Savior Simulator

Chapter 552 Manipulating Water Bodies (For Subscription)

Chapter 552 Manipulating Water Bodies (For Subscription)

Before Wang Daqing and Huang Hansheng could wake up, the mud demon had already pumped out the mud from the bottom of the water to reshape its arms.

The witch changed another trick, casting the 5-ring spell "Telecontrol", reaching out her hands from the air, using telekinetic power to grab Huang Hansheng and Wang Daqing respectively, and easily lift them up.

With the casting level of Slime Demon, up to 12 objects can be remotely controlled at the same time, and the maximum load limit is 1000 kg.

Huang Hansheng and Wang Daqing were originally tall and strong men.

Reluctantly, the "reduction surgery" was blessed before, and the weight was reduced to 1/8 of the normal state, and the two of them added up to less than 50 kilograms.

The mud demon picked them up with the power of thought, as easily as lifting two dolls, and threw them aside.

The two rolled in the air and drew an arc, and finally landed near the entrance of the underground hall, plop, plop, and fell into the water.

Li Jiajia hurriedly made a spell-casting gesture and threw a handful of "flash dust", trying to blind the witch's eyes.

It's a pity that I don't know whether the opponent's immunity is too high, or he is born immune to blindness. The "flash dust" didn't work. It just sprinkled dots of light spots on the slimy body surface of the mud monster, which looked very strange.

The mud demon sneered and grabbed Li Jiajia with his backhand, using "telecontrol" to strangle Li Jiajia's throat in the air, interrupting the subsequent spell casting.

"Look carefully, you look quite feminine! Although you are short, you are more mature than that little crew cut."

The mud demon looked at Li Jiajia's face, and made a few casual comments, which inadvertently angered classmate Xiao Ma.

"Smelly witch, you know a hammer! What is a flat head? I am obviously a military training head!"

Ma Yun blasted out a colorful cone of light angrily.

The slime body trembled and was shocked, and the concentration of "telecontrol" spellcasting was interrupted.

Li Jiajia, who was lifted into the air by the telekinetic force, fell like a kite with a broken string and fell into the water, coughing repeatedly.

Taking advantage of the fact that the witch was intimidated and unable to move for the time being, apart from Gao Fei and Jiang Feng who were entangled by the Babu Demon, Ma Tao, Qi Tian, ​​Hao Le, Gu Siyi, Wang Daqing and Huang Hansheng all seized the opportunity to attack together and launched a fierce attack with all their strength !

Bullets, magic missiles, and scorching rays hit the mud demon like a storm, blasting her to collapse on the spot, turning into countless mud and splashing in all directions.

In the underground hall, there seemed to be a mud rain.

The mud floating on the water, whether large or small, seems to have a mysterious gravitational force between them, and they gather together to form groups and reorganize the mud demon.

After the loss, the mud demon's arrogance was greatly frustrated, and he realized that the people on the opposite side were casting "magic missiles" again, so he hurriedly turned to hide behind an overturned ping pong table.

Everyone's line of sight was blocked by the table, so they couldn't see the position of the slime, and the "Magic Missile" couldn't lock the target.

The mud demon was restless hiding in the dark, restarted the "telecontrol", grabbed the chair floating on the water, and threw it at the opposite side as a cannonball, forcing Ma Tao and others to be too tired to dodge and have no time to fight back.

Ma Yun hid behind Wang Daqing, who was blocking the flying chair with a shield, and made a series of spell-casting gestures.


This "secondary activation technique" was cast by Ma Yun on the ping pong table used by the mud demon as a cover.

The animated ping-pong table, controlled by her remote control, suddenly floated away from the slime, exposing the witch.

Qi Tian reacted the fastest, raising his hand to break the chain of the chandelier with a shot.

The heavy metal chandelier whizzed down and hit the ooze devil's head just in time.

The witch's naked head was smashed to pieces by the chandelier.

Although this blow was not fatal, it was enough to startle her and interrupt the concentration of "telecontrol" from casting spells.

The chairs that were originally controlled by the power of thought, floating in mid-air, fell down one after another, splashing large groups of water.

The mud demon took advantage of the chaos and released a large cloud of acid mist to block the follow-up offensive of the special police.

After stabilizing the situation, the mud demon dived into the water, controlled the acid mist with mental power, and spread towards the special police.

The crowd was once again surrounded by thick fog, and it was difficult to stay on the surface of the water, so they simply dived collectively.

Not long ago, they used this trick to get rid of the entanglement of acid fog.

At this moment, the old trick was repeated, but he didn't realize that he had fallen into the trap carefully arranged by the mud demon.

"Hehe... Do you think I'm a fool if you dare to use the same trick again?"

The witch's sneer came from the mist.

In the closed underground hall, the originally calm stagnant water suddenly set off a torrent.

The mud demon casts the 4th-level spell "Manipulation of Water", creating a large whirlpool and releasing strong suction.

All the people diving in the water were sucked into the whirlpool one after another.

Only Hao Le realized that the situation was not good, and immediately used the "Wandering Swordsman" professional ability "Climb the Wall", hurriedly left the water, and climbed up the ceiling along the wall.

Turn your head and look down.

A huge vortex appeared in the center of the hall, and the figures of teammates could be vaguely seen spinning with the wave, swallowed by the vortex involuntarily.

Just when Hao Legan was in a hurry, a thin figure flew upside down, fell into the vortex, and disintegrated into dirty soot in a blink of an eye.

Gao Fei killed the Babu Demon, and rushed back on the waves.

Seeing that his companion was trapped by the vortex, he quickly switched his sub-job to an imitator, put on the "druid mask" and "berserker mask", and transformed into a water elemental vortex.

He wants to create a vortex that spins in the opposite direction to counteract the vortex created by the ooze.

This idea is very good, but unfortunately the vortex he created was not big enough and not strong enough to completely counteract the vortex created by the mud demon, and he was constantly being pulled into it.

At a critical juncture, a gunshot suddenly sounded in the air.

Hao Le hung on the wall and had been aiming his gun for quite a while.

Finally caught the moment when the mud demon emerged from the water, and decisively pulled the trigger!
No matter how you look at it, Hao Le is the weakest link in the SWAT team.

The slime didn't take his small role seriously at all.

He never expected that it was precisely this miscellaneous fish that he had neglected that broke the big event at a critical moment!

The sudden bullet hit the back of the mud demon's head.

"Guiding the Light Blade", "Sly Strike" plus sneak attack damage, this shot directly blasted the witch's bald head.

The head of the slime is not fatal, and a headshot will not kill you.

However, this shot was enough to interrupt her concentration on casting spells.

The vortex lost its magical support, and its successor was weak. It was quickly offset by the vortex of Gao Fei's avatar, and the waves subsided.

Ma Tao and the others were finally able to surface and take a breath.

At the same time, Jiang Feng also dealt with his opponent, stepped on the wall and dashed over, aiming at the headless witch floating in the water, raised his hand and blasted a "Yang Yan Palm"!
The golden waves hit the water surface, and the strength of the palm caused double damage to the mud monsters with the subspecies of "mud monsters".

The mud demon was blown out of the water by Yang Yan's palm, and with a slap, it was completely stuck to the wall.


It's the last day of February, book friends who still have monthly tickets remember to vote, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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