Savior Simulator

Chapter 7 Escape from the Cage

Chapter 7 Escape from the Cage
Gao Fei can only blame himself for being too unlucky.

I wanted to do some tricks, but I messed up and bumped into the muzzle of the gun.

At this time, he received a system prompt again.

Novice Teaching: Exploring Unknown Areas

Spending an astrolabe energy can dispel a small fog of war and detect creatures in the area by the way.

"MMP! Why didn't you mention this function earlier? It's pure cheating!"

Gao Fei was so angry that he almost smashed the astrolabe.

Fortunately, he remembered to save the file before he walked out of the prison, so he didn't have to kill the orc jailer again.

Reading the file again, the barbarian prince possessed by Goofy returned to the cell where the jailer had just been strangled. While the other jailers were still eating, he had no time to come over to inspect for the time being, tied the cable to the iron fence, and dropped it down the window until it reached the prison. The sea below the cliff.

Gao Fei was going to go out through the window, but he saw the wooden barrel by accident. With a thought, he picked up the wooden barrel, climbed up the window with one hand, got out with difficulty, and slid down along the cable.

Barsaka possesses "sports" skills and is proficient in swimming, but swimming across the endless sea with his flesh and blood is almost suicide.

After entering the water, he cut a length of cable with a dagger, and tied the barrel firmly to his back with the rope, so that even if he exhausted himself during a long swim, he could rely on the buoyancy of the barrel to keep him afloat on, so as not to drown easily.

As the sky became brighter, the wind and waves on the sea gradually became more violent. Gao Fei relied on his consciousness on the young barbarian prince, and drifted with the current with a wooden barrel on his back. After swimming for less than half an hour, he felt exhausted all over.

At first, he wanted to switch to the perspective of God, disconnect the sensory link with Basaka, and get rid of the fear and exhaustion of struggling to survive in the raging sea.

However, it occurred to me that I chose to join Tiangong not just to play games. Games are just a means to train and strengthen my own abilities.

Basaka's swimming skills are very good, but Gao Fei himself has to make up the swimming test in college physical education class to barely pass the standard. In case he needs to swim long distances when he is on duty in the future, there is no such thing as Basaka to swim for him.

Instead of spending money to go to the swimming pool for training, it is better to take this opportunity to swim in the sea and improve your swimming skills.

Thinking of this, Gao Fei gave up the idea of ​​switching the operation mode, and continued to fight the waves to survive in the raging sea with the No.1 perspective.

After persisting for another hour, Gao Fei couldn't hold it anymore, so he had to withdraw from the No.1 viewing angle and take a rest.

Observing Basaka from a wider angle, Gao Fei was depressed and found that after being out of possession, the barbarian prince seemed more relaxed, like a big fish swimming in the waves.

It seems that when he is possessed, even though he has the same attributes and skill data as Barsaka on paper, he cannot perfectly display the opponent's true level.

And when he released his possession, Basaka seemed to get rid of an invisible burden, and truly showed his excellent swimming skills.

Gao Fei sighed in shame, and thought that since Yao Guang said that he could exercise in the game world, he must make use of this function more in the future to improve his exercise level, so as not to always drag down his brother Basaka who treats him like a god.

In the third-person mode of operation, Gao Fei didn’t have to stare at Basaka all the time, so he hung up the phone first and went to the kitchen to make a bowl of noodles.

After filling his stomach indiscriminately and resting for a while, Gao Fei felt that his physical strength had recovered, so he returned to the game world, switched to the No.1 perspective again, imitated Basaka's swimming skills, and swung his arms vigorously in the vast expanse of blue waves.

The time flow of the game world is consistent with that of the real world. When Gao Fei swims tired, he quits and takes a rest until the night falls and he still cannot see the end of the sea.

After hanging up the phone for the fifth time, he was so tired that he leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest, and fell asleep unconsciously.

After an unknown amount of time, Gao Fei was startled awake by the system notification that came from his ears. He sat up and looked at the clock that came with the astrolabe. It was already past 4 o'clock in the morning, and he had slept for five hours.

In the game world, it was almost noon, and Basaka Olaf, who had been drifting in the sea for eight hours, was finally pushed onto the beach by the waves and landed on a deserted island.

After going ashore, Barsaka checked his belongings. Except for the mace that was lost in the sea, everything else was there. With a sigh of relief, he untied the barrel from his body and staggered towards the beach.

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei couldn't help raising his brows in surprise.

Not to mention an otaku like him, even a professional swimmer from Blue Star, after drifting in the rough sea for so long, may not have the strength to move his feet after landing, and Basaka is only a level 2 exhaustion, which is worthy of having 18 points A strong animal with physical attributes!

The star disk sent a system prompt at the right time, explaining to him the negative state brought about by "exhaustion".

Characters in the game may be "exhausted" if they endure hunger, thirst, physical exhaustion, or are exposed to harsh environments such as severe cold and heat for a long time.

The state of exhaustion is divided into 6 increasing levels.Creatures in a low-level exhaustion state may fall into a higher-level exhaustion state if the situation is not improved, and all the negative effects of low-level exhaustion will be superimposed.

Level 1 Exhaustion: Has disadvantage on ability and skill checks.

Level 2 exhaustion: On the basis of level 1 exhaustion, the additional movement speed is halved.

Level 3 exhaustion: On the basis of level 2 exhaustion, additional attack roll and saving throw disadvantages.

Level 4 exhaustion: On the basis of level 3 exhaustion, the upper limit of additional HP is halved.

Level 5 exhaustion: On the basis of level 4 exhaustion, the movement speed is reduced to 0.

Level 6 exhaustion: death.

After completing the one-hour short rest, the exhaustion level can be reduced by 1 level.

After 8 hours of adequate sleep and eating a nutritious diet, the exhaustion level will return to zero.


Barsaka is currently in a state of level 2 exhaustion, and it is necessary to take a break.

Following the guidance of the novice teaching, Gao Fei manipulated Basaka to find a rock on the beach, and sat in the shade for a short rest.

A "short break" is limited to low-intensity activities such as eating, reading, meditating, and wound care for at least an hour.

During the short rest period, several "life dice" can be consumed to restore physical strength, magic power or the number of uses of special abilities.

Extraordinary professionals have the same number of Hit Dice as their professional level.Barsaka is a level 1 berserker, so of course he only has one Hit Dice.

Spend this life dice during a short rest to restore physical strength, and the life value will be restored by "level + constitution correction" points.

If it is used to restore mana, it will add "level + cast attribute correction" mana value.

It is used to recover special abilities with a limited number of uses, and can only restore the attribute modification times corresponding to the ability.

For example, the Berserker's professional ability "Rage" depends on the constitution modification, while the bard's "Singing" skill, the number of daily uses depends on the Charisma modification.

Basaka has no ability to cast spells and cannot restore magic power. There are 6 "Rage" left, which is enough, so Gao Fei uses the only life dice to restore physical strength.

There are crabs under the reef, which can be used to satisfy hunger, and fresh water can be purchased from the system store. A liter of clean water only costs one copper coin, which is a small amount of money that Gao Fei can afford.

Basaka drank water and ate, and after resting for an hour, his health rose from 6 to 11, and his exhaustion dropped back to level 1.

It was already noon in the game world, and the quiet beach reflected the summer sun, shining bright golden light.

In the distance are rolling hills with lush vegetation and lush greenery.On such a small island far away from the hustle and bustle, there must be no shortage of birds, beasts, or even ferocious monsters.

Gao Fei started from the thinking of a web writer, and felt that there would be no meaningless scene in the game. This seemingly desolate island should be able to find some clues to trigger the subsequent plot.

Thinking of this, he switched back to the No.1 perspective, got up and walked to the lush valley opposite the beach, embarking on a journey of survival on a deserted island.


The third update is over, please recommend, please collect!

(End of this chapter)

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