Savior Simulator

Chapter 553 Sealing the Altar

Chapter 553 Sealing the Altar
As early as the same time as his girlfriend shot, Gao Fei had already switched his sub-profession to Jackie Dragon Warrior, activated the "Rampage" mode, rushed to the mud demon at the fastest speed, and sprayed a white cold air towards the wall!
The body of the slime demon with extremely high water content was frozen on the wall by the extremely cold dragon's breath, turning into a large lump of dirty ice.

Jiang Feng dashed forward on the waves, and added another Yang Yan Palm, which completely vaporized the frozen body of the mud demon.

The vicious soul essence of the witch turned into strands of stinky smoke and rolled back to her hometown in the abyss.

"What to do with this pile of mud?" Gu Siyi pointed at the still bubbling altar of the abyss, "It will be fine if you dismantle it?"

"Sister Gu, don't rush to do it. I will report the case first and ask for professional advice."

Gao Fei turned on the shooting mode of the astrolabe, and recorded the video before and after facing the altar, capturing every detail in place, and then sent the video to the company commander, asking him what to do.

Soon, the company commander called.

"Gao Fei, thank you for your hard work! I didn't expect the situation to be so serious. The crazy demon actually tried to open the gate of the abyss!"

"Company commander, all the demons in this building have been wiped out, so what should we do with the altar?" Gao Fei asked straight to the point.

"If I remember correctly, there are three priests in your team, right?"

"That's right, two priests and one paladin." Gao Fei thought for a while and added, "If necessary, I can also use the magic mask to play a guest role as a priest."

"Three clerics are enough." The company commander said, "You get them ready, I will apply for mystic authority for them later, and temporarily grant them the power to transform sewage into holy water, and then purify the altar, close The gate of the abyss."

"Okay, Captain!"

Gao Fei ended the call and told Ma Tao, Wang Daqing and Huang Hansheng about Po Jun Shisan's explanation.

Following the instructions of the company commander, the three invoked the high-level authority granted by Mysuo, and stood around the altar in a position that just formed the three vertices of an equilateral triangle.

Ma Tao, Wang Daqing and Huang Hansheng guide positive energy together.

A silver light illuminated the waters around the three, and at the same time illuminated the unholy altar.

Where the holy light shines, the stagnant water polluted by demons is instantly transformed into "holy water" containing positive energy, which is clear and transparent.

Gao Fei and the others watched from the side, inadvertently bathed in the holy water, nourished by the holy power, and suddenly felt exhausted, and the wounds on his body were also healing quickly.

The altar built by the demon was purified by the holy water and collapsed, turning into a pile of garbage mixed with mud.

The gate of the abyss that was originally at the top of the altar quietly disappeared, and it was no longer possible to teleport the inhabitants of the bottomless abyss.

"OK! Done!"

Ma Tao finished channeling energy and let out a long sigh of relief.

Wang Daqing also wiped off his sweat, walked silently to the collapsed abyss altar, and salvaged the corpse from the mud.

Gao Fei sighed secretly, and walked forward quickly to assist Wang Daqing in collecting the bones of the disaster-fighting martyrs.

Jiang Feng and the others quickly joined in.

Everyone worked together, and a total of 12 bodies were cleaned up.

Their identities can be ascertained through the documents carried by the remains.

Among the 12 martyrs, the oldest is 42 years old, and the youngest has just turned 20.

Thinking that these martyrs who were killed by demons also had parents, brothers and sisters, wives and children, white-haired men sent black-haired men, the young special police officers felt very heavy.

Everyone cleaned up the dead bodies of the martyrs, transported them outdoors, temporarily placed them on assault boats, and handed them over to the medical staff involved in the flood fight.

After completing the handover work, everyone returned to the first floor of the Cultural Palace.

Ma Tao no longer spared the magic power, and after two attempts, he successfully dispelled the acid mist covering the stairs.

The stairs leading to the second floor were opened in front of everyone.

Jiang Feng was still exploring the way, and Gao Fei followed closely behind, climbing the stairs to the second floor.

Jiang Feng heard groans coming from a dim room.

He walked over on tiptoe, pushed open the door, and shone the flashlight in, and there was an exclamation in the room immediately.

Gao Fei also followed in, turning on the flashlight.

The room smelled of mud and blood, making people dizzy.

The three men gathered in a pile, curled up in the corner, with terrified faces.

At their feet, there was a large pile of mineral water bottles and leftover compressed biscuits.

In addition to these three men with haggard faces, there is also a young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes and a strong physique. He is lying on his side on the floor, holding his stomach with his hands, curled up like a shrimp, his forehead is covered with beads of sweat the size of peas, and he is in pain. moan.

Jiang Feng stepped forward to appease the panicked refugees. After inquiring, he learned that they were all security guards of the Cultural Palace and nearby bank buildings. They responded to the town government's call and volunteered to fight the flood.

Unexpectedly, the monster broke in, kidnapped the four of them, and killed one of their colleagues.

The security guard who was killed was the source of the bloody smell in the room.

Gao Fei shone the flashlight on the opposite wall, and couldn't help feeling a chill down his spine.

A man who looked to be in his thirties was pierced through the chest by a Babu demon's spear and nailed to the wall.

The blood that flowed out from the shaft of the spear gathered on the floor to form a blood pool, showing a semi-solidified state of red and purple.

It can be seen that the victim's death time was not short.

"Gao Fei, come here." Jiang Feng called from behind.

"What's wrong?" Gao Fei returned to his girlfriend.

"This man seems to be very ill." Jiang Feng pointed to the young man lying on the ground and moaning.

Gao Fei knelt down and shone a light on him.

The young man's face turned green, obviously a sign of poisoning.

"In addition to being poisoned, his abdomen also seems to be injured... It's not convenient for me to check." Jiang Feng hesitated to speak.

"Understood, you can avoid it for a while." Gao Fei smiled.

"Call me when you're done." Jiang Feng turned to face the door.

"Don't be afraid, brother, I'll check it for you."

Gao Fei comforted the young man, took a look at his underwear, and found that from the abdomen to the crotch, there were a large number of dried mud marks, scratches and bite marks on his body, and his buttocks were swollen...

Emmm...something is wrong!
"Are you ready?" Jiang Feng asked with his back turned to this side.

"Go and call Han Sheng over and let him heal and detoxify this brother."

"My 'qi therapy' can also heal wounds and detoxify!"

"If you come for's not convenient."

"Tch! Got it!"

Jiang Nvxia blushed slightly and ran away quickly.

Not long after, Huang Hansheng strode into the room.

"Brother Fei! How is the patient?"

"Being poisoned, it is not life-threatening, and the wound is not serious, but the location is more sensitive." Gao Fei replied with a smile.

Huang Hansheng squatted beside the young man, and after a little inspection, he knew it clearly.

Quickly shot him a "Secondary Restoration Technique", and then used "Spontaneous Medical Treatment" to heal the wounds on his lower body and buttocks.

(End of this chapter)

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