Savior Simulator

Chapter 613 Demolition of the Temple

Chapter 613 Demolition of the Temple
"It's impossible to push the bomb directly. It will be exploded halfway." Gao Fei said with emotion: "So, it is not difficult to manufacture nuclear weapons. The difficulty lies in manufacturing the vehicles and launch equipment of nuclear weapons."

"The crossbow arrows fired through the arrow holes can only be shot flat and cannot defend against air. It is safest to drop bombs from the air." Ma Yun said.

Although Jiang Feng was not as smart as the two of them, he figured it out now.

"Goofy, you become an air elemental, dragging the ceramic man...I mean cluster bombs, how about flying into the air and dropping bombs?"

"The load is too heavy to drag." Gao Fei told the truth, "Ten ceramic figures are bundled together, the total weight is more than half a ton, and the power attribute of the wind element is too low. It's kind of hard...unless I turn into a whirlwind, but then the Porcelain Man will blow up in the air."

"Then how should we airdrop?" Jiang Feng looked sad.

"it's actually really easy."

Gao Fei smiled and snapped his fingers.

"Pearl, it's up to you next."

The "Eye of the Pearl Ball" floated over in response to the master's call.

"Pearl is so small, she doesn't seem to have much strength, can she lift ten ceramic figures?" Lion couldn't help questioning.

The "Eye of the Pearl Ball" angrily crossed him once... two, three, four, five eyes, raised an eye stalk, and shot a "mind ray" at the bundle of ceramic people, and then remotely controlled the total weight of more than The half-ton cluster bomb of ceramic man slowly floated into the air.

Pearl's "mind ray" has a maximum remote control load of 1900 pounds, which is equivalent to 855kg. It is very easy to pull up half a ton of weight.

Pulling the cluster bomb, Pearl flew up to a hundred feet in the air, and then flew towards the temple.

Fortunately, the game designer was merciful and did not arrange crossbowmen on the roof of the temple.

Pulling the bomb, Pearl safely flew over the temple gate and canceled the mind control.

The ten ceramic figures bound together fell freely.

Under the watchful eyes of Gao Fei and others, he finally fell under the wall outside the temple gate, and with a bang, it exploded violently!

A ceramic figure with a self-explosion power of 6d6.

The ten ceramic figures exploded at the same time, and the superimposed power was shocking.

The stone wall covered with arrow holes was bombed by this homemade cluster bomb on the spot.

Even the pillars of the temple were shaken endlessly, as if they were about to collapse.

When the explosion died down, the dust settled.

The barriers blocking adventurers have been completely removed, and the gates to the temple are wide open.

More than half of the large group of skeleton tengus who were standing behind the wall and shooting cold arrows were blown away on the spot.

Many others were buried alive by collapsing walls.

There were less than ten of them left, and they hurriedly dropped their crossbows, pulled out the daggers they wore around their waists, and rushed out in a swarm.

These tengus transformed into undead creatures have an average HP of 25 points, agility as high as 18 points, and other attributes are very ordinary.

In addition to the undead traits, the skeleton tengu also has "alertness", "dexterous action" and 5/bludgeoning damage reduction armor, good at "group tactics", and 1d6 "sneak attack" feat.

The Skull Tengu has the same challenge rating as the Animated Porcelain, but is more powerful and tougher to counter.

This group of monsters is particularly good at bullying the few with the more.

Although Gao Fei and his party are much higher level than Skeleton Tengu, if they are surrounded and trigger "sneak attack" and "group tactics" at the same time, they will probably be beaten to death after two rounds!

Ma Yun also saw that this group of crazy skeleton tengus were not easy to mess with, so he hurriedly cast the 2-ring "spider web technique".

On the ceramic steps in front of the temple, a large piece of sticky spider silk emerged out of thin air, sticking all the skeleton tengus.

The skeleton tengu's agility attribute is quite high, and it is also good at "dexterous movement". Even if it is entangled by a spider web, after turning on "sprint", it can still struggle to move forward slowly in the spider web.


Ma Yun then cast the "fuel technique".

Spread a layer of creamy grease between the gaps in the spider web.

The skeletal tengu staggered forward, stepped on the grease, fell one after another, and was stuck all over by the spider web. If he wanted to break free, he had to make a strength check.

Compared with agility, the strength of the skeleton tengu is pitifully weak, with an average of around 8 points, which is the level of classmate Pony.

Once you fall on the spider web, you will be cocooned from head to toe by the flexible and sticky silk, and it is almost impossible to get out.


Gao Fei sent out a "scorching ray" at the right time, and three fiery red beams hit a skeleton tengu respectively.

Each ray causes 4d6 points of fire damage to the target, and ignites the grease on the body by the way, and the three skeletons immediately become burning men.

At the same time, the grease under the skeleton tengu's feet was also ignited, turning into a sea of ​​flames in an instant, blocking the only way to enter and exit the temple.

The skeleton tengu caught in the flames were all burned and smoked.

One after another, they fell into the flames and receded into charred black bones.

This "adding fuel to the fire" tactic also caused a small side effect, and burned the spider web set by Ma Yun.

The skeleton tengu, who was on the edge of the "spider web technique", seized the opportunity to break free from the shackles and escape from the flames.

The valiant lion roared and rushed up, bumping headfirst into the chest of the skeleton tengu who had just stepped down the stairs, knocking the thin monster back and flying back, falling into the sea of ​​flames, unable to get up again.

Inspired by the lion, Nick hurried to the steps, grabbed another skeleton tengu with his bare hands, ignored the opponent's sword and stabbed at himself, lifted the little guy high, and threw it back into the fire.

"Ha! Get the hell out of here!"

There are also two skeleton tengus who escaped from the flames, and they are targeted by Goofy and Pearl respectively.

Gao Fei threw out the "Whip of Thorns" and dragged the skeleton tengu who had just escaped from the trap back to the fire.

Pearl sent out a "psychic ray", and the skeleton tengu was lifted 60 feet into the air by remote control, and then slammed down, smashing to pieces on the spot.

Not long after, the skeleton tengus near the temple gate were all cleaned up.

The "fuel technique" has reached the time limit, and the grease created by the magic power disappears by itself, and the flame that uses the grease as fuel also goes out.

However, the scorched skeleton tengu still emits flames and acrid black smoke—these flames do not rely on magic to exist, and they will continue to burn after the "fuel technique" is lifted.

Jiang Feng waited impatiently for the corpses to burn out and extinguish naturally. Holding the holy emblem, he recited the magic prayer and cast "water making" on the fire.

The rain was pouring down, and the fire was quickly extinguished.

There were still a few remaining embers, which were also cooled and extinguished by the "freezing ray" released by Pearl.

Jiang Feng explored the way ahead and walked into the gate of Patra Temple stepping on the charred bones.

Gao Fei and others followed closely.

Ma Yun was worried that the scarecrow would be ignited by the remaining sparks, so she let him ride on the lion's back.

Dimitri leapt, carried the flimsy scarecrow over the fire site, and landed in a safe place.

(End of this chapter)

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