Chapter 531

In the depths of the water-logged tunnel, the bullfish has already killed the mutated catfish, is biting the prey with its sharp teeth, and is enjoying a delicious meal.

It didn't seem to care about the SWAT police on the nearby motorboat.

"The bull fish is a neutral creature. When it is not short of food, unless we show strong hostility, neutral creatures usually will not take the initiative to attack."

Jiang Feng lowered his voice to popularize science with Gu Siyi.

"Guys, there's something I want to ask for your help!"

Qi Tian excitedly rubbed his hands.

Jiang Feng glanced at him, with a faint smile: "What do you want to do, you scumbag, needless to say, we can guess."

The Challenge Rating for Bull Fish is 5.

Qi Tian's main sub-profession "Beast Tamer" is also level 5, which happens to be able to tame bull fish as his animal companion.

"No... Sister Feng! The mutated octopus and flying shark I subdued before died, and now I'm single!" Qi Tian argued aggrievedly, "It's reasonable for a widower to remarry, how can you say I'm a scumbag?"

"Brother Tian, ​​you should stay in mourning for at least three years." Ma Yun also teased with a smile, "Or write a mourning poem, such as 'Once the sea was too difficult for water, except Wushan is not a cloud' or something."

"Please! I just want to be an honest and responsible animal trainer, don't push me in the direction of the pervert Fu Ruikong!"

Qi Tian couldn't laugh or cry.

The bull fish seemed to hear his complaint, and raised his head and gave him a sideways glance, as if complaining: This guy doesn't seem very smart.

Gao Fei smiled, turned to Li Jiajia and said, "Jiajia, in this situation, the two of us singing "Big Fish and Begonia" together, isn't it appropriate?"

"Brother Fei, you sing very well, you are not allowed to sing in the future, I should do it myself."

As a professional in the field of music, Li Jiajia implicitly commented on Gao Fei's singing voice, picked up the amplified harmonica, and played "Ecstasy".

Ma Tao walked up to Qi Tian and blessed him with "The Wisdom of the Owl", temporarily increasing his perception attribute by 4 points.

When an animal trainer tries to tame an animal companion, he needs to make a "Beast Taming" skill check against the opponent's will save.

If the check is successful, you can subdue it.

If the check fails, the opponent will be enraged and attacked.

Bull fish will save, about 15 points.

Counting the enhancement of "Owl's Wisdom", Qi Tian's current perception attribute is 24, and the correction is +7.

Beast tamers have their own professional ability "wild identity", which has an advantage in making animal taming checks, and is counted as a double proficiency modifier.As far as Qi Tian is concerned, it is +6.

A simple calculation shows that unless Qi Tian rolls a big failure of 1 point in both checks, he must be able to domesticate the bull fish.

The probability of double dice failure is only 0.25%.

Normal people cannot cast such magical results.

However, considering that this boy Qi Tian has always been possessed by bad luck, he had to guard against it, so Gao Fei specifically told Ma Yun to prepare for a "Colorful Jet".

In case Qi Tian fails to tame the beast, immediately cast a spell on the bull fish.

If the bull fish could be deterred by a round before it reacted, then Qi Tian would still have a chance to re-roll and make amends.

Fortunately, Qi Tian's luck today is not particularly bad.

He successfully passed the animal taming test and successfully tamed the bull fish.

In the four days since they were on duty, they encountered all kinds of water monsters.

Among all these water monsters, the fighting power of the bullfish can be ranked No. 2, second only to the mutant pistol shrimp.

Qi Tian was very satisfied with his new love, he rode on the back of the bull fish for a while, and then returned to the motorboat alone, with the remote control bull fish exploring the way ahead.

The giant crabs and mutated octopuses encountered on the way were overturned by the bull fish before the special police could take action, just like a car bandit.

In the middle of the tunnel, the water became deeper.

The distance between the water surface and the ceiling of the tunnel is less than two meters, like a culvert.

At this time, Ma Yun suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

She turned the flashlight to maximum brightness and shone it overhead.

Gao Fei followed the beam of light and looked up.

He saw a bat hanging upside down from the tunnel ceiling.

At first, I thought it was nothing unusual, but after being reminded by Xiao Ma, after careful inspection, I was surprised to find that the bat had long since died, and what was hanging on the top of its head was only a broken fur.

Gao Fei quickly raised his flashlight and shot at the ceiling above his head.

Sure enough, such bat remains can be seen everywhere.

"Ever since I entered the tunnel, I feel strange." Ma Yun said to herself, "How can there be no bats in such an environment that is most suitable for bats to inhabit? Now it seems that the bats that originally lived in the tunnel, They were probably all killed."

"Then the question is, water monsters usually can't climb walls, and they don't have the ability to chase flying bats. What kind of monster is it that kills bats?"

Ma Yun scratched her head in confusion.

"In short, everyone should be more careful." Jiang Feng reminded his companions, "Creatures that can prey on bats may not necessarily come from the water."

Gao Fei suddenly shuddered, feeling a sense of déjà vu discomfort.

He collected himself and tried hard to recall this uncomfortable sense of sight.

It seems to have had a similar experience in the game.

That's right!

Goofy remembered.

It was in the chapter of the Berserker module "Prince's Revenge", the chapter of Anxi Island.

He and his companions were entrusted by the dwarf uncle to explore the desert caves, and when they were followed by the green-footed dragon snake on the way, they also had this feeling of being secretly spied on.

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe, checked his status bar, and his heart shuddered!
I don't know when, I have been marked with the "Hunter's Mark".

A drop of cold liquid fell on Hao Le's forehead.

He wiped it casually, his fingertips were sticky.

"what is this?"

Hao Le muttered and raised the flashlight to shine on the ceiling dripping with mucus.

The moment he looked up, his eyes suddenly widened, and he couldn't help but let out an exclamation.


Almost at the same time, a python-like black monster descended from the sky and just landed on him.

Gao Fei heard Hao Le's exclamation, and quickly turned around to look over.

Illuminated by the flashlight, I saw a two-meter-long mollusc monster that resembled a large slug. Its head was split into four petals and extended into willow-shaped tentacles, surrounding the pink cavity for feeding.

This disgusting monster covered Hao Le's head, holding his head in his mouth, like swallowing a sausage, swallowing Hao Le whole by joint.


Ma Yun was the first to react, blasting the "Seven Color Jet" over, successfully deterring the monster that was devouring Hao Le.

Huang Hansheng and Wang Daqing, who were on the same motorboat with Hao Le, also came back to their senses at this time, and rushed to Hao Le, who had been swallowed by the monster from the chest up, grabbed one leg of the hapless boy, and worked together to push him away. Inch by inch, it was dragged out from the monster's throat.

(End of this chapter)

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