Savior Simulator

Chapter 614 Beauty Statue (for Subscription)

Chapter 614 Beauty Statue (for Subscription)

A corridor leading to the interior of the temple.

A five-foot-wide corridor, filled with ceramic statues, blocked the way forward.

All these white and delicate porcelain statues are all in the shape of curly-haired beauties, wearing floor-length skirts, with enchanting and slender bodies, similar in size to adult human women, and much taller than the dwarf statues I saw on the street before. .

The beautiful face of the statue resembles that of a human being, but after a little observation, you will find that the curly hair is in the shape of a small snake, with bared teeth and evil shapes, which makes people get goosebumps.

It can be seen that these statues were all shaped by the Gorgon Patra according to her own image.

Jiang Feng drew out his rapier, and tentatively tapped on the porcelain sculpture of a snake-haired banshee closest to him, which echoed crisply.

"This porcelain sculpture is hollow."

Then, she blasted the head of the porcelain sculpture with a single shot, and the inside was indeed hollow.

"This is the normal porcelain carving process." Ma Yun commented.

Jiang Feng tapped another porcelain sculpture next to him with his rapier, and it was obvious that the knocking sound was more dull than the one just now.

"This statue...appears to be solid."

Jiang Feng had a strange expression on his face.

"So she was once a living being, turned into a porcelain sculpture after being gazed upon by Patra, like those poor pottery gnomes in the street?" speculated the Tin Woodman.

Jiang Feng shook his head and remained silent.

"There is only one Patra in the world, and it is impossible for her to turn herself into a porcelain sculpture." The Scarecrow murmured softly, "Unless the original owner of this porcelain sculpture had a pair of clothes exactly like Patra's when she was alive. stature and appearance."

"In addition to this situation, there is another possibility." Ma Yun added, "First use magic to transform ordinary people, such as any resident in the city, into the appearance of Patra, and then petrify into a porcelain sculpture. "

"The method you pointed out is more feasible, smart lady mage. After all, it is difficult to find people with exactly the same appearance, but it is easier to transform people into your own appearance, and it is easy to operate in batches."

The scarecrow pointed down the corridor.

"Look, this corridor is full of identical porcelain sculptures, at least there are hundreds of them, and all the porcelain sculptures are in the shape of Patra, even if only a small part of them are transformed from living people, it takes Mass-produced plastic surgery."

"What's the use of analyzing it? After all, isn't it just a porcelain statue? It doesn't matter whether it's hollow or solid. Since it blocks our way, just push it away and it's over."

The lion raised its front paw impatiently, and pulled the solid porcelain statue that Jiang Feng had just discovered to one side.

The porcelain statue fell to the ground and split in two.

Among the debris, something seemed to be wriggling, which immediately aroused Jiang Feng's vigilance, and he raised his pistol without thinking.

Right at the point of the gun, a skeleton tengu climbed up from the broken porcelain statue, raised its crow-like head, and glared at the outsiders viciously, with pale soul fire shining in its eye sockets.

Jiang Feng fired two shots in a row, knocking the skeleton tengu down before it pounced.

Nick added a "Holy Fire" to completely destroy the skeleton.

"It seems that we all guessed wrong. The porcelain statue is not solid, but there is a skeleton tengu hidden inside the hollow statue."

The Tin Woodman stated calmly.

"So I just said, what's the use of thinking so much? Just do it!" The lion laughed.

"This incident shows that our clever friends are sometimes fooled by their cleverness." The Tin Woodman said mockingly.

The scarecrow rubbed his cheeks in embarrassment, thankful that he was not given the function of blushing and shy by the creator.

In fact, he really wanted to find out, were these tengus still alive when they were sealed in the porcelain statues?

But thinking of the sarcasm of the Lion and the Tin Woodman, I am ashamed to waste everyone's time on such details.

To enter the central hall of the temple, one must pass through a corridor filled with ceramic statues.

The enemy hidden inside the porcelain statue is undoubtedly a threat, and it must be carefully eliminated.

The lion proposed to smash all the porcelain statues, which is indeed the safest way.

Breaking one after another is too troublesome, Goofy has a more efficient blasting method.

Waving his hands to signal his companions to retreat, Gao Fei stood alone in front of the closely arranged porcelain sculptures, raising his hand and blasting "thunder waves".

The sound of rumbling thunder echoed in the narrow and closed corridor.

Within 15 feet on the opposite side, all porcelain sculptures were shattered.

The skeleton tengu hiding in the statue was regarded as one body with the porcelain sculpture, and also received double damage from the thunder wave, and all of them were blown up without arms or legs.

Standing behind Gao Fei, Jiang Feng and the others took the opportunity to attack together and killed the severely injured skeleton tengus one by one in the pile of broken porcelain.

After clearing this wave of monsters, Ma Yun said to Gao Fei: "Brother Fei! My psychic necklace comes with a spell to detect undead creatures. Maybe you can see through the shell of the porcelain statue whether there is a skeleton tengu hidden inside. "

"Okay, the richest man, just try to cast a spell."

Ma Yun stimulated the energy stored in the necklace, and cast a ring 1 spell "Detect Undead", and the pupils glowed with a faint silver luster.

The field of vision radius of "Detect Undead" is 120 feet. As long as Ma Yun stays focused, she can see whether there are undead creatures in the field of vision, no matter whether the opponent is an invisible incorporeal ghost or hiding inside a hollow statue.

"Oh! I saw the negative energy of the undead creature fluctuate!"

Ma Yun jumped excitedly, and pointed out to Gao Fei the porcelain sculptures where the skeleton tengu was hiding.

Gao Fei instructs Pearl to use the "mind ray", pull up one of the porcelain sculptures, smash it to the ground, and smash it to pieces.

Inside the ceramic debris, there was indeed a skeleton lying on its stomach.Before he could get up, he was chopped off by the Tin Woodman with an axe.

The test results prove that this trick works.

Next, Goofy can save mana.

Only when the porcelain sculptures hidden by the skeleton tengu were piled up together, did he cast "Thunder Wave" to smash them all together.

Scattered porcelain statues, let Pearl come over and smash them by remote control, just pull them out and kill them.

It took nearly a quarter of an hour to finally clear a passage.

At the end of the corridor is a closed stone door.

Jiang Feng's "Sanctuary" has the skill of "Skillful Hands".

He stepped forward to remove the poisonous needle trap hidden in the crack of the door, unlocked the door, then stopped, staring at the crack of the door, his face gradually becoming serious.

"Sister Feng, can't the door be opened?" Ma Yun asked from behind.

"Traps and locks removed, but . . . we better not rush to open the door."


"The opposite of this door is full of strong negative energy, which is spreading out through the crack of the door."

"Templar" is not only a thief class, but also has the characteristics of a priest.

As a divine spellcaster, Jiang Feng was very sensitive to changes in the concentration of negative energy, and high concentrations of negative energy often came from high-level undead creatures.

(End of this chapter)

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