Savior Simulator

Chapter 578 Two Poor Friends (Please Subscribe)

Chapter 578 Two Poor Friends (Please Subscribe)
Martin took a sip of water, rubbed his buttocks on the armchair, and asked Rogge, "Seriously, how much money do we have?"

"And that's all."

Rogge lined up on the table six silver coins and thirteen copper coins, along with a crumpled note of five gold duga.

"This amount of money is not enough to pay the rent. If the business doesn't start, Mrs. Miller will be kicked out." Martin said worriedly.

"As a matter of fact, we are two weeks behind on rent and Mrs. Miller is asking us to pay the arrears by Sunday."

"What day is it?" Martin suddenly worried.

"Unfortunately, my friend, today is Sunday." Roger looked at the desk calendar, "The landlady may come to collect rent at any time."

Hearing the word "landlord", the hound lying in front of the fireplace opened his eyes vigilantly and looked at Roger and Martin.

"I'm not calling you." Martin waved his hand at the hound. "What Roger and I are talking about is the real landlord, a cruel and cold old woman!"

"Who do you think is a fierce and cruel old woman?!"

The door was suddenly pushed open, and an old woman with gray hair and a fierce face came in with a basket on her shoulders.

"Oh! dear landlady, what brings you here? You are most welcome!"

Martin immediately slipped to his knees.

"Hmph! You two idle rogues, when are you going to pay back the rent you owe me?"

Mrs. Miller slammed the vegetable basket covered with calico on the desk.

Rogge was taken aback by the "bang", quickly put down the quill, and reached out to grab the banknotes floating in the air.

Mrs. Miller had quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed the banknote in her hand first, looked at the face value, and showed disdain.

"Just this little money? It's not even enough for two weeks' rent. Can your business really continue?"

"Well, my dear wife, although we have a little difficulty now, the future is very bright..." Roger said with a smile.

"I don't see any bright future ahead for you two!"

Mrs. Miller pulled up a chair and sat across from Roger.

"I give you two options, either move out immediately, or do one thing for me. If you do it well, you will not only be able to pay back the rent you owe, but also get a small gift."

As she spoke, Mrs. Miller lifted the calico covering the basket, revealing freshly baked bread, a bunch of sausages, and a quarter of a wheel-shaped cheese.

Martin and Roger stared straight at the food in the basket, and couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

"Dear landlady, is there anything we can do for you?" Roger said with a smile on his face.

"My daughter married a farmer and lives on the outskirts of the city. This year's corn harvest was good, but it was a pity that wild boars ravaged her and caused a lot of losses."

"The two of you will go with me to the son-in-law's house in the country to eliminate the wild boars that are ruining the cornfield, no problem?"

Mrs. Miller stared fiercely at the two young men, looking more terrifying than wild boars.

"How many wild boars are there?" Martin asked cautiously.

"At least there are twenty or thirty."


Martin gasped, and looked at Roger in blank dismay.

With their strength alone, it is very risky to deal with so many wild boars.If you are not careful, you will lose your life!

"Why, don't you brag that you can do anything?"

The landlady's face darkened.

"Either you go to the farm to hunt wild boars, or pay back the money immediately and get out of my house!"

Roger and Martin looked at each other helplessly.

In order to make a living, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and accept the entrustment of the landlady to hunt wild boars on a farm in the countryside.

The landlady went downstairs to hire a carriage, while Roger and Martin were upstairs packing up their arms.

At the same time, Gao Fei received a notification from the system that he could finally "trance".

Switch the perspective to Rogge, and Gao Fei first checks the character panel.


Roger Wayne (Law Thief Level 1)
Equipment: Rapier, Dagger, Leather Armor

chaotic good, human

Life: 10 (1d8+2)

Speed: Walk 30 feet

Defense: 16 (armor +2, agility +4)



Attributes: Strength 14, Dexterity 18, Constitution 14, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 16, Charisma 18
Saving Throws: Reflex +6, Will +5
Skills: Stealth +6, Sleight of hand +6, Perception +5, Persuasion +6
Senses darkvision, passive perception 15
Special Abilities: Sighting eye (gain darkvision; tries to see which spells are proficient for targets within sight), trap expert

Special Attacks: Sneak Attack 1d6, Spell Steal x 1 (Sleight of Hand check against target's passive Perception, success steals a spell up to 1/3 of its caster level; the thief cannot cast the spell for the day; the spellthief can Keep stolen spells (but not more than own class level), mana pool (18 points), spellcasting (CL 1, DC 16; 0-)


The hero's attributes are very good, but the equipment is a grade worse than the heroine's. He doesn't even have a refined weapon. It's a miserable mess.

Level 1 "Law Thief", with four professional abilities.

"Sneak attack" and "trap expert", like the classic rogue paradigm, in addition to two unique abilities.

The "eye of insight" provides darkvision and can tell which spells the creatures in view are proficient in.

In fact, players can also see the spellcasting ability of most characters with the help of the investigation function that comes with the astrolabe.

The second feature of "Eye of Insight" is dispensable for players, and it is mainly used to trigger plot clues.

Compared with in the game, the "eye of insight" is more useful in reality.

Because every character in the game has complete data, unless restricted by the plot, they can be detected with the astrolabe.

In reality, especially during the outbreak of the magic tide, we often encounter new species that have not been included in the astrolabe database, and we cannot see the spells that the other party is good at.

At this time, the "eye of insight" is more likely to see through the other party's details and provide more detailed information.

Of course, the "Eye of Insight" is not [-]% reliable.

If you want to see through the opponent's spells, you must first make a charm check and try to break through the opponent's will save.

The core ability of "Spell Thief" is "Spell Stealing".

The specific operation is similar to stealing a wallet from someone else, except that what is stolen is not the real thing, but the spell of the other party.

Gao Fei took a closer look at the mechanism of this ability, and gradually frowned.

Jiang Feng noticed the change in his boyfriend's expression, and asked softly, "Has your professional ability been cut off?"

Goofy nodded depressedly.

"In the first draft I provided, 'Spell Thief' can steal magic whose ring number is not higher than 1/2 of its own casting level, rounded down."

"According to this algorithm, when a law thief reaches level 18, he can steal 9-level magic."

(End of this chapter)

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