Chapter 6
Gao Fei turned around on the barrel, continued to cover the root of the acid-corroded iron grid with his shoulders, and at the same time waved his fists with red eyes, beat his chest, and roared like a beast, like an angry gorilla.

The half-orc jailer had seen the "berserker" go berserk a lot, but it was quite rare for Basaka to act so exaggeratedly today.

The jailer stroked his chin and looked at the yelling "barbarian monkey" on the barrel, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Gao Fei couldn't help worrying that his acting skills were too exaggerated, and the jailer would see his flaws. Fortunately, the sizzling and corrosive sound behind him subsided at this time, and he didn't need to cover up with roaring anymore, so he jumped off the wooden barrel and rushed to In front of the prison door, he punched and cursed at the jailer.

"Green-skinned bastard! Do you dare to open the prison door and challenge me one-on-one like a real man!"

Sparks of anger burst out from the half-orc's eyes, but he quickly restrained his anger. He didn't catch his provocative method, and with a gloomy face, no matter how provocative the barbarian prince was, he remained silent until the "violence" of the other party subsided and his face showed fatigue. Then he took out the blowtorch with a smirk, and blew a poisonous arrow at his chest!
Gao Fei was hit by a poisoned arrow and fell backward on purpose. He fell beside the barrel, hugged the barrel with both hands, and struggled to get up.

He is no stranger to the sting caused by blowing arrows, and the deduction of 2 points of health is also expected, but the numbness is not as strong as last time.

Just as he was wondering, Gao Fei received a notification from the system that he had just passed a "fortitude save" and successfully suppressed the toxins in his body.

Gao Fei was secretly happy, but still pretended to be poisonous, holding the wooden barrel and moaning in pain.

At this time, the astrolabe sent a system prompt, asking him to make a "Performance" or "Deceit" check, and the difficulty of saving (DC) 10.

By passing the test, the half-orc jailer can be successfully deceived, making him unaware that he is pretending to be poisoned, which is of course of great benefit to the next escape operation.

Barsaka comes with three skills, "Beast Taming (Perception)", "Perception (Perception)" and "Intimidation (Charisma)". As for "Performance (Charisma)" and "Deception (Charisma)", he is not good at it. You cannot gain the proficiency bonus corresponding to the skill.

Fortunately, Gao Fei's dice luck was good this time, and the two rolls of the "Deception" check were rolled 8 points and 11 points respectively.

At the level 1 state of exhaustion, the attribute check is disadvantaged. The lower of the double dice is 8 points, plus 2 points of charm correction, just passed the check, and successfully deceived the jailer.

The half-orc didn't notice anything unusual, opened the cell door and walked in, stepped on Basaka's back, raised the mace high with his right hand, pointed at the barrel with his left hand, and said viciously:

"Boy, have you had enough trouble?"

"Listening, Lao Tzu will take a fierce meal next, and then shit in that barrel, unless you eat all the shit of Lao Tzu, otherwise you will be uncomfortable tonight!"

I went to Nima!
Furious, Gao Fei grabbed the jailer's ankle with his backhand, turned over, and knocked the green-skinned bastard to the ground. With a bang, he knocked his head over the barrel!
The jailer never expected that he still had the strength to resist, and fell on his back to the ground, his forehead was swollen and swollen, his eyes stared at him for a while, and he lost his mind.

Without hesitation, Gao Fei grabbed the reagent bottle that was originally buckled under the wooden barrel, pulled out the cork, and poured a bottle full of acid on the jailer's face, burning his eyes on the spot!

The jailer instinctively covered his face and exclaimed, before he could raise his voice to call for help, the barbarian prince pounced on him like a lion, rode on him, strangled his neck tightly with a cable, his arms tightened tightly, tense Muscle is cast like steel.

The half-orc jailer was blind, his face was corroded so horrible, he opened his mouth wide, stuck out his tongue, inhaled with difficulty, twisted his body desperately, trying to get rid of Basaka on his body, but in vain, he was hanged within a few minutes He lost consciousness, foamed at the mouth, and his crotch was wet.

Gao Fei continued to tighten his grip until the jailer's face turned purple and his heart stopped beating, then he let go.

The system sent a reminder: Successfully kill the half-orc jailer, get 100 experience points (XP).

The young berserker, Basaka Olaf, has long been used to bloody storms, and killing people is as common as eating and drinking.

Gao Fei is dependent on him, and will also be affected by the mentality of the host to some extent. Although it is the first time to kill someone with his own hands, his mood is unusually calm—maybe this is the psychological quality that Yao Guang hopes they will train through the simulation game.

Only with this kind of psychological quality, when facing the enemy in the real world in the future, can you kill the killer without changing your face.

Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief, dragged his tired body to the window, held an iron fence corroded by acid with both hands, and pulled it hard, breaking the root. The open window was enough for him to get out sideways.

The window to freedom has been opened, but Gao Fei is not in a hurry to leave. He turned around and came back to search the jailer's body, and seized a set of crude leather armor with a 2-level defense, a mace, a dagger, and blow darts , flint and steel, and cell key.

Gao Fei put on the leather armor, put the rest of the spoils into the storage space of the astrolabe, looked at the open cell door, and couldn't help thinking.

During the fight with the jailer, no one else came to check, which shows that the guards in this cell are not strict.

It's almost two o'clock in the morning. Apart from the jailer who was strangled to death by himself, there should be no other guards outside the cell door. Anyway, there is already a way out behind him. Should we take the risk of going out through the main entrance? Maybe we can assassinate the jailer while he is sleeping. , earn more experience points and loot.

Gao Fei has played a lot of open world RPG games. He writes fantasy novels himself, and he often travels offline. Based on his own experience, he feels that if he wants to avoid clichés, he needs to design more scripts like "Prison Break". variable.

It is certainly possible for players to escape through the window, but if they are brave enough to take risks, they should be able to sneak out through the main entrance while the night is dark.

Whether planning a game script or conceiving a novel, generally speaking, the more a character breaks out of the routine and takes an unconventional path when solving problems, the more benefits he can get.

What Gao Fei was most impressed with was a classic game called "Sin of the Divine Realm", in which players discovered multiple ways to escape from prison in the prologue.

Will this realistic game designed by "Tiangong" to train special police officers follow the same concept?

Gao Fei restrained the impulse in his heart, and first saved a file with the astrolabe. Fortunately, the file didn't need to consume energy, and then tiptoed towards the door of the prison.

Five minutes later, there was a burst of exclamation and roar at the end of the corridor, followed by the sound of fierce fighting...

Well, it turns out that this doesn't work.

Opposite the corridor is the dining hall of the prison. As soon as Gao Fei went out, he ran into more than 20 jailers who were waiting for a meal. One can imagine the fate...

In the middle of the night, why did the jailers get up and eat?
The more Gao Fei thought about it, the more angry he felt that the design of the game was unreasonable, and he even wanted to send a letter to Yao Guang to complain—after all, she is also the customer service and kanban lady of this special training game.

However, after checking the new entries in the astrolabe, he realized that most of the jailers outside the corridor were orcs.

These green-skinned beasts are sensitive to light by nature, and they are used to being nocturnal. Now this hour coincides with the dinner time of the orcs, no wonder they gathered in the dining hall.

 one more chapter

(End of this chapter)

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