Savior Simulator

Chapter 575 Letters to Strangers

Chapter 575 Letters to Strangers

"Quick! Give it a sword!"

Gao Fei, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but urge him.

Jiang Feng held the sword in his right hand, and his left hand glowed slightly - it was overflowing with positive energy.

She was already mentally prepared to be bitten by a ghost dog, and was planning to heal herself.

Since he was not bitten, it stands to reason that he should use the rapier to fight back, and the task can be completed by killing the ghost dog with 3 HP.

The rapier is her "divine-given weapon". It has an advantage in attacking, and the damage can also be corrected by perception. As long as it stabs the ghost dog, the damage will definitely exceed the lower limit required to complete the task.

I don't know if it's because he used too much brain and was a little overloaded. The moment Comrade Xiao Jiang was about to draw his sword, his brain suddenly became hot and he thought of another "good idea".

She decided to attack with her off-hand instead.

Punching and kicking are all attack methods of natural weapons, and they can also be used as secondary weapons in "two-weapon fighting".

In fact, she brought the martial monk's fighting routines into this new profession.

However, the problem is that "Templar" is not a monk profession, and the damage roll of unarmed attacks is only a pitiful 1d3.

Jiang Feng thought it was okay.

The positive energy that fills your palm heals living creatures and inflicts 1d6 points of radiant damage to undead.

Unarmed strikes are 1d3, and positive energy touches are 1d6. Unless luck is at its worst, the sum of the two items will never be less than 3 points.

She had a good calculation, but it was a pity that she kept a secret and forgot that she was not a monk now, and she no longer had the proficiency in unarmed combat.

You are not good at hand-to-hand combat, but you have to punch people forcibly, what will happen?

Of course it's a wave of "attacks of opportunity"!
Seeing his girlfriend punching the ghost dog, Gao Fei was stunned!

"No... my dear student Jiang, is there anything wrong with your little head? What kind of cooking operation is this!"

Before the words were finished, the ghost dog on the opposite side took the first bite.


System prompt: You are cursed by Necrotic Eclipse, you failed the Fortitude save DC14, and the upper limit of your HP is reduced by 8 points!
Jiang Feng's face froze, and then he realized that he almost screwed up.

Reluctantly pretending to be nonchalant, endured the pain caused by the negative energy eroding the flesh, clenched his teeth, and punched the ghost dog's head with all his might.

Fortunately, the punch was successful.



Two damage figures popped out of the ghost dog's head one after another.

System prompt: You have successfully passed the challenge, tamed the irritable ghost dog Bernie, and gained 200 experience points!

"Hoo hoo! How dangerous..."

Jiang Feng wiped off his sweat, and quickly slapped "Spontaneous Healing" on himself, restoring full health, and removing the Necrotic Curse along the way.

"It's not like you asked for trouble for making it so dangerous!"

Gao Fei couldn't help complaining.

"Things that can be done with a single sword, you insist on fumbling with your hands, and almost capsized the boat!"

"Oh! Didn't I just play a new profession! Unconsciously, I regarded myself as a monk..."

Jiang Feng excused embarrassingly.

Gao Fei sighed, and continued: "At first when I saw you get into the cabin, release the 'Dancing Lights' technique, and pour holy water on the door, I thought your brain had opened up and suddenly became smarter. As far as IQ goes offline... Well, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment."

"Hey! As far as my brain is concerned, occasionally a flash of inspiration, a super-level performance, must be recovered through a wave of cooking operations, and return to the mean. What are you expecting?!"

Jiang Feng asked resentfully.

"It's true, it's not bad to have some surprises or frights once in a while."

Gao Fei shrugged, and switched back to the game.

After Louise defeated the ghost dog, a cutscene followed.

"Bernie, your soul refuses to ascend to heaven, and is detained in this garden. Do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"

Louise asked the ghost dog softly.

Bernie nodded very humanely, floated to the corner of the wooden house, raised his front paw, and pointed to a slightly raised wooden board on the wall.

Louise removed the movable board and soon found the box hidden in the hole in the wall.

I took it out and saw that there was still a dusty and yellowed envelope on the lid, which looked old.

With curiosity in her eyes, the girl first checked with her professional ability, and after making sure that the box was not equipped with a mechanism, she opened the lid and found several toys inside.

"Strange, who put these toys here?"

Louise was talking to herself, opened the envelope, and a line of childish words came into view.



Dear stranger, this is my letter to you.


After reading this letter, Louise realized that the toy was left by the young master of the former owner of the mansion, the Wayne family. She couldn't help being deeply moved by the sadness expressed by the boy in the letter.

Through Roger Wayne’s confession in this letter, Louise learned that when the boy moved, Bernie, the hound who grew up with him, was taken by the new owner of the mansion—that is, Louise’s grandmother— — Bought them together.

Before parting, the boy told Bernie to take care of the toys stored in the hole in the wall.

For seven years, Bernie has been looking forward to the return of the little master.

Although he couldn't see Rogge again until his death, the loyal hound has always obeyed the little master's instructions, and even if he becomes a ghost after death, he must continue to guard this humble treasure.

Louise put down the yellowed letter paper, the corners of her eyes were slightly moist.

She turned to look at the ghost dog, stroked its unreal mane, and said emotionally: "Bernie, you are a loyal and great guard!"

"Rest in peace, my dear Bernie, I will take your place and guard this treasure."

"Bernie, I also want to write back to your former owner, Mr. Roger Wayne, and tell him that you have lived up to his trust until your death."

The ghost dog seemed to understand the girl's promise, and nodded in relief. The black mist-like figure slowly disappeared from her eyes.

At the same time, Jiang Feng received a notification from the system that he had completed the main quest "Extreme Ghost Dog Bernie" and was rewarded with 100 experience points.

In addition to the 200 experience points gained from defeating the ghost dog before, it was just enough for her to advance to a level.

The plot of this chapter is not over yet.

Next, Louise has to answer a letter to Bernie's former owner, Roger Wayne.

Judging from the address on the old envelope, Roger moved seven years ago, when he was only ten years old.

Rogge disclosed in the letter that he will go to a boarding school in Binhai City.

Louise had heard about that school. It seemed to be a public welfare institution affiliated to the Church of the Holy Light. Only poor children and orphans who could not afford tuition would attend that school.

A wealthy daughter like Louise, logically, has no chance to get in touch with the bottom of society, nor does she understand the way the poor live.

Fortunately, she has an uncle who is a priest in Binhai City and is enthusiastic about public welfare. He often tells her about the slums and boarding schools.

(End of this chapter)

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