Savior Simulator

Chapter 606 Win-win (for subscription)

Chapter 606 Win-win (for subscription)

Gao Fei's main profession "Tiangong Special Police" is level 15, and his main sub-profession "Imitator" is level 5, with a reserve experience value of 14900 points.

After a little thought, Gao Fei spent 7500 experience points to upgrade the imitator to level 6, keeping pace with the progress in the game.

In reality, he seldom increases the level of sub-professions, just make do with enough.

The reason why he broke the convention today and spent a lot of precious experience points to upgrade the sub-professional level in the absence of special missions is because the imitator must be upgraded to level 6 before he can learn 2-level magic in reality.

For the spells obtained in the game, Gao Fei can also get a copy in reality, and paste them directly into his electronic spell book.

After the upgrade, Gao Fei also modified the course list of the "Auxiliary Learning System" by the way.

Insert the newly acquired three 2nd-level spells, "Attribute Enhancement", "Scorching Ray" and "Fuel Spell", into the front row and learn them first.

He had just finished working here, and Jiang Feng and Ma Yun also finished playing the Berserker module and went offline.

The three of them went to Tiangong restaurant for lunch first, and in the afternoon they formed a team to explore Chapter 5 of the mage module "The Wizard of Oz".

During the meal, Jiang Feng chatted about her and Gao Fei's two-person custom module "Hong Kong Raiders".

Xiao Ma was very envious, and even had a whim, asking them to use "Templar" and "Spell Thief" to form a team in their mage module, and show her the performance of these two customized occupations. curiosity.

In Chapter 5 of "The Wizard of Oz", you can still form two teammates who do not exceed level 6.

Jiang Feng's Berserker had already reached level 8 before he knew it.

The Yangyan Monk is a higher level.

Neither of these characters can enter Ma Yun's mod unless the level is suppressed.

On the other hand, her "Raiders of the Templar" is only level 3, so it can form a team, but it's hard to expect to play much role.

In fact, Gao Fei really wanted to use "Spell Thief" to enter Ma Yun's mage module.

The high-flying spell thief, who entered Ma Yun's module as an ally, can still steal spells and take them for himself.

Mage module, among other things, there must be a lot of magic!
Even if the enemy can't cast spells, at least the heroine Dorothy is a real mage who is good at a lot of spells.

Gao Fei can't steal the enemy's spells, at least he can steal the heroine, I believe Xiao Ma will not be stingy.

Anyway, after she was stolen, she spent an astrolabe energy to quickly skip the long rest. The stolen spell would be reset the next day, which meant that she did not suffer any loss.

Thinking about it this way, it seems to be another bug that can be speculated for nothing!

Gao Fei likes this way of prostitution the most.

Once his law thief gets mixed into "The Wizard of Oz", it's like a mouse falling into a rice vat, wouldn't it be crazy to kill? !
However, the problem is that his Law Thief is only level 3.

Compared with the current chapters of the game, the level is too low, and it may overturn and drag Pony students down.

After careful consideration, Gao Fei decided not to rush to use the Law Thief.

Anyway, classmate Xiao Ma is one of his own, and the monk can't run away from the temple if he can run away. If he wants to steal her spells, there will be opportunities in the future, so it's safer to send his own level 6 imitator.

As for Jiang Feng, he can take out the Raiders of the Templar for fun.

It doesn't matter if the level is lower, even if you accidentally screw up, there is still Gao Fei's invincible imitator behind you, so you won't be wiped out.

Both Ma Yun and Jiang Feng accepted his suggestion.

Jiang Feng was somewhat regretful.

In fact, she would rather use Templar to fight side by side with Goofy's Spell Thief. After all, this couple is an official match, and they can show their affection legally and reasonably.

"In the future, let's spend more time to advance the progress of "Hong Kong Raiders", raise the level of the hero and heroine as soon as possible, and enter Xiaoyun's mage module together." Jiang Feng said to her boyfriend.

Gao Fei also had the same plan, but it was mainly for free spells.

After entering the game, Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Yun appeared at the campsite near the yellow brick path.

It was just dawn.

Vita the Scarecrow and Nick the Tin Woodman, who don't need sleep, are in charge of the night's watch and are chatting softly.

Dimitri the Lion was lying on his back by the warm bonfire, wearing a refined breastplate refitted by Ma Yun for him, snoring loudly, sleeping soundly.

Before we continue our adventure, there are some preparations.

Gao Fei took out the four spell scrolls presented by the old man Franklin, "Thunder Wave", "Attribute Enhancement", "Fuel Spell" and "Scorching Ray", and handed them to Ma Yun, asking her to copy a copy.

After thinking for a while, he took off the "Electric Shock Ring" in his hand and lent it to classmate Xiao Ma, asking her to use her artificer's professional ability to analyze the enchanted "Electric Claw" on the ring and copy it into the spell book. Then copy it back by yourself.

This is called "export to domestic sales", a win-win situation!

"Brother Fei! You are really talented when it comes to opportunism and greed for petty gain! Don't be a profiteer, you are a waste of talent!"

Ma Yun gave Gao Fei a thumbs up and had no choice but to accept.

"You know a hammer, this is called the wisdom of top players!"

Gao Fei snapped back angrily.

"Thanks to Gao Fei being born in the new century." Jiang Feng also came to complain about his boyfriend, "If this guy lived in the 80s, he might be arrested for speculation and sentenced to ten or eight years."

"Using the game mechanism reasonably, what's wrong? This is the realm of a master, you can't understand it, it's normal!"

Gao Fei turned around resentfully, preparing for today's spell.

"Mage Mask", what Gao Fei remembers is 0-ring "Dancing Lights" and "Magic Trick", 1-ring "Giant Enlargement" and "Thunder Wave", and a 2-ring "Attribute Enhancement".

He didn't prepare the commonly used "mage armor" and "shield spell" because Ma Yun had already memorized these two spells.

For the sake of optimizing resource allocation, spellcasters in the team should try not to prepare repeated buff spells.

Next up is the "Warlock Mask".

In addition to the 0-ring "Flash" and "Thorn Whip", the 1-ring "Entanglement" and "Colorful Spray", and then there is a vacant 2-ring magic.

Gao Fei put on the warlock mask and asked Ma Yun to use the "Scorching Ray" that he had just copied and learned in front of his face.

By observing Ma Yun's spellcasting, Gao Fei successfully imitated "Scorching Ray" and filled the vacancy of the second-level magic.

Ma Yun spends 1 astrolabe energy to quickly skip the process of copying and learning magic.

As a genuine sorcerer, she can memorize many more spells than Gao Fei, a half-assed mage.

Today she prepares the following spells, including three class specialties that don't take up memory space:

Ring 0 - Restoration/Freedom of Memory, Dancing Lights;
1st—magic missile, mage armor, shield;
2nd level - lesser activation/memory free, full repair/memory free, levitation, invisibility, web, fuel oil, searing ray.


(End of this chapter)

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