Chapter 532
The inner wall of the monster's body cavity secretes a large amount of slippery mucus.

Lubricated by the mucus, Wang Daqing and Huang Hansheng easily pulled a large part of Hao Le out of his body.

In the end, only Hao Le's shoulders and head remained, still stuck deep in the monster's throat.

However, it is not so easy to pull it out.

There are four symmetrically arranged hook-shaped teeth inside the monster's mouth, which are inserted into Hao Le's body like hooks.

The harder Wang Daqing and Huang Hansheng dragged, the deeper the sharp teeth sank into the flesh, and the tighter the grip became, blood continued to flow from the wound, dripping down Hao Le's arm.

Seeing this scene, the two knew that brute force alone would not be able to save Hao Le, but would cause him more serious harm.

For a while, I didn't know what to do.

Six seconds passed in the blink of an eye, and the monster got rid of the shock caused by the "colorful spray" and woke up.

Realizing that the prey swallowed in its mouth was trying to escape, it quickly twisted its four tentacles full of suckers and entangled Hao Le.

Ma Yun released the "Colorful Jet" again, but unfortunately she was out of luck and was resisted by the monster.

In the tunnel, two screams of sharp blades piercing the air sounded one after another.

Gao Fei and Gu Siyi shot almost at the same time.

"Thunder King's Tooth" and "Steel Bone Hand Knife" cut off two tentacles each.

The tentacles broke at the root and fell into the water, the nerve endings were still twitching.

Without the tentacles, everyone could clearly see the monster's four barb-shaped sharp teeth growing around its mouth, two of which were embedded in Hao Le's shoulders, making it impossible for him to get out.

Gao Fei thought for a moment, then switched his sub-job to an imitator and put on a "mage mask".

He has prepared two 1st ring spells today, "shield" and "reduction", the latter happens to be useful at this time.

Walking quickly behind Hao Le, Gao Fei gave him a "reduction technique".

Hao Le was originally small and thin, but now under the effect of the spell, his height has shrunk to only 80 centimeters, like a child.

The monster obviously didn't expect that the prey in its mouth would shrink sharply without warning. When it reacted, Hao Le had already escaped from the barb's grip and escaped from its mouth.

Ma Yun casts the "stun technique" in time to interrupt the monster's attempt to chase and kill Hao Le.

Wang Daqing took the opportunity to drag Hao Le back, and performed "holy treatment" to help him heal his shoulder wound.

Seeing that Hao Le was out of danger, Gao Fei heaved a sigh of relief, opened the astrolabe, and investigated the monster that was stunned by Ma Yun.

This ugly creature, which looks like a cross between an octopus and a slug, is called a "burrowing grub".

In terms of species classification, it is a relatively rare "strange monster".

Not to mention the real world, even in the game, there are only "underdark areas" tens of thousands of feet below the surface, and traces of such strange things can occasionally be found.

The challenge level of cave dwelling monsters is not high, only level 3.

The health value is 45 points, and the attributes are strength 15, agility 15, constitution 17, intelligence 3, perception 14, and charm 5.

This strange amphibious creature usually inhabits dark and damp caves, uses the mucus secreted from its body surface to assist climbing, and can come and go freely on steep stone walls or ceilings.

A burrowing grub has damage-reducing armor of 10/magic and has the two feats of Alertness and Tracking Expert.

Especially "Tracking Expert", Gao Fei has seen this kind of specialty in the game before. In addition to the advantage in tracking checks, he can also cast the 1-ring magic "Hunter's Mark" three times a day.

Just now Gao Fei was marked with the "Hunter's Mark" by the cave dwelling monster lurking in the shadow above his head.

However, before the cave dwelling monster had time to launch a surprise attack on him, Hao Le discovered it and had to attack Hao Le instead.

Thinking about it this way, Hao Le could be considered a disaster for him.

Troggs are not good at fighting head-on.

The sneak attack was missed, and the tentacles were chopped off. Knowing that he couldn't offend the group of uninvited guests, he jumped into the water as soon as he got rid of the dizziness, trying to escape by diving.

"Little Niu Niu, go!"

Qi Tian had been staring at the cave-dwelling monster for a long time, how could he let this monster who bullied his apprentice slip away, so he immediately ordered the bull fish to rush towards the cave-dwelling monster.

In water combat, the burrowing grub is no match for the ferocious bullfish.

The bullfish caught up to the cave-dwelling snapper in a blink of an eye, launching a powerful charge with its sharp horns.

In the charge state, the bullfish's ramming damage roll increases to 4d6, plus "power attack" and a strength attribute of up to 24, knocking off the burrowing monster with half life!

The horns of the bullfish are equivalent to magical natural weapons, easily piercing through the damage-reducing armor of the cave-dwelling monster, deeply piercing into the soft and juicy body, raising its head violently, picking it up out of the water, and rolling in the air.

Hao Le was sitting on the motorboat, wiping the mucus on his face with a tissue, feeling as if someone had snotted his face, so don't worry about it.

Accidentally saw the cave-dwelling monster being picked up by the bull fish, and suddenly became angry, picked up the pistol and fired continuously.

The cave-dwelling grabber was shot three times in a row, and died when it fell back to the surface.

The gunshots echoed in the dark and closed water-logged tunnel, and the echoes lasted for a long time.

Through the gunshots, Jiang Feng vaguely heard rustling sounds from above his head, and quickly opened the "Daylight Barrier" to dispel the surrounding darkness.

At the same time, Huang Hansheng also inspired "sacred radiance", radiating golden light all over his body.

The lighting radius provided by "Holy Light" was 10 feet larger than Jiang Feng's "Daylight Barrier".

Gao Fei and the others looked up at the top of the tunnel.

Under the radiance of magic, he could vaguely see dense black shadows on the ceiling above his head.

Wriggling snake-shaped monsters hang upside down from the ceiling, all of them are cave-dwelling monsters, at least twenty or thirty!

Attracted by the gunshots, this group of monsters was climbing towards the top of the crowd from all directions. Just taking a look at them made people get goosebumps all over their bodies.

Jiang Feng suppressed his nausea, raised his hand and blasted out a Yang Yan palm!

Yang Yan's zhenqi was like a golden wave, blasting down a large area of ​​cave-dwelling monsters stuck to the ceiling.

The cave-dwelling monsters that were recruited fell like rain.

Some were killed directly and sank to the bottom of the water.

Most of them were injured, and with the thought of revenge, they swung the four tentacles on their head to act as fins, and quickly swam towards the motorboat that the special police were riding on.

At the same time, some cave-dwelling monsters that were not hit by Yang Yan's palm jumped down from the ceiling on their own initiative, opened four petal-like tentacles, and rushed towards Gao Fei and the others in the air.


Li Jiajia chanted the mantra symbolizing "roaring" and released the 1st-level magic "thunder wave" that he learned yesterday.

If there is a substantial shock wave in a circle, accompanied by a deafening loud noise, it will rapidly expand around Li Jiajia itself as the center.

The cave dwelling monsters within 15 feet around, whether they are swimming over from the water or jumping down from the air, are all shaken away by the "thunder wave".

(End of this chapter)

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