Savior Simulator

Chapter 551 Mud Witch

Chapter 551 Mud Witch

"Young, strong, energetic, and full of magic."

"Great! My dear little ones, welcome to the Abyss Outpost!"

"I will kill you in the most gentle way, and use your bones as bricks to expand the gate of the abyss that summons the Tanari army!"

The vicious words of the clay witch echoed in the water-logged underground hall.

With the help of the simultaneous interpretation function of the astrolabe, the special police officers can understand the abyss language spoken by the witch.

Gao Fei ignored the witch's provocation, and immediately opened the astrolabe to investigate the other party's details.

It's a pity that the concentration of chaotic magic near the "Gate of the Abyss" is too high, which seriously interferes with the detection function of the magic satellite.

The astrolabe cannot provide comprehensive investigation data, so it can only be speculated that the target is a "mud demon" with a challenge level of 12, and its attributes are approximately:

Strength 26, Dexterity 25, Constitution 24, Intelligence 15, Wisdom 19, Charisma 20.

Gao Fei first gasped, and then couldn't help but want to complain.

A witch made of mud has a charm of 20?

No matter how exquisitely you are pinched, and your figure and appearance are impeccable, just because of your body, which is stronger than stinky tofu and can speak for pickled herring, no one can unconscionably praise you for being charming, right?
Well, maybe someone would like this one.

Of course, Gao Fei also knows that a person's charismatic attribute is not completely related to his appearance, let alone the taste of different people.

Now that the other party had already revealed his identity as a demon, Gao Fei didn't bother to talk nonsense, so he winked at his companions, and they raised their guns and fired together.

Ping-pong-pong gunshots echoed in the hall.

The bullet hit the slime's voluptuous body, and unexpectedly passed through it without hindrance, embedding into the opposite wall.

Seeing this, Gao Fei immediately stopped shooting.

Obviously, this witch is not only a demon, but also has a special physique of the "mud monster". The body made of clay has no fixed shape and no vital organs.

When the bullet hit her, it was like hitting a ball of mud, and it penetrated directly, causing very limited damage.

It can be further speculated that it is difficult for slashing weapons such as swords to effectively kill the mud demon, and blunt weapons such as sticks are more likely to restrain her special characteristics.

When the special policemen changed their weapons, the mud demon was not idle. He turned around and punctured the two mud bubbles, one in each hand, and dragged out two Babu demons that had just been teleported from the abyss.

"Oh! Damn! I must have stepped on an angel's shit, or how could my luck be so bad?!"

The mud demon looked at the two Babu demons with disappointment on their faces.

"I thought I could summon the Berserker, but this is the result?"

"Huh! Forget it, no matter how useless Tanari is, at least he is better than humans! You two low-level soldiers! Go and kill those humans on the opposite side!"

The Babu demon who had just been sent over was still a little dizzy.

Standing on the altar in a daze, there was no reaction.

"Fool! Are you all deaf?!"

The slime screamed violently, swung his arms, and slapped each of them.

The two Babu demons came back to their senses after being beaten by her, and then they realized that the one who summoned them was a high-level demon. They didn't dare to resist, obediently obeyed the order of the hostess, and rushed towards Gao Fei and Jiang Feng who were nearby.

"Gate of the Abyss" consumes a lot of mana every time it is activated.

It will take at least eight hours for the two Babu demons to be recharged before they can be activated again.

There were no other accomplices around the slime, and there were seven uninvited guests left, so she decided to solve it herself.

"Oio múré!"

The mud demon summoned a large cloud of acid mist with a wave of his hand, covering himself, Ma Tao and others.

"Hehehe~ Strong boys, come and catch me! If you catch me, I'll let you hehehe~"

The witch's laughter floated in the air, and her figure had disappeared into the depths of the acid mist.

Everyone was trapped by the acid mist, as if they were in a deep mud, and it was difficult to move.

The "acid-resistant barrier" cannot completely counteract the erosion of acid mist. If this continues, the rubber diving suit will be dissolved by the acid mist in a short time.

"Dive!" Ma Yun yelled in the team channel, "Acid mist is less dense than water!"

After being reminded by her, everyone quickly suppressed the "buoyancy blessing", sank into the water one after another, and dived towards the area away from the acid mist.

After finally escaping from the area filled with acid mist, everyone surfaced one after another, using flashlights to search for traces of the slime in the darkness.


The witch's laughter came from the mist.

Hao Le subconsciously aimed his gun at the place where the laughter came from, and pulled the trigger.

The bullet roared out of the chamber, and it slowed down sharply as soon as it came into contact with the thick acid mist, and was completely corroded before it got close to the mud demon.

The mud demon in the dense fog is immune to acid damage, its voluptuous carcass spread out into a puddle of soft mud, and drifts away from the foggy area against the water surface.

The stagnant water in the underground hall was mixed with a lot of mud, which was already very turbid.

The mud demon transformed into a mud form, mixed into the sewage, and coupled with the dim light, there was no trace at all.

Everyone shone their flashlights on the water, completely unaware that a puddle of sludge was the incarnation of a witch.

Only around Huang Hansheng, the area illuminated by the "sacred radiance" has sufficient light.

"I hate that glowing guy..."

The witch floated on the periphery of "Holy Radiance", muttering to herself against the surface of the water.

"However, I hate pretty women even more!"

The mud demon suddenly stood up, transformed from a puddle of mud back into a female form, and slowly raised his hands, aiming at Ma Yun and Gu Siyi with his palms in the air. The arms of the two clay sculptures were broken shoulder-to-shoulder, and they blasted past like cannonballs.


Ma Tao rushed his sister away, was hit by a mud bomb, flew upside down and hit the wall, suffered severe chest pains, and almost fainted.

Gritting his teeth to stay awake, he looked down and saw that he was stuck to the wall with sticky mud, and he couldn't break free for a while.

Gu Siyi was hit by another mud bomb, rolled over and fell on the water, coughing repeatedly in pain.

She was also covered in clay, and found that her movements were restricted, so she immediately switched to the "soft muscle" mode, and she became as soft as clay, twisting her body in the water to get rid of the restraints.

The mud demon knocked the two of them into the air, grinned sneeringly, and suddenly dived underwater to avoid the oncoming bullets and spells.

She huddled into a ball and sank straight into the depths of more than three meters of stagnant water, merging with the mud on the floor.

When she surfaced again, she had absorbed the mud from the bottom and reshaped her arms.

The slime raised its arm to shoot, and fired two more slime bombs.

The target of the attack this time is still a woman.

"Besides me, there should be no other beautiful women in this world!"

This time, both Wang Daqing and Huang Hansheng were prepared.

The two showed their shields in time and stood in front of Ma Yun and Li Jiajia respectively.

A slime bomb acts as a ranged throwing weapon, granting a slime's Strength modifier of up to 26.

Both Wang Daqing and Huang Hansheng's strength attribute was much worse than that of the Mud Demon.

The shield was hit by the mud bomb, and the strong impact was transmitted, which made their arms numb, and their feet slid back against the water until their backs hit the wall, and their eyes turned black.

(End of this chapter)

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