Chapter 716
Martin not only heard the wax golem's confession, but was also moved by her.

Pointing at the wax golem's shotgun, he couldn't help lowering the muzzle.

"Ms. Eva, this guy is also very poor, why don't we let her go?" Martin suggested weakly.

"Mr. Paige, don't be fooled by her." Eva shook her head and smiled bitterly, "When a woman complains to you, especially when she is still playing a 'bewitching song' while complaining, you'd better think about it Let's make a decision."

"Ah?! Bewitching song..."

Martin woke up like a dream, and only then realized that he had been charmed by the wax golem unknowingly. No wonder the inexplicable sympathy overflowed.

Eva turned to the wax golem, answering her accusation squarely.

"I'm different from you. Ever since I was given flesh and blood, this is what I look like now."

"Nor have I killed innocent people for my own selfishness and pretended to be a victim."

"I'm Eva Vader, and Eva Vader is me! And I'm not anyone else!"

Shocked by her awe-inspiring aura, the wax golem opened its mouth, but couldn't say anything to refute.

Hearing Eva's confession, Jiang Feng couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he couldn't help asking her face to face: "You are also a wax golem, right? No... You obviously have a flesh and blood body, why don't you?" It doesn't even look like a wax sculpture!"

"It used to be."

A bitter smile curled up on the corner of Eva's lips, telling about the distant past.

"I used to be a nameless wax golem, living alone for countless years in a cloud castle far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, until my father came to the cloud city and gave me Eva Vader In the name of God, he also cast a spell to transform me from a wax golem into flesh and blood, and sent me to the world of Vales..."

"Since then, have you become a human?" Jiang Feng asked again.

"I am a human, but not completely." Eva sighed, "Now I have all the physiological functions that a human being should have, and at the same time retain many characteristics of a golem. To be precise, I am a human being." A 'higher flesh golem' between a human and a golem."

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Martin looked at each other, seeming to understand, but not fully understanding.

After coldly looking at the wax golem for the last time, Eva said to Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Martin: "You have heard what I said just now, and if you ask me again in the future, I will not admit it. Keep it a secret for me, okay?"

Seeing that the three of them nodded, Eva showed a relieved smile.

"I will leave the wax golem to your disposal. If I have something to do in the future, as long as I can help, I will definitely not refuse."

After saying this, she turned and left.

The train roared out of the platform, and the platform was deserted again.

Watching Eva's back disappear out of sight, Gao Fei and the others were about to escort the dispirited wax golem to find Mr. Finn on business, when they saw Walter Finn rushing over.

"Miss Quinn! Two detectives! Please wait a moment!"

"Mr. Fein, I have good news for you, we have successfully arrested the murderer!"

Martin was full of pride, showing off his ability as a famous detective to his employer.

"Very good! Great! Mr. Page, now you can return my wax golem to me! I will pay the agreed commission!" Mr. Finn smiled a little guilty.

"Wait a minute..." Gao Fei heard that his tone was wrong, "Mr. Fein, have you reported the crime?"

"Report what?" Walter Finn looked confused.

"The case of Mrs. Linna's murder by the wax golem!" Martin interrupted. "You are so shrewd, how can you be confused!"

"Hahaha! You misunderstood, Miss Quinn, two detectives, there is something I haven't had time to say!"

Mr. Finn patted his forehead, pretending to blame himself.

"Actually, Ling Na didn't die, she was just knocked unconscious by the wax golem. After some rescue, she has regained consciousness."

"Ah? What are you talking about in your sleep? At that time, we carefully examined Linna's body. She was absolutely dead!" Martin was shocked.

"Believe me, Mr. Page, Linga is really alive." Mr. Finn said with a smile on his face, "She must be alive."

"I still don't understand, what on earth are you trying to—"

"Brother, stop talking!"

Goofy patted Martin on the shoulder and shook his head slightly.

"Hehe, Mr. Wayne, it seems that you are smarter and more witty than your partner. I like dealing with smart people like you!"

"Okay, now you can return the wax golem to me. Ling Na was very angry and said that she would teach this slave who committed crimes severely!"

The wax golem couldn't help trembling when he heard Mr. Finn's insistence that Linna was still alive, with a frightened expression on his face.

Now she is also a little uncertain whether Linna was strangled to death by herself, or just passed out as Mr. Finn said.

The wax golem couldn't hide the regret in its eyes.

I regret that I was too hasty when I committed the murder. It would have been nice if I had checked Ling Na's body carefully.

Now that that wicked woman survived, she would definitely revenge herself crazily, and what awaited her would be endless torture that would make life worse than death.

Mr. Finn seemed to see through the mind of the wax golem, put on a benevolent face, and said to her:

"Don't be afraid, I will comfort Lingna and persuade her not to abuse you anymore, and you should be more peaceful in the future, and don't cause trouble for me again!"

Seeing the hesitation in the eyes of the wax golem, Mr. Finn scowled and threatened viciously.

"Listen! You idiot! If you're sent to the police, you're doomed to be burned at the stake for a felony you've committed! If you don't want to end up like that, you'd better Obediently listen to me!"

The wax golem is not stupid. Hearing what he said, I understood everything in my heart.

Yes, Mr. Fine is lying.

Mrs. Linna was indeed dead, but he didn't want to expose the murder, because it wouldn't do him any good.

Once word of Linna's death spreads, Mr. Finn will not only lose a wax golem he bought with a lot of money, but his exhibition hall will also be implicated in a murder scandal, and his business will plummet.

Instead, it was in his interest to keep the murder under wraps, to let the wax golem pretend to be Rena Bella, pretend nothing had happened in public, and play music and dance.

Walter Finn turned to face Gao Fei and the others, stroked his shiny mustache, and had a flattering smile on his face.

"Miss Quinn, two detectives, I have worked hard for you today. Although it was just a misunderstanding, I will still pay you the agreed rewards. I hope you will abide by the agreement and don't let some irresponsible gossips spread. "

Both Gao Fei and Jiang Feng heard the implication of Mr. Fein's words.

He wants to keep this wax golem that has awakened self-awareness, is good at singing and dancing, and more importantly, can perfectly impersonate Madam Linna, his intention is self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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