Savior Simulator

Chapter 8 Survival on the Deserted Island

Chapter 8 Survival on the Deserted Island
The younger generation like Gao Fei, who live in the reinforced concrete jungle of the modern city, rarely have the opportunity to experience the wild life away from the hustle and bustle. The primitive scenery on the deserted island is a novel experience for him.

However, not far away in the bushy valley, he found that there was actually a murderous intent hidden behind the quiet natural scenery.

Among other things, there are no fewer than ten species of poisonous snakes on the island. There are poisonous snakes hiding behind every bush and branch of every big tree.

Gao Fei was not alert enough at first, and his ankle was bitten by a poisonous snake lurking in the bushes, and his health was -1.Fortunately, Brother Basaka has a strong physique, passed the immunity, and was not poisoned.

Since then, Gao Fei has learned a lesson by manipulating Barsaka to break off an ash tree, shave off the branches with a dagger, and only keep the smooth and straight trunk, making it into a giant wooden stick with a thick head and thin tail, more than two meters long .

This big stick made from local materials is classified as a simple weapon according to the weapons in the game world.

Barsaka has the proficiency of simple weapons, plus the Berserker is good at using the "giant weapon" held in both hands, wielding this large wooden stick to fight, and has an advantage in attack rolls.

Another advantage of a long enough stick is that it can be used to find the way.

In order to get a wider view, Gao Fei switched to the perspective of God, and ordered Basaka to slow down and explore the valley. Before taking a step, he had to sweep the surrounding grass with a wooden stick in advance to drive out the snakes and insects hiding in the dark. Fly with a stick.


The largest venomous snake I have encountered along the way has less than 10 health points, and it was bloody and bloody on the spot after being hit, which turned into experience points.

The challenge level of ordinary poisonous snakes is almost 0, and can only provide a pitiful 10 experience points.However, the accumulation of small amount made a lot, during this journey, no less than a dozen poisonous snakes were killed, and the accumulated experience value has already surpassed that of the orc jailer.

According to this momentum, Gao Fei only needs to kill a few more poisonous snakes and gather 300 experience points to upgrade Basaka to a level 2 berserker.

It took more than half an hour to pass through the woods on the west side of the island. The valley ahead came to an end, and what Gao Fei saw was a cave hidden in the trees.

Based on his intuition, Gao Fei guessed that there must be a fierce beast in the cave, and quickly issued a mental command, telling Basaka to walk lightly.

Sure enough, as soon as he got close to the entrance of the cave, the roar of a wild beast came from the depths of the dark cave, and in a blink of an eye, a cave bear rushed out with a shiny black mane and fierce eyes.

The bear regarded Barsaka as an intruder, growled menacingly at him, and sometimes waved its paw, showing its sharp claws like iron hooks.

The barbarian prince held up his big stick, eager to rush up and fight the bear.

Gao Fei quickly told him not to be impulsive, and opened the astrolabe to check the illustration book of this cave bear.

The six attributes of the cave-dwelling black bear are strength 19, agility 13, constitution 16, intelligence 2, perception 13, and charm 7. The challenge level is the same as that of the half-orc jailer, but the health value and strength attributes are higher than the half-orc jailer.


Basaka's HP is only 10 points left, as long as he is slapped twice by that ferocious black bear, he will immediately rush to the street on the spot!

Confronting the black bear head-on is obviously not a good idea. Gao Fei quickly observed the environment around the cave, and before the black bear rushed over, he manipulated Basaka to hide behind a big tree.

The black bear realized that the intruder hadn't left, and was still hiding behind the tree and peeping at him furtively. Looking at it, he felt uneasy, and rushed over angrily, trying to go around the tree trunk and bite him.

Gao Fei quickly manipulated Basaka to dodge, and using the big tree as a cover, he used the well-known "Qin King Surrounding the Pillar" agility, narrowly escaped the aggressive attack of the black bear, swung his big stick, and hit the black bear's chin hard. Blow away two bloody teeth.

At this time, Gao Fei received a novice teaching prompt from the system, and learned that the tree-surrounding tactic he had just used was in line with the "half-cover" rule in the game.

The character uses obstacles such as trees to hinder the enemy while launching a counterattack, and can gain an additional 2 points of defense and reflection saving bonus, which is the so-called "half cover".

More well-protected bunkers, such as tower shields, parapets, and fortresses, also provide higher defense bonuses, but such favorable environments of "3/4 cover" or even "full cover" are difficult to obtain in the wilderness.

While checking the novice teaching, Gao Fei manipulated Basaka to circle the black bear around the tree, swung a stick when he was cold, and the black bear howled and screamed.

The battle lasted for 2 minutes, and the black bear, which was hammered with a big stick, finally realized that the opponent was too cunning and could not afford to provoke him, so he turned around and tried to escape back to the cave.

Basaka, the reckless man, chased after him without thinking!

Gao Fei quickly shouted to stop him, but he couldn't rein in the runaway horse in time. He could only watch helplessly as the barbarian prince rushed out roaring, caught up to the wounded black bear in two or three steps, and beat him wildly with a big stick. The bear's head was smashed open in no time, and the blood spattered. The scene was so tragic that he couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Before he died, the black bear fought back desperately and slapped Basaka, and his sharp claws tore three gaps in the leather armor, bleeding out.

Gao Fei was so angry that he cursed Basaka for his lack of brains, and quickly opened the status bar to check the injury.

Fortunately, with the leather armor blocking it, the wound was not fatal, but Basaka's HP was only 4 points left.

Gao Fei spent another two gold coins to buy a roll of linen bandages and a small bottle of spirits in the system store, and handed them to Barsaka, instructing him to wash and bandage the wound so as not to lose too much blood or die from tetanus infection.

In the time it took for him to miss him, Brother Barbarian gave him a new job. He actually took the half bottle of spirits left over from scrubbing the wound... and bored him in one gulp!Afterwards, he smacked his lips, expressing his gratitude to the gods for the gift of fine wine.

The lad is in a good mood!Life is almost gone, and there are still two cups of leisure and leisure? !

Gao Fei couldn't laugh or cry, and even regretted choosing a barbarian protagonist with a brain full of muscles to open up wasteland.

Gao Fei sighed helplessly, and turned back to check the battle records.

After hunting the cave-dwelling black bear, Basaka gained another 100 experience points, and the accumulated total experience points have exceeded 300, which is supposed to be enough to upgrade to a level 2 berserker, but Gao Fei couldn't find an option to upgrade.

At this time, Xingpan sent a reminder, telling him that the protagonist team in the adventure module can not automatically increase the level by accumulating enough experience points, but must complete the corresponding main storyline and reach the so-called "story milestones" before they can upgrade.

The question is, where is the main line of the next plot?
(End of this chapter)

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