Savior Simulator

Chapter 715 Similar

Chapter 715 Similar
The conductor in uniform stood at the door of the carriage, holding a large bunch of keys in his hand, and was about to close the door.

The wheels have started slowly.

The wax golem was only one step away from the car door.

Take this step successfully, and it can board the train and fly away.

After leaving Binhai City, get off at any city, use the "disguise technique" to change your face, fabricate a false identity, and start a new life.

Mixed into the vast crowd, Gao Fei and others will never find it again!
From now on, no one will be able to know its origin, and no one will be able to see through its true colors.

The truth of Lina Bella's death will also be left behind with the rolling wheels, and it will become an unsolved case from then on.

However, at the moment when it was only one step away from making its dream come true, a figure suddenly appeared in front of it, blocking the car door.

"Do not--"

The car door closed slowly in front of his eyes, and the wax golem screamed in panic, trying to push away the obstructing passers-by, and got into the car at the last moment.

Two cold lights suddenly lit up, making it unable to open its eyes.

Immediately there was the sound of sharp blades cutting wax.

The palms pushed forward by the wax golem broke off at the wrist and fell to the platform.

Its hands were cut off by a pair of sharp daggers.

What was cut into pieces at the same time was the dream of getting away with it.

Eva Vader, dressed in white, stood opposite the wax golem with two swords in his hands. His beautiful face was as cold as ice.

"Since you first awakened to intelligence, I was worried that such a day would come, but you still came to this point."

Eva stared at the wax golem, her voice low, with anger and disappointment intertwined in her eyes.

"Please... let me go, just this once!"

The wax golem begged bitterly, and two lines of wax rolled down the cheeks from the corners of its eyes, like teardrops.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Martin caught up.

I saw two girls with exactly the same figure and appearance standing opposite each other.

One held two swords and looked bleak, while the other had both hands broken at the wrist, begging all over his face.

The confronting Eva and the wax golem imitating Eva are like a pair of twin sisters, and also like a distorted reflection reflected in the water.

Gao Fei and the others were deeply shocked by this weird scene, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

"I gave you a chance, but it's a pity you didn't cherish it." Eva looked at the wax golem with a bit of regret, "Since you have awakened your intelligence and tried to integrate into human society, you must be responsible for your actions , bear the consequences for murdering Lingna!"

"as a result of……"

Being arrested and subjugated is doomed to die.

Thinking of this terrible consequence, and thinking that everything he planned so hard would come to naught, the wax golem couldn't help trembling all over, and then roared hysterically.


"Why do you insist on forcing me to die?!"

"I just did a perfectly human thing, what's the big deal!"

"In this city, there are countless decent guys committing crimes every day, using cruel means to oppress, humiliate and even murder their own kind!"

"They can get away with it, why can't I?"

After the wax golem vented, it changed into a flattering expression, begging Eva, Gao Fei and others to let him go.

"My secret, only the four of you know! I have no enmity with you, why not treat it as if nothing happened?"

"As long as you keep it secret for me, I swear to be your friend forever. I have learned top singing and dancing skills. With this ability, I can also become a big star!"

"Eva, can't I dance as well as you, and can't I sing better than Lina?"

"Trust me, well-meaning friends, I can make a lot of money!"

"Yes, I can make a lot of money for you!"

"As long as you keep it a secret for me, I dare to swear to the gods that my performance income will be shared equally with you in the future!"

"Think about it! Arrest me, and you won't get much benefit; let me go, and everyone will get rich together!"

"You are all smart people, how should you choose, do you still need me to say?"

"What you said seems to make sense, but I refuse." Eva said first, "I don't bother to make a deal with an impostor murderer."

"Why!" the wax golem yelled angrily, "You are obviously my kind, and you should understand my suffering the most. Why are you so cruel to me?"


Goofy was shocked.

What does the wax golem mean when it says Eva is its "kind"?
Is this rhetorical hyperbole, or...

The wax golem's next words pointed to the most unlikely answer.

"You, like me, were originally a wax golem, but now you have turned out to be a human being, and you shut the car door behind your back, preventing the same kind of people from getting in the car. A selfish ghost like you who crosses rivers and destroys bridges, what right do you have to stand on the side of morality?" accuse me on the high ground!"

The wax golem became more and more excited as he talked.

"Originally, I was just an ordinary wax golem, insensitive, like a walking corpse. Even if I was squeezed by that vampire like Walter Finn as a cow and horse, I would not feel pain and anger. Day after day, I worked hard without complaint."

"Since I met you, I have seen from you that there is another possibility in my life, a more free and exciting way of life!"

"Eva Vida, you are my idol, awakening my dream of becoming a real human being, you are the spiritual mother who induces me to awaken my intelligence!"

"It is precisely because I take you as an example that I am unwilling to be lonely. I can no longer endure the days of being treated like a slave. I secretly made up my mind to get rid of Walter Finn's slavery and go to freedom!"

"I used to love you so much, I admired you so much, I didn't feel that Linna Bella, that perverted shrew, harassed you again and again, that's why I came up with the idea of ​​assassinating her instead..."

"It's all because of you that I got to where I am today...but you refuse to show me any mercy!"

"Eva Vader, whether you are a golem or a human, you are the coldest and most selfish one!"

The wax golem's confession of grief and indignation set off a storm in the hearts of Gao Fei and Jiang Feng.

Leaving aside the matter of whether Eva is a golem or not, what makes Gao Fei even more incomprehensible is... There are silent bullets embedded in this guy, how can he keep breaking the news? !

This shit is seriously unreasonable!
After thinking about it, Gao Fei can only think that the plot forced the wax golem to confide his anger to Eva, and incidentally revealed the mystery of Eva's life experience.

This point can also be verified from the game scene.

On the platform, there was an endless stream of passengers getting on and off the train, but they didn't come to watch. They seemed to turn a deaf ear to what the wax golem was saying.

It can be seen that these words are specifically for the players.

The only exception may be Martin, an NPC teammate.

(End of this chapter)

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