Savior Simulator

Chapter 550 The Gate of the Abyss

Chapter 550 The Gate of the Abyss
"There is poisonous gas and acid mist floating above the stagnant water in the basement. It can be seen that someone... more likely a demon, released the 'stinky cloud' and 'acid mist' here not long ago." Gao Fei looked at the entrance of the basement , thinking about it and said: "Let's go down to investigate, we must first overcome the influence of poisonous gas and acid mist."

"The 'anti-acid barrier' that Brother Tao gave us before is still in effect, and can offset part of the damage caused by the acid mist. The more difficult problem now is how to prevent the virus." Qi Tian said.

"Put on a breathing mask, can't you avoid inhaling poisonous gas?" Gu Siyi said.

"It's not that simple." Gao Fei shook his head lightly, "Have you noticed that the stagnant water in the basement is filthy and smelly, and the surface is green in color, which is a sign of toxins dissolved in the water."

"Even if we can avoid inhaling the poisonous gas directly, after entering the basement with deep water, the skin will inevitably come into contact with toxins, and I'm afraid we will still be poisoned."

"My 'Secondary Restoration Technique' can detoxify, but it can't prevent toxin damage." Huang Hansheng sighed.

"This is the problem. We have many ways to detoxify, but we don't even have a way to prevent poisoning." Jiang Feng was also worried.

Wang Daqing opened the astrolabe, looked at the experience value currently reserved, and relaxed his frowning brows.

"I'll solve this problem!"

Under the expectant gaze of his companions, he spent 11000 experience points to upgrade the paladin to level 8, gaining the opportunity to comprehend a 2nd-level magic.

Wang Daqing chose "Protect Toxin" without hesitation.


Poison Protection: Lasts 1 hour/level; removes one type of poison from the subject; the subject is immune to that poison for the duration of the spell.


After the upgrade, Wang Daqing walked to the door of the basement where the water was stagnant, reached out to touch the poisonous mist in the air, first infected himself with the toxin, endured the nausea and nausea, and took a shot of "protective toxin", and the discomfort caused by the poisoning disappeared immediately. .

Having personally verified that this trick is effective, Wang Daqing felt relieved.

Next, he blessed all his teammates with "Protection Toxin" one by one, and added a "Buoyancy Blessing" by the way.

Taking precautions, everyone waded to the door of the basement, then stopped and looked at each other.

Only Jack Ma went straight in and took two steps before realizing that his teammates hadn't followed. He turned around and asked in bewilderment, "Why didn't you leave?"

"Xiaoyun, look up."

Gu Siyi smiled wryly and pointed to the top of her head.

Ma Yun looked up and found that the ceiling was above her head.

"We are not as short as you. When we walk into a basement where the water is too deep, we either bow our waists, or we can only cancel the 'buoyancy blessing' and swim in the water."

Ma Tao said angrily.

Ma Yun rubbed her head, obviously she took advantage of her size, but she couldn't be happy.

Gao Fei suddenly had an idea and asked Ma Yun: "The richest man, have you learned the 'reduction technique'?"

"Yeah, Brother Fei, do you want me to help you get smaller?"

"Not only me, but others also need to bless the 'reduction technique' so that they can move normally in the basement."

"good idea!"

Ma Yun returned to her teammates and gave everyone a 2-ring "shrinking technique" one by one.

Wang Daqing, the tallest member of the team, was only 95 centimeters tall after being reduced by one level, like a child.

Xiao Ma, with his hands on his hips, looked down at the group of dwarves around him, feeling like he stood out from the crowd.

"Little guys! Line up and go with sister!"

Before Ma Yun could be proud for a while, she was dragged back by Jiang Feng.

"Don't act dead, stay behind obediently!"

After the blessing of the "shrinking technique", Jiang Feng's agility attribute increased by 2 points, he was shorter, but his overall defense level was higher, so he did his part to explore the way.

Gao Fei followed closely behind his girlfriend, observing the situation in the basement under the light of the "Daylight Barrier" emanating from her body.

The spacious underground hall has an indoor area of ​​no less than 1000 square meters.

The ping-pong table and the benches against the wall that were neatly placed in the hall were all floating on the water, looking very messy.

Goofy looked over the obstacles floating on the water and looked towards the corner of the hall, where the concentration of chaotic magic power was the highest.

A large pile of black clay is piled up as an altar, the base is located at the bottom of the water, and the top protrudes from the water, forming a circular platform.

The materials used to build the altar, in addition to the foul-smelling silt, there are tables and chairs, rackets, mops, brooms and other sundries collected on the spot, which look very simple.

Goofy's gaze moved upwards.

His eyes touched the part of the altar above the water, and his heart trembled!
The upper part of the altar is impressively made up of more than a dozen corpses. The blood flowing from the dead will dye the cement used as the adhesive scarlet.

Most of these swollen corpses, which had been soaked for too long, were wearing orange life jackets, lined with police uniforms or firefighting uniforms. They were clearly firefighters who came to rescue refugees, but unfortunately fell into a trap and died at the hands of demons.

Even the corpses of these victims are desecrated by demons and used as sacrifices to perform some kind of evil ritual.

The circular groove on the top of the altar is filled with viscous mud, bubbling and bubbling.

Two of the bubbles are particularly large in size, and Gao Feiyue looks more and more familiar.

I suddenly remembered that when I was escorting a transport helicopter the night before, I saw similar bubbles in the cumulonimbus clouds.

These bubbles are actually three-dimensional projections of plane piping.

Whenever the bubble bursts, substances from other worlds will flow in through the barriers of the planes.

For example, floods and flying sharks from the water elemental world.

Judging from all the signs, the altar built in the basement is obviously not communicating with the water elemental world, but more likely the devil's lair - the bottomless abyss!
If this altar is allowed to continue to operate, new demons will be sent over soon.

A severe crisis lies before the young special police officers.

Without thinking, Gao Fei drew out his pistol, aimed at the bulging air bubbles on the altar, pressed his finger on the trigger, but hesitated.

If the shot was fired to break the bubble, would it be self-defeating and release the demon in advance?
At this moment, the mud pond on the altar suddenly boiled.

A large pile of viscous clay rose up from the mud pond, rising higher and higher, forming a five-foot-high mud column.

Just under everyone's surprised gaze.

The surface of the mud column sometimes swells, sometimes shrinks, and is finally shaped into a voluptuous female body.

This clay witch was black and smooth all over, with a bumpy figure and a beautiful face. Unfortunately, her big bald head and the stench of mud all over her body ruined her image.

The clay witch slowly opened her eyes, the pupils shot out an evil scarlet luster, and her dark and plump lips evoked a malicious smile.

(End of this chapter)

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