Savior Simulator

Chapter 714 The chase on the platform

Chapter 714 The chase on the platform

A whizzing rifle bullet penetrated the wax golem's chest, blasting a hole the size of a fist in its chest.

Martin came back angrily with a shotgun in his hand.

The wax golem first glanced at Martin, then took a deep look at Gao Fei with fear, and suddenly turned around and ran away.

As soon as he took two steps, he was covered by a spider web that fell from the sky.

Jiang Feng finally broke free from the solidified wax oil, and used the "spider silk ring" to release the "spider web technique", trapping the wax golem.

"Let's see where you can go this time!"

Jiang Feng jumped off the wall, shaking off the solidified wax sticking to his body.

Holding a shotgun, Martin approached the wax golem wrapped in spider webs, with a murderous look on his face.

Just at this time, the loud whistle sounded from far to near, and accompanied by a large cloud of steam, the magic train was entering the station.

The flow of people poured out from the door of the waiting room and rushed onto the platform like a tide.

"Catch the wax golem! Don't let it get away!"

Gao Fei took out the rope from the astrolabe, intending to tie up the wax golem.

Martin spat on the wax golem, put away his shotgun, and came to help tie up the murderer.

As soon as the two of them approached, the wax golem suddenly raised its head and spewed out a stream of white liquid from its mouth.

"Be careful!" Jiang Feng exclaimed from behind.

Gao Fei had been guarding against this guy for a long time, so he dodged calmly to avoid the scorching wax.

Martin moved a little slower, half of his body was covered with wax oil, which made him grin his teeth and curse repeatedly.

The cobwebs covering the wax golem were also sprayed with hot wax.

Spidroin is denatured by heat and loses its viscosity.

The wax golem took the opportunity to tear open the spider web, and fled towards the passengers waiting to get on the train.

In the blink of an eye, it changed its appearance again.

Turned into the appearance of Eva Vader, crying to the passengers on the platform for help.

"Hurry up! Those two villains are going to kidnap me!"

"Well-meaning gentlemen, for the sake of the Lord, help me!"

While the wax golem was crying, it quietly used the bard's professional ability "Instigating Song" to provoke the emotions of passers-by.

Passengers who don't know the truth, see Gao Fei and Martin, two young men with guns, chasing a beautiful girl with disheveled clothes and disheveled hair crying for help, they naturally sympathize with the latter, and then are filled with righteous indignation!
Under normal circumstances, when people saw two men with guns chasing and killing a lovely and pitiful girl, they would probably dare to be angry and dare not speak out, considering their own safety.

However, at this moment, people were unknowingly influenced by the "bewitching song", and suddenly became brave, disregarding their own safety, angrily stopped Gao Fei and Martin, accusing them of being shameless.

Two young men, holding guns, bullying an unarmed and weak woman, is simply shameless!
Goofy and Martin tried to defend themselves, but they had aroused public outrage, and the excited crowd around them didn't listen to the explanation at all, and gathered around to punch and kick.

The two of them couldn't be serious about these passers-by who didn't know the truth, so they could only dodge with their heads in their arms, like rats crossing the street.

At this time, above the heads of the chaotic crowd, there was a clear and crisp gunshot.

Seeing that something was wrong, Jiang Feng fired a warning shot at the sky.

Taking advantage of the people being deterred by the gunshots, Gao Fei finally freed his hand, and first shot Brother Martin with an "invisibility spell", urging him to run away quickly, and then disappeared himself, and rushed out of the crowd with a stride.

During the run, Gao Fei inevitably bumped into the crowd, causing a burst of exclamation and cursing.

After the collision, the "Invisibility" will automatically fail.

Fortunately, at this time, Gao Fei had already escaped from the siege of the melon-eating crowd, performed "flying over the eaves and walls", and quickly climbed to the top of a light pole with a constant "inextinguishable flame".

From a commanding height overlooking the platform, search for the cunning wax golem.

On the ground, Jiang Feng pulled out the Twilight Sword and pointed at the sky. The edge of the sword buzzed and trembled, and then a black wave like ink spewed out to the surroundings.

In an instant, the 20-foot space around Jiang Feng was covered by a dark barrier.

The surrounding people were obscured by the black curtain created by magic, and they couldn't see their fingers. They all panicked and just ran blindly, colliding with each other, and there was an endless stream of exclamations.

Jiang Feng relied on the professional ability of "Temple Raider" to "listen to the wind to identify the position", and he could still feel the wind and grass around him in the dark, so he got rid of the entanglement of the crowd and continued to hunt down the wax golem that escaped in the chaos.

"You can't run away!"

Gao Fei stood on a high light pole, with a sneer on his lips.

He had caught sight of the wax golem among the crowd.

Before he was too busy jumping down to hunt him down, Gao Fei took out a bullet and injected it with the "Silence Technique".

Through the private chat on the astrolabe, Jiang Feng shared information with his boyfriend, and also learned where the wax golem was hiding, so he chased after it.

The wax golem was like a loach, shuttling through the crowd, looking back furtively from time to time.

Holding the Twilight Sword in his hand, Jiang Feng galloped over along with the dark barrier.

Passengers on the platform saw a huge black ball rolling towards them from a distance, and they all ran away in fright, trying to stay away from the weird big black ball.

The wax golem originally planned to use the cover of the crowd to board the magic train that had already entered the station.

Now the crowd was dispersed by the dark barrier, exposing him alone on the empty platform, and hastily raised his hand to cast a spell.

The wax golem's sight could not see Jiang Feng's exact location through the dark barrier.

In this case, single-target spells cannot lock on to the target.

The wax golem can only cast group attack spells like "shattering sound waves", even guessing and blindly carrying out a large-scale bombardment, hoping to blast the pursuers out of the area shrouded in darkness.

Before the spell casting process was completed, it was interrupted by a silent bullet.

Gao Fei stood at the top of the light pole, with a puff of blue smoke coming out of the muzzle of the gun.

The bullet infused with the "Silence Technique" shot down obliquely from the air, deeply embedded in the wax golem's body.

Constructed creatures have no physiological weaknesses, and are naturally immune to sneak attacks.

Gao Fei's shot, after deducting the damage reduction armor, only caused 9 damage to the wax golem.

However, the "Silence Technique" that accompanied the bullets blasting into the wax golem's body was the real killing move of this shot!
The wax golem was shrouded in the "Silence Barrier" opened by the bullet, unable to make a sound, and the bard's singing and spellcasting abilities were sealed.

It couldn't hide the panic on its face. While running wildly, it showed its short sword and stabbed at itself, trying to dig out the silent bullet embedded in its body.

I have to say, the wax golem runs really fast!

This guy has long blessed himself with "oil on the soles of his feet", and has also mastered the specialty "dexterous movements".

The combination of the two quadruples its running speed!
Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and Martin, the three chased desperately on the platform, but they still couldn't get closer to the wax golem.

At this time, the magic steam train sounded its whistle again, reminding the passengers on the platform to get on the train as soon as possible, and the train was about to leave the station.

(End of this chapter)

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