Savior Simulator

Chapter 533 Car Cemetery

Chapter 533 Car Cemetery
The teammates around Li Jiajia were not harmed by the "thunder wave".

This is because when she casts the spell, she expends the bard's "performance" ability once to add the super magic skill "spell shaping" to "thunder wave", so as to avoid accidentally injuring her companions.

With a "thunder wave", all the cave-dwelling monsters on the ceiling were blasted down.

However, a mere 3d6 sonic damage is far from enough to kill a burrower.

After Li Jiajia cast the spell, he picked up the amplified harmonica and focused on playing the "Ecstasy", attracting the cave-dwelling monsters scattered in the water.

Ma Yun stood beside Li Jiajia, picked a suitable angle, and raised her hand to release the colorful light cone.

The cave-dwelling monsters on the opposite side, who were confused by the sound of the piano, were hit by the "colorful jet" unexpectedly, and they were all shocked.

Gao Fei raised his magic wand, and added a shot of "Frost Nova" at the right time, freezing the frightened group of cave dwelling monsters in the solid ice.

Wang Daqing and Huang Hansheng each channeled their divine power to bless all teammates with "Blessing of Buoyancy", increasing the damage of 2d6 brilliance.

Ma Tao jumped out of the motorboat with a cigarette in his mouth, held the shotgun with both hands, aimed at the area where cave-dwelling snappers gathered, and pulled the trigger!

With two shots, the cave-dwelling monster was turned into a hornet's nest.

Qi Tian, ​​Hao Le, and Gu Siyi also frequently shot and killed the cave-dwelling monsters floating on the water.

Once the shelter of the shadows and the camouflage are removed, the cave-dwelling monsters will be reduced to fish and meat at the mercy of the special police, with no chance of resistance at all.

Within 10 minutes, all the cave-dwelling snatchers entrenched in the tunnel were wiped out.

The SWAT team returned to the motorboat and continued to search forward.

Not far away, I heard cries for help coming from the depths of the tunnel.

There was a faint flicker of light, which seemed to be the light of car lights shining through the standing water.

Everyone hurried over and found a broken down van.

Opening the car door, a total of five people were soaked in the water, and two of them had fallen into a coma.

Of the three sober trapped people, two were so weak that they couldn't even speak. Only the driver of the van heard the sound of the motorboat's motor and shouted for help with his last bit of strength.

Gao Fei took out the portable assault boat from the astrolabe, and after zooming in, transferred five refugees to the boat.

Ma Tao, Wang Daqing and Huang Hansheng provided first aid in time to wake up the coma.

Fortunately, none of them were seriously ill, and they fell into a coma only because of the loss of body temperature due to long-term immersion in cold water.

In fact, these people trapped in the car also know that being soaked in cold water for a long time will cause the body to lose temperature, and even life-threatening in severe cases.

So when the flood water seeped in through the gap in the car door, they also opened the car door and climbed onto the roof of the van, intending to wait for rescue in such a relatively dry place.

However, it didn't take long for one of the passengers to be entangled by the four tentacles hanging from the top of his head. Before he could scream, he was hung up in front of his companions and swallowed piece by piece.

Seeing this scene, the other five people were all terrified and panicked. They scrambled and jumped down, got back into the flooded carriage, locked the door, and would rather be frozen than go out again.

After listening to the survivors' narration, Gao Fei understood.

Most of the unfortunate passengers died at the mouth of cave-dwelling monsters.

It's a pity that the special police came late and failed to save the unlucky guy.

After sending away this group of survivors, Gao Fei and others continued to explore the depths of the tunnel.

Along the way, I encountered several vehicles trapped in the water, some of which were empty, and the owners of the vehicles were missing.

Judging from the complete preservation of the doors and windows of the empty car, the owner of the car should have seen that the situation was not good and voluntarily abandoned the car and fled.

Although the probability of encountering water monsters on the way to escape is not low, there is nothing the special police can do except wish them all a safe escape.

Those who insisted on staying in the car and waiting for rescue were relatively lucky, and were sent to the assault boat by the special police one by one.

When everyone was busy saving lives, there was a strange roar from the opposite side of the tunnel.



The sound wave echoed in the deep and closed tunnel, the sound was like thunder, and it was also like the cry of a cow, shaking the water surface to make waves.

"What's this movement?" Jiang Feng turned his head to look at the place where the strange sound came from, "It sounds like a cow that has been magnified a hundred times..."

"I think it's more like a frog's cry." Gu Siyi said.

"You said it was a cow, she said it was a frog. Based on your two opinions, it is the bullfrog that is roaring." Gao Fei joked casually.

"Can a bullfrog bark so loudly?" Gu Siyi couldn't believe it.

"Maybe it's a mutant." Jiang Feng took over, "Once an ordinary animal is infected by magic power, it may mutate and eventually turn into any kind of ghost."

Gao Fei nodded, and turned back to ask the refugees on board.

These car owners who were trapped in the tunnel had also heard loud roars from the tunnel that looked like cows, but not cows, and frogs, and they were frightened enough, but no one knew what kind of monster made the roar, let alone Dare to check it out.

Gao Fei failed to get any valuable information from these survivors, so he had to send them away by boat, and continued to explore the depths of the tunnel with his companions.

At this time, they had reached the second half of the tunnel, and they saw no more vehicles on the way, but the strange roar was getting closer and closer, which made people's ears buzz, and their heartstrings couldn't help but tense.

The young SWAT officers reminded each other, stepped up their vigilance, and drove the motorboat closer to the source of the roar.

There are many floating objects scattered on the water ahead.

A closer look revealed the wreckage of cars.

Gao Fei lit up with a flashlight and observed carefully.

There are wrecks from cars to jeeps, all of which have been crushed into a mass of scrap iron.

The shell of the wrecked car faintly showed signs of being corroded by strong acid.

The scene in front of them made everyone feel more surprised and uneasy.

Hold your breath and continue to drive the boat forward.

Across the car graveyard of water, the tunnel ahead was blocked by a huge black shadow.

At first glance, this monster does look like a huge brown bullfrog. Its body length is no less than six meters, and the back above the water is more than two meters high. roar.

Gao Fei turned the torch's diffuse aperture to the maximum, and was able to see the whole picture of this mutated giant frog, and immediately noticed many distinct mutated features.

The first is the forelimbs of the mutated giant frog, which have been specially transformed into a pair of octopus-like tentacles, which are ten meters long by visual inspection, and swing flexibly against the water surface.

In addition, the eyes of the mutated giant frog are also very weird. They look more like the visual organs of shrimps and crabs. A pair of half-meter-long eye stalks protrude from the eye sockets. There are two huge eyeballs on the top, which can rotate 360 ​​degrees. There is no blind spot in the field of vision.

Hao Le glanced at the astrolabe in his hand, lowered his voice and said:

"Guys, I have good news... and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

(End of this chapter)

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