Savior Simulator

Chapter 610 Mysterious corpse (for subscription)

Chapter 610 Mysterious corpse (for subscription)

The ceramic man thrown away by Pearl, like a fired shell, hit the outer wall of the house opposite the alley.

Before it could self-destruct, it shattered into slag on the spot.

The crowd guarded the alley and kept repelling the ceramic man's attack.

Most of the enemies at the entrance of the alley had been wiped out, but there was the sound of clicking footsteps behind them.

Dimitri the lion was the first to hear the strange movement.

Looking back, I saw a large group of ceramic men appearing at the end of the alley, cutting off our retreat.

The brave lion rushed forward with a roar without hesitation.

The two ceramic figurines who had just walked into the alley side by side were knocked down by the lunging lion and hit their companions behind them.

The ceramic man who was knocked down by them also fell crookedly backwards, and then knocked down the companion who followed behind him.

Like toppling dominoes, five ceramic figures fell to the ground one after another.

The unlucky guy who was crushed at the bottom had a comminuted fracture and was unable to move, so he could only blew himself up.

The other four ceramic figures on top of him were originally not seriously injured, but they were attacked by self-explosion, and all minor injuries became serious injuries, and they all exploded one after another.

After a series of explosions, the Lions got five kills.

However, this did not make him happy.

There are more ceramic men on the opposite side, trying to charge into the alley.

Dimiter had no fear inside, and stood alone at the end of the alley, preventing any ceramic man from rushing past him and attacking his companions.

With his strength, under normal circumstances, it is not difficult to destroy these fragile constructs.

However, thinking that the ceramic man would explode if he was seriously injured, the lion didn't dare to attack with all his strength. As a result, he was surrounded by the ceramic man and refused to take half a step back after being beaten all over his head.

Gao Fei turned his head to observe the situation at the end of the alley.

Seeing that the lion was in a tight siege, he said to Ma Yun: "The richest man, quickly use your magic shoes and switch the positions of me and Dimitri."

"Okay, Phineas!"

The situation was urgent, and Ma Yun didn't bother to inquire about the reason why he did this. She tapped the heel lightly, and the silver high-heeled shoes glowed with magical light, and activated the "shifting shape".

Xiao Ma chooses Goofy and Lion as the target of the operation and forces them to switch places.

With a flash of light, Gao Fei and the lion disappeared in place at the same time, and then appeared together again.

The lion was replaced to Gao Fei's original position, out of danger, and accepted Jiang Feng's treatment.

At the same time, Gao Fei was teleported to the end of the alley, facing four ceramic figures standing side by side, raising their fists high, trying to beat him.


Immediately after the change of position, Gao Fei activated the 1st-level spell "Thunder Wave" that had been prepared.

To cast this spell, you only need to spend the "bonus" action, and the activation speed is extremely fast!

Before the fist of the ceramic man on the opposite side fell, he was blasted away by the ferocious "thunder wave" and fell ten feet away.

"Thunderwave" belongs to the magic of sound waves, which doubles the damage to fragile objects including ceramics!
Within 15 feet of Gao Fei, a total of nine ceramic figures were impacted by the sound waves, and large cracks appeared on the smooth and white ceramic bodies.

The basic damage of "Thunder Wave" is too low, only 3d6, even if the damage is doubled, it cannot directly kill the ceramic man with full blood in seconds.

However, as long as their health is reduced to less than half, or their legs and feet are shattered, making them incapacitated, Goofy has achieved his goal.

Of the nine ceramic figures blown away by the "thunder wave", six of them exploded on their own the moment they fell to the ground.

The other three were not injured enough to self-detonate, but they were affected by the self-destruction of other ceramic figures, and their injuries were added. They all reached the self-destruction threshold and exploded one after another.

Standing at the entrance of the alley, Gao Fei didn't even bat an eye when facing the scene of ceramic people self-destructing in succession.

The "thunder wave" spell also has the benefit of pushing hostile targets at least 10 feet away from the caster.

The killing radius of the ceramic man's self-explosion also happens to be 10 feet.

So Gao Fei was [-]% sure that he would never be bombed.

You can stand here with peace of mind and quietly enjoy the quite spectacular serial explosion scene.

The ceramic men gathered at the ends of the alley have all been wiped out.

Gao Fei looked into the distance, and there were still some activated ceramic figures walking around on the street, but they had no intention of participating in the attack on these outsiders, so he didn't bother to care about them.

At this moment, from the entrance of the alley, Vita the Scarecrow cried out in surprise.

"Huh? Everyone, come and see, there is a dead body hidden in this room!"

Gao Fei's heart moved, and he turned to Jiang Feng and Ma Yun and said, "It seems that the main plot has been triggered."

Ma Yun opened the astrolabe, looked at it, and showed doubts.

"Brother Fei, I haven't received the mission prompt yet, how did you know that the main plot was triggered?"

"Because Weta found the body." Gao Fei smiled and explained: "If you, me or Jiang Feng find some suspicious clues, it may not be related to the main plot, maybe it's just nervousness. It seems suspicious, but it's not true. worthless."

"However, the clues found by the NPC must be very important!"

"In the game, the player is an uncontrollable factor. The game designer considers that the player may ignore a certain key clue, which will cause the game to fail, so they let the fully controllable NPC trigger it, so as to advance more smoothly. The main plot, to avoid the situation of getting stuck.”

While chatting, the three of them had already walked out of the alley.

Weta the Scarecrow was standing in front of a house, looking in through a big hole in the wall.

Gao Fei remembered that the hole in the wall was self-exploding from the ceramic man Pearl threw out just now.

If he hadn't let Pearl participate in the battle at that time, how would this hole in the wall that was destined to be discovered by the NPC be exposed?

With doubts, Gao Fei followed the scarecrow into the hole in the wall.

On the opposite side is a bedroom. Judging from the small table, chairs and bed, the owner of the room should be a single dwarf.

The corpse Vita spoke of was sitting curled up in a corner, hands folded over knees, wearing a black cloak.

The hood of the cloak was pulled low over his face.

Wrapped in a black robe from head to toe, only the sleeves of the hands hugging the knees are exposed, the skin is withered, and the bones of the fingers are bony.

It was upon seeing this pair of withered bone palms that Vita concluded that the man in black had been dead for a long time.

"Hey! Friends, don't go there, maybe it's a fake dead...well, I mean a zombie or something."

Weta prevented Gao Fei and others from getting close to the corpse, then made a spell-casting gesture, and cast the 0-level trick "Mage Hand" that comes with the "Trickster", creating a pale magical palm, which slowly floated thirty feet away , Lifting the cloak of the man in black!
Under the cloak, a shriveled head was exposed.

The general shape of the skull is similar to that of a human being. The sparse black hair has not completely fallen off. Although the eyes, nose and ears have been dried, they are similar to human facial features.

Only his mouth protrudes forward, resembling a large bird's beak.

(End of this chapter)

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