Savior Simulator

Chapter 605 Ability Specialization

Chapter 605 Ability Specialization
The reward specialties of this chapter are "Perseverance", "Brutal Strike" and "Ability Specialization".

Gao Fei has already obtained "Perseverance" in the Berserker module, so first rule out this option.

Both Brutal Strike and Ability Focus are strong, and choosing between them isn't easy.


Brutal Strike: A character's melee weapons (including natural weapons) gain an extra +1 damage die.

Ability Focus: The character has an advantage in a certain type of supernatural ability attack, and the difficulty of saving throws counts towards the double proficiency modifier.This feat can be selected repeatedly, each time with a different type of ability.


When he was on duty in Xingzhou not long ago, Gao Fei saw the specialty of "brutal strike" from his new teammate Xu Zhigang.

As the name suggests, it is a simple and crude way to increase the damage dice, which is very practical.

"Ability Specialization", Gao Fei has seen in Demon Pet Pearl, can strengthen a certain type of supernatural ability.

For example, Pearl has "Ability Focus (Ray)".

That is to say, all her ray-type abilities can be enhanced by this feat, the attack roll has an advantage, and the DC of the saving throw is counted into the double proficiency correction.

"Ability Specialization" is similar to "Weapon Specialization", which can be repeated electives, and a specialization type must be specified each time.

Compared with the real "brutal strike", "ability specialization" provides a wider imagination space and has more potential.

If these two specialties are regarded as two entrepreneurial projects, "capability specialization" must be more favored by the capital market.

However, the problem is that Gao Fei can't find a landing scene for this specialty for the time being.

The so-called "ability specialization", you must first have a type of supernatural ability that you can "specialize in".

Imitator, do you have any supernatural abilities like "Eye Rays" that require an attack roll or saving throw?

After much deliberation, Gao Fei managed to find two.

One is the "magic" of the "magician's mask".

The second is the "performance" of the "Mask of the Bard".

Other than that, there are no other supporting skills.

Can't magic?

Sorry, "Ability Focus" does not apply to magic, otherwise Gao Fei would not have to hesitate.

This is in the game.

So what about in reality?
The feats obtained in the game will be included in the list of free feats in reality.

In reality, does Gao Fei have supernatural abilities that can be matched with "Ability Focus"?
Dragon Warrior's "Dragon's Breath" and "Dragon's Might" both met the requirements.

However, it is really not worthwhile to configure a free specialty just to strengthen "Dragon's Breath" or "Dragon's Might".

After some analysis and comparison, if Gao Fei is a sufficiently rational person, he should give up the "Ability Specialization" that looks beautiful but is useless, and choose the simple and practical "Brutal Strike" that can bring immediate benefits.

He really wanted to do it.

Unfortunately, in the end, I couldn't restrain my inner impulse and chose "Ability Specialization".

At this moment, his mentality is like that of a venture capitalist. He knows that this specialty will not bring any benefits at present, but he can't help but imagine the bright future.

If you find a suitable scene in the future, but you don't have this card in your hand, wouldn't you regret it to death?
One less "brutal blow" is nothing more than less damage.

This kind of opportunity cost that can be calculated is not a big problem if it is missed.

Gao Fei could afford such a loss.

However, if there is one less "ability specialization", the opportunity cost is so high that it cannot be estimated at all, and you may miss the next outlet because of it. How dare you let it go so easily?
After selecting the reward specialty, Gao Fei received another system prompt.

The magic ring "Masquerade Ball" given to her by Miss Lisa has completed the second-order coherence as the level increases.

From now on, the storage space that comes with the ring can store up to three sets of equipment—including armor and weapons.

Today's victory in the duel field has helped the newly opened "Colt and Justice Dueling Agency" to gain fame and get huge profits.

Mrs. Jones readily paid Gao Fei a commission of 5000 gold pounds, and also offered to help him introduce business in the future.

Old man Franklin kept his promise, and he sent his servant to deliver a letter to Gao Fei the afternoon of the duel.

In the letter, the old man congratulated Gao Fei for winning the duel, thanked him for protecting his niece's interests, and asked him if he had made up his mind about the spell scroll he wanted.

Gao Fei has already thought about this question.

He wrote back to old man Franklin, listing the spell scrolls he wanted.

A level 6 imitator can only cast 2-level magic at most.

According to the agreement, Gao Fei can choose three 0~2 magic scrolls.

For the sake of maximizing benefits, of course, you must choose the 2nd ring.

That night, Gao Fei received a thank you from Franklin.

The three scrolls are respectively transcribed "Attribute Enhancement", "Scorching Ray" and "Fuel Technique".

Needless to say the first two.

"Fuel technique" is still quite rare.


2nd level "Oil": Range 120 feet, creates a 20-foot spread of greasy grease, creatures in it fall if they fail their Reflex save.The grease is flammable and ignites in a flame that lasts 1 round/level and deals 2d6 burn damage/round to creatures it touches.


The function of the first half of the "fuel technique" is exactly the same as that of the first ring "greasy technique", both have field control effects.

The grease produced by the two is equally smooth, the difference is that the latter is not flammable, while the former will burn violently when it touches sparks.

Gao Fei specifically asked old man Franklin for the "fuel technique", mainly because of the characteristic of "combustibility".

Imagine an enemy tumbling into a puddle of slippery sludge, covered in grease.

Immediately afterwards, the grease was ignited, and the enemy was trapped in the sea of ​​flames, continuously burned, unable to get up from the slippery mud, and could only struggle in despair until they were burned to charcoal.

In addition, creatures who step on the "greasy" or "fuel" spell will lose their defense agility modifier because the ground under their feet is too slippery, regardless of whether they fall or not, which is equivalent to being caught off guard.

Classes with the "sneak attack" ability, such as thieves and imitators, can launch sneak attacks on creatures that are "caught off guard."

The means of sneak attack can be melee or long-range shooting, such as "scorching ray".

Three shots of "Scorching Rays" hit, assuming they all hit, they can cause three sneak attack damage respectively, and ignite the fat on the target's body by the way, asking him to be himself in the fire.

At the end of "Duel Agents" Chapter 5, Goofy quit the game.

Jiang Feng and Ma Yun were fighting in the cave of the green-footed dragon snake, and it would take about 20 minutes to finish this chapter.

Gao Fei went offline to rest first, and boiled water to make tea.

Suddenly remembered something, opened the astrolabe, and checked my level and experience points.

(End of this chapter)

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