Savior Simulator

Chapter 607 The City of Ceramics

Chapter 607 The City of Ceramics
Prepared for the adventure, Gao Fei and his party left the camp and continued to travel west.

Turning over a hillside, the valley ahead is surrounded by green bushes, and in the middle of the valley, there are faintly visible white building spiers, reflecting the sunlight and shining brightly.

"There is a town ahead, just to rest."

Dimitri the lion ran happily down the hill.

Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Yun, Weta, and Nick hurriedly chased the lion, lest this reckless guy cause trouble.

Passing through the bushes, everyone couldn't help but stop, staring blankly at the white city wall in front of them, with consternation in their eyes.

The 10-meter-high city wall is covered with neat tiles, white and smooth, spotless.

The gate in the center of the wall was half open.

The lion couldn't hold back his curiosity, and ran in quickly.

Gao Fei also followed in.

The streets surrounded by city walls, the ground is smooth, shiny, and white, like a huge porcelain plate.

Most of the pedestrians on the street are only three feet tall, wearing bright clothes and pointed hats, typical dwarf attire.

These dwarf citizens have different postures, some are on their way, some are doing business, some are arguing with others, but they are all still, as if time has stopped passing.

Gao Fei walked closer and took a closer look. It turned out that these residents were all fake ceramic dolls.

The houses on both sides of the street are also made of ceramics, with a layer of gorgeous glaze attached to the surface.

Looking into the distance, you can also see many barns, surrounded by porcelain fences, where groups of cattle, sheep, horses, pigs, and chickens stand quietly, all of which are lifelike porcelain carvings.

From the streets to the houses, to the pedestrians and livestock on the streets, everything in this quiet and eerie city is made of ceramic sculptures, like a fairy tale kingdom.

If the city is shrunk down, it will be a very delicate toy, and it can even be called a wonderful work of art.

However, all of these are in real size, and the craftsmanship is too exquisite and realistic. Against the backdrop of fairy tale tones, it highlights the eerie atmosphere.

"Hello, is anyone around?"

The lion stood on the street and shouted loudly.

No one answered.

Only echoes echoed over the silent City of Ceramics.

"That is to say, apart from us outsiders, there are no other living people here?"

Ma Yun couldn't help shivering.

"It feels like walking into the set of a horror movie...By the way, what kind of effect is this?" Jiang Feng asked her boyfriend.

"The uncanny valley effect."

Goofy pointed to the ceramic maid who was milking the ceramic cow by the side of the road and said:

"When a doll or doll is similar in size to a real person, and is more realistic, but not enough to be completely confused with a real person, it will give people a particularly terrifying feeling."

"Brother Fei is right." Ma Yun added from a psychological point of view, "If the images of these porcelain figurines were less realistic, rougher in workmanship, or more cartoonish, like Vita and Nick, they would not It makes people feel scary, but on the contrary, it feels ugly and cute, which is quite cute."

"Because these porcelain figures are too real, it makes us realize more strongly that this group of people who look like people but are not like people are a group of aliens!"

"If you judge that you are not of my race, then you will inevitably suspect that the other party has no good intentions, which will lead to a sense of crisis."

"The sense of terror is actually the stress response of the human brain to potential threats, reminding us that we need to strengthen our vigilance."

"It seems that the legend is true, dear friends, this is Fort Patra!" Scarecrow Vita exclaimed.

"Vita, what do you know about this weird city?" Goofy asked the Scarecrow.

"Frankly speaking, I don't know much. For a long time, Patra Fort, the 'City of Ceramics', was considered to be just a legend."

"Occasionally, a traveler returning from the deep mountains claims that he was lost in the desolate mountains and accidentally visited a mysterious city."

"Although no one has provided a complete map of the lost land, there is one similarity among the stories told by different travelers - the walls and buildings of the city are inlaid with white tiles, the city The inhabitants and animals in it are also made of ceramics."

Vita looked around.

"As we see it now."

"Vita, I have a question." Ma Yun took over, "Why is this city called 'Patra Fort'?"

"That's what the residents of the city said. When travelers left here, they spread the name all over the place, and it finally reached my ears." Vita replied.

"That's strange. The streets and alleys of this so-called Patra Fort are silent. The residents are just a group of lifeless porcelain statues. Unless the porcelain statues can also speak, who else can outsiders communicate with?" Jiang Feng was surprised ask.

"In fact, in the legends about Fort Patra, most of them point out that there are indeed a very small number of living ceramic figures that can move freely in the city..."

Vita stared at the ceramic pedestrians standing quietly on the street with weird eyes, as if worried that when the bell rang, these ceramic sculptures would come alive and start singing and dancing.

"It sounds like some kind of construct, similar to you and Nick. Since the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman can talk, we have no reason to think that the Ceramic Man can't."

The lion patted a ceramic patrolman in uniform, with a dagger on his waist, and felt cool and smooth to the touch.

Due to the strength of his hand, the porcelain statue was accidentally pushed down by him, and it was smashed to pieces on the ground.

"Oh! Looks like these pottery figures are more fragile than scarecrows. I hope the poor guy accepts my apology."

The shaggy lion looks apologetically at the ceramic shard.

The crisp breaking sound echoed in the silent street.

Some of the ceramic men who had been standing quietly seemed to be startled by the sound, and turned around slowly, looking at the pile of fragments with dull eyes.

"Wow! It's alive! It's really alive!"

Ma Yun's eyes widened, it was hard to tell whether it was because of fear or excitement.

On the entire street, there were about twenty ceramic figures moving, walking towards the lion Dimitri from different directions with stiff steps. Their dull faces looked particularly sinister.

"Hey! Citizens of Fort Patra, please listen to my explanation!"

The lion howled eagerly.

"I didn't intend to sabotage your compatriots, it was just a momentary negligence, a small accident!"

"I swear, it wasn't on purpose! Just patted him, like this—"

The lion patted another ceramic figurine next to him, and showed it to the activated ceramic figurines who surrounded him, showing how gentle he was, and definitely did not intend to sabotage.


I don't know if it should be a coincidence, or it was planned in advance. As soon as the lion's claw touched the second ceramic figure, the other figure lost its balance, fell to the ground on its back, and broke in two.

(End of this chapter)

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