Savior Simulator

Chapter 534 High Pressure Water Cannon

Chapter 534 High Pressure Water Cannon
"What good news?" Qi Tian asked Hao Le.

"The good news is that the astrolabe can't detect the data of this big toad. It can be seen that it is a new species. If we kill this toad, we can all get three times the experience reward!" Without waiting for anyone to ask, Hao Le went on to say: "Bad news Because we can't see its stats and challenge level, we may not win the battle, and we may not be able to capsize in the gutter, but instead become this big toad's dinner..."

"Lele, don't talk about frustration!" Huang Hansheng stood up from the driver's seat of the motorboat. "You can only know how strong this mutated giant frog is after fighting it."

He first guided the light blade to collectively increase the weapon damage for his teammates, and then cast the "blessing technique".

The mutated giant frog on the opposite side seemed to be startled by the golden magic radiance from Huang Hansheng's body. It twisted its eye stems to look over, and suddenly opened its mouth, spewing out a large group of black balls.

Wang Daqing blessed the "Buoyancy Blessing" long ago, and stood guard with a shield.

At the same time as the mutated giant frog opened its mouth to spit, he strode over, raised his big shield, and blocked Huang Hansheng and Hao Leyan behind him.

Wang Daqing's defense was timely, but unfortunately he seriously underestimated the strength of the mutant giant frog's blow.

In fact, the object ejected by the mutated giant frog is the undigested car wreck that was swallowed by it before.

The whole car was compressed into a large dense iron ball by the muscle of the mutated giant frog's stomach wall, and it was sprayed out in one piece. The power was comparable to that of a heavy artillery shell, and it hit Wang Daqing's shield firmly, instantly blasting him with his shield. He knocked down Huang Hansheng on the motorboat behind him.

Wang Daqing and Huang Hansheng fell into the water one after another, and Hao Le was also thrown out by the violently bumping motorboat, hitting his head on the tunnel wall.

Even with the protection of the helmet, the impact still made his eyes dazzle with stares, and he was dizzy.

The change came so fast that everyone was caught off guard.

Before he could recover, the mutated giant frog had already jumped over, its huge body volleyed down, and smashed Huang Hansheng who had just surfaced into the bottom of the water again.

The moment the mutated giant frog fell into the water, the waves surged!
Rough waves swept around.

The special police officers on the other three motorboats were also shaken by the impact, and they capsized on their backs and fell into the water one after another.

Fortunately, there are "buoyancy blessing" body protection, so there is no danger.

Goofy was the first to surface.

The mutated giant frog almost filled his field of vision.

The huge body, the brown-black skin covered with mucus, and the bulging muscles under the skin membrane all express the sense of oppression in the most intuitive way.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Fei tried his best to remain calm.

Although I can't see the specific data, but based on experience alone, Gao Fei can conclude that this mutated giant frog is more difficult to deal with than the strongest water monster "Mutated Pistol Shrimp" that everyone has encountered before!
Facing an unprecedentedly tough enemy, Gao Fei resolutely switched his sub-profession to "Dragon Warrior". After the berserk, he transformed into a red dragon and spewed a flame at the mutated giant frog.

Unexpectedly, the dragon's breath only caused single-digit damage to the mutant giant frog.

Gao Fei's heart shuddered, and he guessed that this mutated giant frog had extremely high resistance to fire!

The mutated giant frog was covered in blisters from the dragon's breath, opened its mouth and roared under the stimulation of pain, and spewed out a stream of high-pressure water as it flew high!
The tunnel was too narrow, and the high-flying sky could not fly even with dragon wings. He was hit in the chest by the water cannon sprayed by the mutated giant frog, and fell backwards, sliding far away with his back against the water.

The sharp pain in his chest almost made him lose his breath.

Gao Fei barely stayed awake and quickly checked his status.

After being bombarded by a water cannon, 10 points of damage reduction armor were deducted, and Gao Fei also lost 20 points of health.

It can be seen from this that the high-pressure water cannon sprayed by the mutated giant frog is not much less powerful than his dragon's breath!

Goofy was lucky.

If the mutated giant frog sprayed the water cannon with a steel cannonball compressed from the wreckage of the car, the damage would probably be doubled!
Jiang Feng hung upside down from the ceiling of the tunnel, shot "Scorching Light" to stop the mutated giant frog from chasing the red dragon, and looked at his boyfriend with concern.

"Goofy! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just be careful yourself!"

Gao Fei stood up from the water and shouted without looking back: "Little Tian, ​​give me the 'Giant Scale' technique!"

Compared with the mutated giant frog, the red dragon is at a disadvantage in terms of size and strength. Without the blessing of the "giant growth technique", it can't stop the opponent's onslaught.

"Come on!"

Qi Tian ran over to bless Gao Fei with "Giant Enlargement" and "Magic Tooth".

Immediately afterwards, he put the same buff on the bull fish.

Command the gigantic bull fish to raid the mutated giant frog underwater to help Goofy share the pressure.

Li Jiajia played "Ecstasy".

Ma Yun used "stunning technique" and "colorful spray" one after another.

Both of them have tried their best, but unfortunately, none of these field control skills have any effect on the mutant giant frog.

This can only show that the mutated giant frog is either inherently immune to confusion, or has extremely high resistance to willpower!
Ma Tao, Hao Le, and Gu Siyi stood beside Wang Daqing and Huang Hansheng who were injured and fell into the water, and fired frequently to prevent the mutant giant frog from approaching.

The enchanted bullets and the iron sand ejected from the shotgun hit the mutated giant frog, causing negligible damage.

The monster's smooth and flexible skin, together with the thick subcutaneous fat layer, together constitute a super high natural defense. It also seems to have damage-reducing armor, which is difficult for bullets to penetrate.

The battle has continued until now, and only Jiang Feng's light martial arts can effectively kill the mutated giant frog.

Perhaps it was because her performance was too outstanding, which caused the mutated giant frog to be jealous. Suddenly, it raised its head and glared at Jiang Nuxia hanging upside down from the ceiling, and opened its mouth to spray a high-pressure water cannon!
Jiang Feng's reaction was quick, before he was hit by the water cannon, he jumped onto the wall opposite the tunnel.

However, the pursuit of the mutated giant frog came even faster.

Before she could stabilize her center of gravity, the two tentacle-like forelimbs of the mutated giant frog whipped over with the sharp sound of breaking wind.

Jiang Feng folded a very difficult somersault with a posture perpendicular to the wall.

Barely dodged the first tentacle, but was sent flying horizontally by the second tentacle that followed, and fell into the water.

Fortunately, the injury was not serious, so I reluctantly slapped myself with a "qi therapy technique", stepped on the water, and hurried back.

After knocking Jiang Feng into the air, the mutated giant frog twisted its eye stalks and turned its gaze to the nearby prey.

In its field of vision, Gu Siyi threw out his long, muscular arms, trying to pull up Huang Hansheng who fell into the water.

call out!
With a flash of white light, Gu Siyi was caught off guard by the high-pressure water cannon sprayed by the mutated giant frog. He failed to save his companion and fell off the motorboat himself.

The mutated giant frog didn't chase and kill Gu Siyi, it opened its mouth and spit out a thick and long tongue like a python, stuck to Huang Hansheng, rolled back in an instant, and swallowed it in one gulp!
(End of this chapter)

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