Savior Simulator

Chapter 612 The Past of the Ancient City

Chapter 612 The Past of the Ancient City

Theodora is not a good and helpful witch.

After killing Patra, she asked the tengus to swear allegiance to her.

The tengus were afraid of the powerful magic power of the witch, and most of them surrendered to her, respecting her as their new master, and then followed her to leave the city of ceramics and go to Wenji Township in the west to mine gold mines.

Only a very small number of tengu, who refused to betray Patra, were all brutally killed by the witches of the west, and cast spells to turn them into undead creatures, sealed in porcelain statues and temples.

As for the activated ceramic figures in the city, they are also the masterpieces of the witches of the West.

The tengu who died in this room was one of the loyal servants of the Gorgon Patra.

Patra, who was killed by the Witch of the West, was not completely dead.

Theodora has a wicked taste for transforming her opponents into undead creatures.

Patra also became her plaything and was turned into a "living dead" by magic.

The undead of the Gorgon was imprisoned in the temple built during her lifetime.

There are also many tengus transformed into undead creatures in the temple, and they still perform the mission of protecting the mistress after death.

Theodora didn't like this city of ceramics, but she didn't mind keeping this place as her palace, and she would come to visit it whenever she felt like it.

Tengu's soul also revealed a gossip.

It is said that the treasures collected by Patra, the Gorgon, were stored in a hidden room in the temple, and even Theodora did not find them.

The tengu who died in the room had a chance to escape from Fort Patra.

The reason why he was reluctant to leave was not only because of his loyalty to the hostess, but also because of his greed for treasure.

As you can imagine, greed cost him his life.

When his soul was awakened by Ma Yun's spell, he was dead, and what he couldn't forget most was the treasure in the temple. He was so greedy to the point of ridiculousness!
"The treasure of the Gorgon!"

Xiao Ma seems to have been infected by a greedy tengu. As soon as the psychic is over, "$$" flashes in his eyes.

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! I have received the main task!"

"Are you going to the Temple of Patra to hunt for treasure?" Jiang Feng asked.

"That's right!"

After walking not far along the street, everyone saw a magnificent building located in the center of the city.

The temple that the Gorgon built for herself is a circular arched building supported by tall columns, and the facade of the walls is covered with white and smooth tiles.

The only gate to enter the temple has been sealed by a stone wall, and many small holes have been dug into the wall.

Jiang Feng's Raiders of the Templar came with the "Perception" skill, and the specialty "Sentry" also greatly strengthened her Perception check.

As soon as she entered the square where the temple was located, she stopped and reminded her companions to be careful.

"The stone wall that seals the gate of the temple, the hole dug out is probably a device for firing arrows."

"If the crossbow is really hidden, how far is the range?" Gao Fei asked.

"I can't see that." Jiang Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"We should send someone up to find the way." Ma Yun turned her head and looked at the scarecrow. "Weita, have you heard the story of 'borrowing arrows from a straw boat'?"

"I haven't heard of it, but Miss Mage, you don't have to tell me about it, I understand what you mean."

Vita sighed, and stepped forward bravely.

When there were still 50 meters away from the gate, the arrow holes on the wall swished, and densely packed crossbow bolts were shot out.

Vita ran back quickly.

When he returned to his companions, several crossbow bolts had already been inserted into his back.

Jiang Feng pulled out a crossbow arrow to observe, and said to everyone: "The arrow is poisoned."

"I should be thankful that it wasn't a rocket that was shot from the other side."

Vita laughed bitterly at himself.

"Try me next."

Nick picked up the tower shield Ma Yun made for him, protected his body, and walked forward slowly.

Walking to the place where Weta was attacked just now, arrows swished again from the opposite side.

This time, there were not only poisonous arrows, but also rockets!
The crossbow bolt coated with "blazing glue" penetrated the shield's skin, nailed it to the oak tower shield, and quickly set it ablaze.

Nick had to drop the flaming shield, turn and run back.

With a clanging sound, several crossbow arrows shot at his back.

Most of the crossbow bolts were bounced off by the iron armor, but there were also two that penetrated the iron armor and plunged into Nick's back.

Gao Fei pulled out the crossbow bolt on the back of the Tin Woodman and found that the arrow had been bent.

If such a powerful crossbow is shot at a living person, the arrow will surely penetrate deep into the internal organs.

Ma Yun cast a spell to repair the arrow holes on the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman, looking at the heavily fortified temple opposite, lost in thought.

"It's impossible to rush up directly, and you will definitely be shot into a hornet's nest." Lion Dimitri scratched his head.

"If you want to break into the temple, you have to tear down that wall."

Jiang Feng opened the astrolabe, logged into the system store, read the list of goods from top to bottom, and finally showed disappointment.

"It's a pity that the system store doesn't sell things like explosive kits, otherwise it would just blow the wall down."

"Dynamite pack..." Gao Fei had an idea, held his girlfriend's hand and said with a smile, "Comrade Xiao Jiang, you came up with a good idea!"

"Please, I'm just saying it casually, why bother to be sarcastic!"

Jiang Feng shook his hand away, puffing up his cheeks and sulking.

"Sister Feng, you misunderstood Brother Fei." Ma Yun smiled and persuaded the fight, "He really praised you and came up with a good idea."

"No... Is this a good idea?" Now it's Jiang's turn to be overwhelmed, "Anyway, it's impossible for explosives to appear in fantasy mods with a medieval background!"

"There are no ready-made explosive kits, we can make our own!"

Ma Yun opened the storage space of the astrolabe, took out three bundles of cables, and applied "secondary activation" one by one, all of which became "activation ropes".

She gave three bundles of activated rope to the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and the Lion respectively, and asked them to go to the street to catch the active ceramic figures.

"The rest of the ceramic figures on the street are in passive patrol mode. As long as they don't come within 60 feet, they won't be attacked by them."

Goofy told Nick to go along.

"You'd better look for the lonely ceramic man and chop off the arm with an axe, so that the resistance can be lifted without triggering self-detonation."

"Turn the ceramic figurines into sticks, tie them with activated ropes, and string them up one by one, just like stringing sausages."

"Make up ten pottery figurines and bring them back."

The Tin Woodman and the Lion looked at each other, unable to understand Gao Fei and Ma Yun's intentions.

The smart scarecrow seemed to wake up and nodded with a smile.

About half an hour passed.

Nick, Vita, and Dimitri, each leading a string of ceramic figures tied with activated ropes, returned to the temple square.

"Great! Now let's make cluster bombs!"

Ma Yun connected the three activated ropes end to end, and tied the ten ceramic figures firmly together.

The next question is how to put this "cluster bomb" in front of the gate of the temple.

(End of this chapter)

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