Savior Simulator

Chapter 615 Petrification Gaze

Chapter 615 Petrification Gaze
Ma Yun walked to the door, her eyes shining with silver light.

The eyesight enhanced by "detecting undead" allowed her to clearly see the undead fluctuations behind the door through the door.

"A total of 25 negative energy groups representing undead creatures. One of them has a particularly high concentration. It should be the undead transformed by the Gorgon Patra. The rest are mostly undead creatures transformed by tengus, serving as Patra's bodyguards. .”

Ma Yun whispered to her companion.

"Can the astrolabe show the detailed situation on the other side of the gate?" Gao Fei asked.

Jiang Feng and Ma Yun shook their heads together.

"The concentration of negative energy is too high, which interferes with the detection function of the astrolabe. You can only roughly see the distribution of undead creatures, as well as the challenge level, but you can't clearly see the attributes and equipment."

Ma Yun replied.

"The one with level 12 of the 1 challenge levels should be the skeleton tengu."

"There are also 12 undead creatures whose challenge level is only 1/2, weaker than skeletons...they can only be zombies transformed by tengus."

"The last one is also the one with the highest level. It lives in the center of the temple hall and has a challenge level of 7. It should be the undead of the Gorgon Patra."

"What is the challenge level of the living Gorgon?" Gao Fei suddenly thought of a question.

Ma Yun opened the astrolabe and looked up the monster illustrated book.

"Ordinary Gorgon, the challenge level is level 5 or 6."

"That is to say, after Patra was killed by the Witch of the West, her strength became stronger..." Gao Fei frowned slightly.

"It looks like this, probably because of the special template of the undead creature." Ma Yun guessed.

"What kind of undead creature did Patra turn into, a skeleton, or a zombie?"

"This is also a question that confuses me." Ma Yun shrugged and spread her hands.

"It's a pity that my current occupation is not Yangyan monk, otherwise it would be much easier to deal with these undead creatures." Jiang Feng said regretfully.

"In short, be on guard before opening the door, especially beware of Patra's petrified gaze, it's too scary," Gao Fei said.

No one in the adventure team can undo or prevent petrification, and once it is tricked, it is tantamount to being killed in seconds.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you may laugh at me as Mrs. Xianglin, but I really miss the monk!"

Jiang Feng couldn't help sighing again.

"If I were still a monk, I would have clairvoyance, and I would be able to detect the movement around me even with my eyes closed, and avoid eye contact with the Gorgon, so I wouldn't be petrified by her. To be honest, it's not difficult to fight alone !"

"Apart from me, is there anyone else in our group who is good at 'blindsight' or 'tremor perception'?" Gao Fei looked around at his companions.

Ma Yun, Vita, Nick and Dimitri shook their heads together.

"Wait a minute, what does 'except you' mean?" Jiang Feng was shocked, "When did you learn the 'Blindsight' specialty secretly, why didn't I know!"

"I haven't learned this feat, but I can become an earth elemental with a 60-foot 'tremor perception'." Gao Fei smiled, "You know, earth elementals are always deep in the dark and lightless land. Swimming everywhere, you can only perceive the surrounding situation through the vibration of the sand."

"Okay! You're about to become an earth element, open the door and go in to challenge Patra!" Jiang Feng patted his shoulder to encourage his boyfriend, "Let us deal with the rest of you."

"I'm not going..." Gao Fei resolutely admitted, "The challenge level is level 7. I'm just a weak and pitiful level 6 imitator. I may not be able to beat Patra."

"Hey! You used to boast that you were an invincible imitator!"

"Forget it, Sister Feng, it's indeed a bit inhumane to let Brother Fei deal with the big boss alone, we should use some tactics!" Ma Yun opened the astrolabe database, "Let me take a look, the Gorgon's How far is the range of the petrified gaze."

"'s more complicated than I imagined." Xiao Ma scratched his head, "There are too many subspecies of Gorgon, divided according to the environment, there are terrestrial, aquatic, amphibious and benthic—— That is, those who live in the Underdark; according to gender, there are females and males, and different types of Gorgons may have different ranges of petrified gaze."

"No... Did I hear you right? The Gorgon, and the male?" Jiang Feng was shocked again.

"That's right! Most of the gorgons are female, which is commonly known as 'Medusa', but there are also a very small number of male individuals, known as gorgons, or 'Gauguin'."

"The petrifying gaze of a gorgon is only 30 feet, only half that of a gorgon, but stronger and more aggressive, usually with fighter class levels."

After listening to Ma Yun's explanation, both Gao Fei and Jiang Feng deeply felt that the world is really wonderful, and this time they have learned a lot.

"Patra is recognized as a beautiful woman. First of all, rule out the possibility that she is a women's clothing boss or MTF. Then her petrified gaze range should be 60 feet. As long as we don't enter this range, it will be absolutely fine." Ma Yun concluded road.

"Okay, let's do a wave of blocking tactics first, and then think of other tactics if it doesn't work."

Goofy repeats his old trick, and shoots the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman with the "magnifying technique" respectively, and arranges them to stand in front of the door and block the door, while the others retreat 60 feet away from the door.

Vita and Nick are both constructed creatures, without physical attributes, and are inherently immune to the "petrification" effect.

At the same time, Ma Yun was also casting spells, casting two "spider web spells" close to the gate, completely blocking the passage outside the gate with dense spider webs, so as to prevent the enemies from rushing out as soon as the gate was opened, and Vita and Nick blocked it. Can't live.

Then, student Xiao Ma used his housekeeping skills as a mechanic to take out a fishing net with the densest mesh from the storage space of the astrolabe, and applied the "secondary activation technique". On the ceiling at the top of the gate, it looks like a big bat that is hunting.

After making full preparations, Gao Fei issued a mental command, asking Pearl to use the omnipotent "psychic ray" to remotely control the closed stone door from 60 feet away.

There was a creaking sound from the door shaft, and the two doors slowly opened to the inside.

Jiang Feng released the "Dancing Light Technique" prepared in advance, and remotely controlled four balls of light to pass through the open door to dispel the darkness in the hall.

Illuminated by the magic light source, a spacious and gorgeous hall is exposed to everyone.

The carefully painted murals on the walls are still brightly colored after half a century.

Cashmere brocade rugs and fine furniture have not withstood the ravages of time, most are decayed, faded, dusty and dilapidated.

On the ceramic throne in the center of the hall, sits an enchanting woman in a long skirt.

Around the two sides of the throne, there are a dozen skeleton tengus and a dozen zombie tengus neatly arranged. The skeletons hold crossbows, and the zombies hold short swords.

(End of this chapter)

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