Savior Simulator

Chapter 739 Yaling's Treasure

Chapter 739 Yaling's Treasure

The result was indeed as Gao Fei guessed.

The sand golem transformed into the form of quicksand didn't care about the desk, but the scrolls on the table.

When it realized that the scroll had been taken away by Gao Fei, it quickly turned to chase after it.

Gao Fei deliberately slowed down, and waited for the activated quicksand to catch up to him, then suddenly sped up, stepped on the wall and climbed all the way up, hanging upside down from the ceiling in a head-to-foot posture.

No matter whether the sand golem is in the golem form or the quicksand form, it does not have the ability to climb the wall. The yellow sand is piled up in the corner of the wall, swaying, and it seems at a loss.

Jiang Feng and Ma Yun took the opportunity to increase their output and poured half a ton of water on the sand pile in one go, turning it into a large puddle of rice porridge-like mortar.


Eastna was not idle either, and lost no time in aiming at the water-logged corner and blasting a "Frost Nova".

Although this spell cannot directly cause damage to the sand golem, it can freeze the quicksand it incarnates, together with the surrounding water!
The pale ring-shaped cold current spread close to the ground, and in an instant, it froze the water-logged ground into an ice rink.

Countless fine yellow sands were sealed in the ice, and the sand golem could no longer move.

Under Ma Yun's control, the fleshy golem rushed forward aggressively, stomping on the activated quicksand frozen in the ice.

A series of dull roars echoed in the hall.

Huge and deeply sunken footprints were clearly visible on the cracked ice.

In this frozen state, the sand golem could neither resist nor transform back into a golem form, and could only lie at the feet of the 1001 big brother and be ravaged.

Just 2 minutes later, Gao Fei and others received a system notification that the current main mission had been completed.

The powerful Sand Golem ended up dead in such an extremely aggrieved way.

After the battle, Gao Fei took the time to check the books that the Sand Golem was desperately trying to get back, including four spell scrolls and two books.

The spells transcribed on the scroll are 4th-level "Transformation" and 5th-level "Break Barrier", two of each.

"Transfiguration" is equivalent to an upgraded version of the 2nd ring "Transfiguration".

In addition to constructs, elemental creatures, undead creatures, outsiders, incorporeal and gaseous creatures, other types of creatures, as long as the Hit Dice (HD) does not exceed 15, can be transformed by "transfiguration" and gain the change target Physical attributes and most of the natural abilities.

"Transfiguration" is already complicated enough, but "Transfiguration" is much more complicated than the former, and Gao Fei still can't understand it for the time being.

Level 5 "Break Barrier" is a spell specially used to remove negative states.

Except for a very few abnormal debuffs, "Break Barrier" can cure all diseases, including petrification and malicious transformation.

Obviously, the game designer placed two scrolls of "Break the Barrier" here as loot to facilitate the players' subsequent fight against the old witch Theodora.

The old witch's signature magic is the 5th ring "Malicious Transfiguration".

Poor Dimitri the Lion, turned into a hamster by this vicious magic.

Of these two scrolls, one must be used to save Dimitri, and the other is kept as a spare in case other characters in the team are turned into hamsters by the old witch.

Gao Fei handed the two spell scrolls to Ma Yun and asked her to write them into the spell book, and then looked at the two books.

The first book is a volume of research notes.

The author is an eladrin mage in the laboratory and the maker of the sand golem.

During the long years when this ancient city was attacked by wind and sand, many monsters broke into the city along with the wind and sand, destroying wildly.

In order to combat these monsters born in the depths of the desert, the eladrin mages studied their characteristics and weaknesses in depth.

Among them, the monsters that have been studied all have a similar feature, that is, they can transform into quicksand forms.

The purpose of mages to create sand golems is actually to obtain an experimental body that simulates sand-type monsters.

This notebook describes in detail the construction process of the sand golem, as well as the weakness of the sand golem's fear of water.

Under the scouring of a large amount of liquid, the sand golem's body structure will become loose and fragile, moving slowly until it disintegrates into a puddle of mortar.

Casting fire magic on the sand golem, or using similar means to evaporate the water in its body, can remove the negative state caused by damp.

These conclusions have been discovered by Gao Fei and others during the fight against the Sand Golem.

But there are still some research conclusions, they are not yet known.

For example, casting earth magic such as "Stone Shaping" or "Turning Mud into Stone" on a sand golem can restore HP, which is equivalent to healing the sand golem.

Fortunately, no one in Gao Fei's adventure team is good at earth magic, otherwise they might have to give the sand golem a bite.

In the second half of this volume of research notes, the author lists many monsters with similar physiques to the Sand Golem.

These include the "Sandman," also known as "The Sandman," whom Goofy used to deal with.

There is also a monster called Sand Hag, who can also freely switch between human form and quicksand form, and also has the weakness of being afraid of water.

These listed desert monsters are also accompanied by illustrations.

Gao Fei stared at the picture of Sand Ghost, and the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became, so he showed it to Jiang Feng and Ma Yun.

"Look, doesn't the sand witch pictured in the book look familiar?"

"Hey! Isn't this the old witch Theodora!" Jiang Feng recognized it immediately.

"It can't be said that they are exactly the same, at least they are almost the same." Ma Yun added cautiously.

"This research note will not be provided for no reason in the game. Comparing the illustrations with Theodora, it can be concluded that Theodora is a sand hag with a warlock profession."

Goofy smiled.

"In other words, the old witch probably also has the weakness of being afraid of water."

"That's right! In fact, the game has already given a reminder that Dorothy has lived in the old witch's castle for more than half a year. She has never seen her hands wet, and it is suspected that she has never taken a bath in her life." Ma Yun recalled the plot of the game, "If Theodora is actually a sand hag, considering that the sand hag is naturally afraid of water, her eccentricities are reasonable."

Jiang Feng nodded in agreement, and suddenly had an idea, his IQ was on the line!

She opened the astrolabe, entered the online library page, searched for the original fairy tale "The Wizard of Oz", and checked the relevant chapters of the Witch of the West.

As expected, Theodora's weakness is set in the original book as being afraid of water, and when the heroine Dorothy poured a bucket of water on her, her whole body melted away.

Combining all these clues, it is not difficult to deduce a conclusion: the tactic that everyone used the "water making technique" to deal with the sand golem just now can be used intact on the old witch Theodora.

(End of this chapter)

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