Savior Simulator

Chapter 577 City Hunter

Chapter 577 City Hunter
The principal opened the drawer and found a business card that was very cheap in terms of material and printing process.

"Two months ago, Rogge and Martin came back to visit me and said that they were doing business together. They also gave me a business card and asked me to introduce clients to them."

"Mr. Principal, what kind of business are they doing? Has it already developed?" The boy asked curiously.

"Prosperous? I'm afraid it's difficult." The old principal shook his head and smiled wryly. "These two whimsical naughty guys have partnered to open a detective agency."

"Detective agency! That sounds interesting!" the boy inquired excitedly. "Sir, isn't this a good business?"

"The success of a detective agency's business depends on its reputation and connections." The old man patiently explained, "If Roger and Martin are well-known detectives, or have connections in the police, some clients will come to them, but it's a pity that these two The head guy has neither fame nor connections, so business must not be easy."

Sighing, the old headmaster handed the letter to the boy, and gave him three copper coins for running errands.

"Nio, send this letter to the 'City Hunter Detective Agency' at No. 13, Pipe Street. If Roger and Martin are not at home, ask the landlady to collect it."

"Okay, Mr. Principal!"

The boy took the letter and the change, turned and ran out.


The scene changed, and the boy named Neo climbed the creaking wooden stairs to the door of a room on the second floor.

This is the detective agency jointly run by Roger and Martin. There is a signboard of "City Hunter" on the door, claiming that they can provide consultation on any difficult problems.

Neo shrugged, with a look of disapproval in his eyes.

Although he is young, he has a lot of knowledge.

I know that this kind of "cure all diseases" advertising slogan, even if it is not a scam, at least it is very watery.

Those who are really capable don't have to brag about this kind of cowhide that is known to be unreliable at first sight.

The boy knocked on the door.

Not long after, the door opened, and a short and fat young man stood opposite.

At the beginning of opening the door, the short and fat young man's eyes were full of hope.

However, when he saw a disheveled boy standing opposite him, who was obviously not a big client, the fire in his eyes went out immediately, and he yawned lazily.

"Child, who are you looking for?"

"Is Mr. Wayne here? Here's a letter for him."

"Rogge, your letter!" The chunky young man shouted back.

"I'm busy with accounts, Martin, and I trust you to bring them here for me."


Martin Page reached out to take the letter, and was about to turn around, but was held back by Neo.

"Dear sir, have you forgotten something?"

The boy hinted with a half-smile.

Martin froze for a moment, embarrassed.

He fumbled in his pocket, and there was only one copper coin in all.

"Here, here's a tip for you."

Neo took the copper coin, weighed it, clicked his tongue, and then put the money back into Martin's hand.

"Poor man, you are poorer than me! For the sake of our alumni, the tips are ignored, you should keep the money to buy bread yourself!"

With that, the boy turned and ran down the stairs.

Martin held the copper coin, his fat face flushed with embarrassment.

Back in the house, he sank down on the armchair and sighed.

Opposite the desk, sat a fair and handsome young man, counting money while counting the books.

In front of the fireplace next to the desk, a hound was dozing off.

"Rogge, I was despised by a brat just now."

"I hear you, Martin, this is embarrassing, but I have to admit, that kind little brother saved you half of your lunch." Roger said with a wry smile.

"That is to say, the sum of our meal expenses at noon today is only four copper coins, which is only enough to buy two pounds of black bread?"

"To be exact, it's us and the hound's food."

"God! If this continues, I will starve into a skeleton!"

Martin shook his head and sighed.

Roger looked up at his friend and joked with a smile: "I don't think so, Martin, you can gain weight even if you only drink cold water."

Martin snorted resentfully, and put the letter on the desk casually.

"Rogge, the name of the letter is Louise Quinn. Judging from the high-grade paper used in the envelope, this gentleman doesn't look like a poor friend of our class."

"Quinn? I don't remember this surname at all." Roger picked up the envelope and looked at it. "The font is beautiful, and he looks like a decent person."

"Take it apart and have a look! Maybe it's your long-lost half-brother!" Martin said excitedly.

Rogge opened the envelope, read the letter quickly, and was speechless for a long time, with nostalgia and sentimentality alternately appearing in his sapphire-like eyes.

"What did you say in the letter?" Martin asked impatiently.

"Bernie is dead."

"Huh? Who's Bernie?"

"I used to have a dog, a long, long time ago."

"That Mr. Quin, wrote to you specially to inform you of this little matter?" Martin was disappointed.

"Mr. Quinn got some things I left in my former residence by chance, and found out that the old house had changed to a new owner, so he tried to write me back... I have to say, this letter was finally delivered to me, It’s a wonderful fate.”

Roger had mixed emotions.

"I can only say that Mr. Quinn is very enthusiastic, but also very boring. How can a decent person have such leisure time." Martin said listlessly.

Roger read the letter carefully again, and said to himself: "Judging from the handwriting and style of writing, Louise Quinn should be a very cultivated young gentleman."

"Hey! My friend, a young and well-bred gentleman, must not be short of money!" Martin suddenly became excited again, "You should write back to him and please him cleverly, maybe you can develop him into our client! Young Master Kuo will also have various troubles, and when it is not convenient to come out, he also needs a reliable friend to help him with various trivial matters, do you understand what I mean?"

Roger smiled: "This is a good idea, Martin, Mr. Quinn is indeed a worthy pen pal, maybe he will appreciate my talent and hire me as his secretary!"

"and then?"

"Then I will move into a big house and live in a big house, so I don't have to worry about food and clothing anymore. As for you, my friend, you will stay in the detective agency and continue this promising business. Don't worry, I will help you, at least not Will make you hungry."

"Bah! Are you satisfied with being the rich young master's secretary? You don't even dare to think a little more boldly!" Martin said disdainfully, "Why can't that Mr. Quin be Miss Quin? It's easier to eat soft rice!"

"Forget about this kind of daydreaming, but thinking about it is an insult to IQ."

Roger picked up the quill, thinking about how to reply to Mr. Quinn.

(End of this chapter)

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