend money and energy to collect scrolls. Just dig out a few tons of yellow sand, then read the manual, follow the construction process recorded in the book, what spells will be used next, and recite a simple sentence Spells, the magic in the manual will emerge and cast spells for you automatically.

And when the whole set of processes is completed and the sand golem is completed, the manual will run out of magic power and disintegrate into a pile of fine sand by itself.

From this point of view, with enough sand and the "Sand Golem Making Manual", a sand golem can be made in no time?

If you think so, it's too early to be happy.

The help provided by the "Sand Golem Manufacturing Manual" is limited, and the caster must meet certain qualities to use this strange book.

First of all, the casting level must be at least level 11, otherwise the magic power contained in the manual cannot be aroused at all.

In addition, the "Sand Golem Manufacturing Manual" can reduce the time spent on making a golem to 30 days, but within these 30 days, you must work at least eight hours a day.

In the end, the manual can only replace the spell craft, and the embryos and enchanting materials of the golem still have to be raised by oneself.

Converting all these costs into money, it would cost at least 65000 gold coins to purchase in the system store, which is equivalent to 4.3 times the cost of a flesh golem!
Ma Yun is only a level 7 mage now, the level is still far behind, and she has no funds to buy materials for making sand golems. Holding the "Sand Golem Manufacturing Manual" is like a golden rice bowl in the hands of a beggar, and her mood is very tangled.

Seeing her frowning, Jiang Feng smiled and came up with an idea.

"Xiaoyun, you and Fei brother both got the 'Skilled Spellcaster' feat, and the casting level is just 11, so we can use this manual for you."

"As for the funds, Brother Fei and I still have a lot of gold coins obtained in the game, and we can also lend them to you first to make sand golems."

"Sister Feng! Thank you for your kindness, but I can't accept it!"

Xiao Ma's eyes were filled with gratitude and stubbornness.

"You have helped me a lot, I don't want to take advantage of you anymore! I will try to raise the funds for making the sand golem myself!"

"Xiaoyun, there's no need for you to treat others like this..., when you make money in the future, it won't be too late to return it to us."

"Sister Feng! It's not about looking outside, but it's really unnecessary!" Ma Yun insisted on self-reliance, "Think about it, since the game designer put a copy of the "Sand Golem Manufacturing Manual" here as a trophy, it must not be It is used as a decoration, after all, players must make sand golems!"

"So if there is no accident, when I reach level 11, the gold coins I get in the game will definitely be enough to pay for the cost of making the sand golem. There is no need to rush to make the golem now!"

Of course Jiang Feng could tell that her reason was very far-fetched.

Indeed, according to the normal game flow, Ma Yun will be able to make the sand golem sooner or later.

Conversely, if she fails to save 65000 gold coins until the game is cleared, it is a major mistake in the game design, and this situation is unlikely to happen.

But having said that, the sooner you get a powerful thug like the Sand Golem, the better!

As for all magical weapons, what we pay attention to is "early start, early enjoyment"!
Especially when the protagonist's level is still relatively low, with a powerful sand golem, leapfrogging and sweeping all kinds of ghosts and snakes, it's almost like opening up, this is the most exciting stage of playing games.

In the "Wizard of Oz" module, the protagonist can only be upgraded to level 12 at most.

If you run the main line step by step, make a sand golem after reaching level 11, and pass the level without warming your hands, wouldn't it be a lonely game...

What's more, level 11 Artificer is already strong enough. In contrast, Sand Golem is not so strong in the late game, which is at best an icing on the cake.

Getting it early is a quick start, and getting it late is just a toy for the icing on the cake. Which kind of gameplay is more enjoyable, do you even need to think about it?

Ma Yun is a smart child, so she won't understand these principles.

The reason why he refused to take a shortcut was that Jiang Feng could only think that this little girl had a lot of self-esteem and didn't want to owe her and Gao Fei too much favor.

Although she and Goofy have already made a lot of money in the game and in secret service missions, the 65000 gold coins are really not bad.

Sighing, Jiang Feng gave Gao Fei a wink, signaling that he would also come to persuade Xiao Ma to open up a little bit.

Gao Fei scratched his head, and softly asked a question that neither Jiang Feng nor Ma Yun had considered.

(End of this chapter)

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