Savior Simulator

Chapter 611 Psychic Necklace

Chapter 611 Psychic Necklace
"Wow even!!"

Ma Yun's eyes widened in surprise.

"This guy... looks like that, Plague Doctor!"

Goofy nodded slightly.

The face of the corpse was indeed very similar to the bird's beak mask used by doctors in the Middle Ages to protect themselves from infectious diseases.

"I don't know what a plague doctor is. The body of this dead man looks like an ordinary dwarf, but it has a crow's head. How strange!" Dimitri commented.

"The head of a crow with a human body... Listen to you, it really looks like it!"

Jiang Feng agreed with the lion's description.

"Friends, if I'm not mistaken, this should be the corpse of a tengu." Nick the Tin Woodman broke the silence.

"What is Tengu?" The lion asked curiously, "Is it delicious?"

"Sorry, I haven't eaten it, and I don't plan to eat it." Nick said coldly, "Although it looks a bit weird, tengu is also a kind of humanoid creature. It is usually less than 4 feet tall and uses a bird-like body. The language of barking sounds loud."

"As far as I know, most tengus are mentally abnormal, appearing crazy, neurotic, and have a boring hobby of imitating other people's speech in a strange way."

"Oh, it's really boring!"

Goofy glanced at Pearl.

Pearl rolled his eyes, obviously not agreeing with Nick's opinion.

"It is said that in ancient times, the Tengu clan originally had wings and lived on the top of the mountains, or served the great mages in the city in the clouds."

"I don't know why later, the Tengu clan was cursed, lost the wings they needed to fly, and could only settle on the surface."

"To this day, the Tengus are still looking for a way to undo this ancient curse, eager to return to the sky."

"As far as individuals are concerned, tengu are like humans or elves, there are good ones and some evil ones."

"In general, the tengu group lacks clear standards of good and evil, and is more willing to act willfully, moody, and easily incited. This is why I hate them."

"Nick, you know a lot!" Vita said admiringly.

"My friend, I'm not as smart as you, but I've lived long enough." The Tin Woodman shrugged, "You know, I was an elf before I became like this. The life span is a little bit longer, and the longer you live, the more you will see and hear."

The life expectancy of an elf is 750 years old, which is "billion points" longer than that of a human.

Gao Fei complained secretly.

Weta remote-controlled the "Mage Hand" and ripped the half-weathered cloak from the tengu's remains.

As the cloak fell to the ground, there was a ding-dong sound.

A necklace of black onyx slipped out of the pocket of the cloak.

Ma Yun picked up the necklace, opened the astrolabe and appraised it, with a happy face.

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! This is a string of 'Psychic Necklaces', which belong to the extraordinary level of magic tools."

With that said, she posted the appraisal result on the team channel.


·Psychic Necklace (Extraordinary)
Overview: This necklace of polished black onyx allows the wearer to communicate with the dead.

Synchro Requirements: Depends on caster level

Initial: 1 charge, 1 ring "detect undead";
Level 3: 3 rounds of charging, 2nd ring "see through invisibility";
Level 5: 5 charges, 3rd level "Spiritualism".


Jiang Feng looked at the attributes of the "Psychic Necklace" and nodded thoughtfully.

"Xiaoyun, here is the corpse of a tengu and a psychic necklace, and your mage level just meets the synchronous requirements for performing 'psychic spells', so it goes without saying what to do next?"

"Sister Feng, I've already started co-tuning!"

Ma Yun put on the "Psychic Necklace", spent an astrolabe energy, and quickly skipped a short rest.

After a short rest, the necklace completes the 3rd level of synchronization.

Ma Yun draws a magic power from the necklace, and casts "spirituality" on the Tengu corpse to awaken his soul.

Through some exchanges with the tengu spirits, everyone not only learned about the history of the "City of Ceramics" Patra Fort, but also learned why this ancient city lost its former prosperity and became a lifeless relic.


Before becoming the "City of Ceramics", Patra Fort had another name and was once the home of gnomes.

However, the good times did not last long.

Half a century ago, a group of tengu cultists who worshiped evil gods broke into the city of the gnomes, trying to occupy the place.

The gnomes put up a stubborn resistance.

Helplessly, the leader of the Tengu Cult, a gorgon named Patra, was so powerful that he turned all the dwarfs in sight into ceramic statues with a single glance.


That's right.

Patra is different from other gorgons.

Creatures that make eye contact with her are turned into ceramics rather than stone.

Patra led the Tengu Cult, conquered the city, renamed it Fort Patra, and forced the surrendered gnomes to redecorate the entire city's buildings and streets.

Patra was crazily obsessed with ceramics, and asked to inlay a layer of white and smooth tiles on the city walls, streets, and outer walls of houses, so that she could see her beautiful reflection in the tiles no matter where she went.

It is only through this more blurred reflection, rather than the clear projection of the mirror, that the narcissistic gorgon can safely appreciate her own beauty.

There is a statement of doubtful credibility:
A mirror image that is too clear may cause the Gorgon to be petrified by her own gaze and become a ceramic statue.

With the entire city refurbished, Patra's vanity hasn't been sated yet.

On a whim, she forced the dwarf slaves to build a magnificent temple for herself.

An overwhelmed dwarf trying to escape the queen's brutal rule.

In the end, she used her eyes to turn them into ceramic statues, and placed them on the streets as decorations, as well as a warning to other slaves and outsiders.

When the temple was finally completed, Patra's madness reached its peak.

She brutally slaughtered dwarf laborers who were useless and turned them into porcelain statues to decorate her temple.

Even her tengu subordinates were terrified at the sight of the mistress' killing spree.

The dwarves have been killed by Patra. Will this bloodthirsty witch attack the tengus next?

Suspicion is like a plague, once it breeds, it will spread quickly and spread among the tengus.

In the end, most tengus decided to act first and removed the butcher knife hanging above their heads.

They knew that with their own strength alone, they could not defeat the mighty Gorgon.

The Tengus urgently need to find foreign aid, someone stronger than Patra.

So they sent a letter to the great witch Theodora who lived in the desert west of Fort Patra, asking for help.

Theodora, the witch of the west, gladly accepted the request of the tengus and came to Fort Patra, using powerful magic to kill the Gorgon.

(End of this chapter)

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