Savior Simulator

Chapter 576 Chapter letter after 7 years

Chapter 576 The Reply After Seven Years

Seven years have passed since the day Roger Wayne left this letter.

Louise knew that Roger Wayne was no longer in the boarding school, but she couldn't find any other way to contact her, so she had to send the reply letter to the boarding school.

She also made a special note on the envelope that if the postman couldn't find Roger Wayne in the school, he would give this letter to the principal and ask him to deliver it on his behalf. Thank you very much.

In order to avoid revealing her true identity, Louise also used thieves' skills to forge her handwriting and signature, falsely claiming that she had bought the casket at a second-hand market, and leaving her mailing address in a church in the city.

Her uncle, curate Father George Gallup, is her only surviving relative.

It was under the guidance of her uncle that Louise obtained the occupation inheritance of "Raiders of the Templar", which has both the characteristics of a priest and a thief.

Two years ago, Louise's parents took a cruise to travel to the New World. During the voyage, they were attacked by the "Rage Pirates". The ship was sunk by the black dragon Solomon Rage, and both parents died.

After just one year, my grandmother also passed away.

Louise's uncle, George Gallup, was the grandmother's only surviving child.

As a parish priest with a formal establishment in the Holy See and a true "monk", Father Gallup is different from a "house nun" like Louise. According to the Islamic law, he is not allowed to inherit secular property.

My uncle had no children, so he gave the inheritance left to him by his mother, including this mansion, and an annuity with a fixed income of 6000 gold duga (the currency unit of the Holy Ashan Empire) per year, and gave it all to the granddaughter whom the old man loved most during his lifetime. Louise Quinn.

Louise came to Binhai City to receive her grandmother's inheritance, and decided to settle in this house so that she could visit her uncle conveniently.

After sending the reply letter to Roger Wayne, Louise still couldn't let go of her concern.

Perhaps because relatives passed away one after another, and she had no brothers, sisters, or friends to accompany her, she felt very lonely, so she was especially able to understand the state of mind of the boy who was forced to move seven years ago.

Although she has never met him before, and Louise doesn't even know whether Roger Wayne is still alive, she has a strong desire in her heart to meet and chat with him. Maybe the two can become close friends. friend.

However, she had to face reality.

The chances of this reply, which was seven years late, finally reaching Roger Wayne's hands are slim to none.

What if the postman and the principal of the boarding school can't find Roger Wayne?

Louise couldn't think of a good way for the time being.

Sighing, she could only silently pray for a miracle to happen.


After the cutscene ended, Jiang Feng received a notification from the system that he had reached the plot milestone of this chapter, and the power of the astrolabe was +1.

Louise Quinn was promoted to Level 2 Templar.

HP+7, add 1 point attribute, add to perception.

Like a rogue, a 2nd-level templar automatically masters Dexterous Movements.

In addition, Jiang Feng could also choose a 0-ring magic spell.

"'Sacred Fire' and 'Water Creation', which one to choose?"

Jiang Feng asked her boyfriend.

"If it were me, since I already have a pistol and there is no lack of long-range attack methods for the time being, I would choose the 'Water Creation' technique."

Gao Fei said cautiously.

"Then choose 'Water Creation'!"

Jiang Feng readily accepted his suggestion.

The prologue has no bonus jobs.

The two candidate bonus specialties, both from Bernie the Ghost Dog, are "Proficient in Initiative" and "Sentry".

Jiang Feng had no interest in "Proficient in First Attack", so he did not hesitate to choose "Sentry" which was more suitable for his professional characteristics.


Sentinel: Character has advantage on "Perception checks", counts towards double proficiency modifier, "Magic alarm" added to spell list.If the character has no mana pool, he can use "Magic Alarm" 3 times a day.


Just as Jiang Feng selected the "Reward Specialty", the game screen flashed, and the scene switched to an old office in the boarding school.

"Huh? Why is there a follow-up plot... Oh! I almost forgot, this is a two-player module!" Jiang Feng patted his forehead, "I thought the prologue was over!"

"If there is no accident, it will be the turn of the adult hero to appear next."

Gao Fei rubbed his hands together, impatiently excited.

After being an audience for a long time, it was finally my turn to play.


An old man with white hair was sitting behind the desk, immersing himself in correcting the test papers.

At this time, a boy in school uniform knocked on the door and came in with a letter in his hand.

"Mr. Principal, the postman has just delivered a letter, saying it's for Roger Wayne."

"Roger Wayne?" The principal pushed his reading glasses, looking confused, "There is no one with that name in our school."

"Oh, and the postman said, if you can't find him, ask you or any other senior teacher at the school if there was a boy named Roger Wayne in school seven years ago."

"Seven years ago? It's been so long, who remembers it!"

Mr. Principal complained and stood up, turned around and walked to the filing cabinet, and searched for the roster of students enrolled seven years ago.

"Let me take a look... Roger Wayne, I found it, there really is such a person!"

Mr. Principal nodded in satisfaction, and found Rogge's admission file and graduation transcript according to the index on the admission list.

"It turned out to be this kid. I have an impression." The old headmaster nodded, with a smile on his lips, "This kid is very polite, and he studies hard."

"Sounds like a well-bred man," said the boy.

"Yes, Rogge was born in a wealthy businessman's family, but unfortunately his father went bankrupt and never recovered from the blow. He died of excessive drinking when he was 12 years old, and within two years, his mother also passed away. "

"I guess he must have been getting pissed off a lot at school."

"It was like this at the beginning. When Rogge first came to school, he still had the squeamishness of a rich boy. The poor kids couldn't understand his tone of voice and often bullied him."

"Rogge is very strong and quickly adapted to the new environment. This is a good thing. As for the not-so-good changes, he learned badly from the kids who came out of the slums. He became more and more mischievous and often got involved in fights. Troubles like fights."

The old headmaster silently recalled it, and it took a long time before he spoke again.

"At school, Roger Wayne had the best friendship with a hunter's son, Martin Page."

"Three years ago, Rogge and Martin graduated from this school. They enlisted in the army together and were stationed at Harrenhal. They also participated in the war against the invasion of the Far Eastern army."

"Oh! My God! These two guys are really unlucky!" the boy couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's not too bad luck. At least they both survived until the end of the war. Just this spring, they each received a pitifully small amount of retirement pay and returned to Binhai City to ask for a living." The principal said sympathetically.

(End of this chapter)

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