Savior Simulator

Chapter 512 Little Comrade (for Subscription)

Chapter 512 Little Comrade (for Subscription)
At the same time that Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were saving people, other teammates also arrived one after another.

Wang Daqing and Zhou Guanqun successively channeled their divine power to bless their teammates with "buoyancy blessings".

Huang Hansheng jumped off the motorboat, ran quickly to the center of the crowd, and blessed all his companions with "blessing" and "guiding light blade".

Prepared before the battle, everyone rushed to rescue the car surrounded by giant crabs.

Hao Le and Xu Zhigang threw "taunt" almost at the same time, each attracting a giant crab.

Wang Daqing used "forced duel" to pull another giant crab that was smashing the window glass with its pincers.

A flying shark dived at low altitude, followed Qi Tian's instructions, and slammed into the last giant crab that climbed up the roof.

The giant crab was hit by the flying shark and rolled over. Before it fell into the water, it was shot three times in a row. It was hit by Qi Tian, ​​Ma Tao and Ma Yun respectively. Its carapace was shattered and juice splashed everywhere.

The severely injured giant crab fell into the water, and was immediately bitten by Zhou Guanqun's flying shark servants with a claw, and dragged back to the surface of the water.

Zhou Guanqun pointed at the giant crab and used the 3-ring "dry water technique" he learned when the "Ocean Knight" was promoted to level 0.

The moisture in the crab's body evaporated rapidly under the action of magic, and steam came out through the cracks in the carapace.

"Dry Water" is the reverse usage of "Water Creation", which can instantly evaporate 10 liters/level of non-magic liquid.

If used on an aquatic creature, it deals 5d6 points of desiccation damage, as much damage as a 1st-level magic.

The four giant crabs were quickly wiped out by the special police.

Gao Fei stepped on the water and walked up to the car, knocked on the window, and gestured "OK" to the middle-aged woman in the car, signaling her to open the car door and take refuge on the boat.

The woman looked hesitant, carefully observed Gao Fei's special police uniform, and then turned around and tried to open the door.

The water level difference inside and outside the car door created a lot of pressure, and the female driver couldn't push the door even with all her strength.

Gao Fei held the door handle from the outside, and with a sudden force, he pulled the door open.

The accumulated water poured into the carriage, knocking the female driver backwards.

At the same time, a fluffy white teddy dog ​​jumped out from beside her screaming, flopping about in the flood water.

"Xiaobai! Xiaobai! Come back!"

The woman struggled to get out of the car and tried to call the dog back.

The frightened puppy ignored the owner's cries, and swam farther and farther in the water with an unskilled "dog planing" swimming style.

Gao Fei shook his head helplessly, and asked Jiang Feng to send the woman to the assault boat, and chase the dog in the water by himself.

As soon as he took two steps, he noticed strange waves on the water in front of him, and hurriedly stopped.

This familiar scene made him have a bad premonition, and he opened the astrolabe to scout the waters ahead.

Sure enough, a group of piranhas was lurking in that area.

Before Gao Fei could make a move, the group of piranhas rushed at the puppy that he sent to the door, surrounding it and biting wildly.

The puppy wailed, rolled and struggled in the water, but couldn't stop the fish from besieging it. In a blink of an eye, it was gnawed to a bloody mess, and there was no movement.

The blood smeared on the water gave off a pungent fishy smell.

The bloody smell attracts more piranhas, who flock to join the hunt.

Watching the puppy being gnawed until its bones were exposed, Gao Fei couldn't help getting goosebumps all over his body, and quickly reminded his teammates to stay away from this dangerous waters.

Taking advantage of the school of fish vying for dog carcasses, Gao Fei switched his sub-job to an imitator, put on the "druid mask" and "berserker mask", turned into a water element, set off a vortex, and attracted the piranha school, Continue to crush until all these bloodthirsty little devils are wiped out.

This is the safest way to deal with piranha schools.

After the threat was resolved, Gao Fei changed back into a human form, looked back at the men and women on the assault boat whose faces were pale with fright, and sighed secretly.

Turning the corner, there is an elementary school in front.

Across the street was the residential area where Jiang Feng's family lived.

The side of the community facing the street is full of facade houses, the neon lights are out of power, and the shop signs are eclipsed in the rain.

The doors of every house were closed tightly, but they couldn't stop the water from seeping in.

The shop Jiang Feng's parents rented is here. The first floor is a children's martial arts gym, and the second floor is a nursery class. The customers are all old neighbors.

The gunshots from the street aroused the local residents' curiosity, and they went to the balcony and watched the Tiangong special police fighting the water monster through the window.

On the second floor of Jiang Feng's store, a group of primary school students crowded around the anti-theft window on the balcony, their dark eyes widening, and they were also watching the excitement with their heads poking around.

Mother Jiang noticed flying sharks cruising in the sky, fearing that something might happen, she coaxed and frightened the eight children back to the back room.

In order to tie these little guys, Mother Jiang also assigned them an essay titled "Thoughts in the Rain", which must be at least 800 words long.

Jiang's father remembered that there were still bacon and sausages hanging in the window, so he hurried to the balcony, trying to put the dried bacon into the house.

A flying shark happened to pass by the window, grabbed a string of sausages on the way, tore it off, and flew away in its mouth.

Father Jiang was so angry that he cursed at the flying shark who stole the sausage.

I don't know if he heard the scolding, or because the sausage was too appetizing, Flying Shark swallowed two sausages, circled slowly in the air, and turned around and flew to the window of Jiang's house.

Jiang's father was busy rescuing the cured meat, but when he realized that the flying shark wanted to steal it again, he was so angry that he picked up a nunchuck and stood by the side.

The flying shark was floating outside the window, and its triangular head poked into the gap between the anti-theft window grille, trying to grab the bunch of red sausages.

Father Jiang suddenly swung his nunchuck!
The iron rod precisely passed through the gap between the fences and hit the flying shark's head heavily.

Flying Shark shivered in pain, and instinctively shrank his head to avoid it.

He tried to steal food and was beaten. Flying Shark was very angry and wanted to retaliate with red eyes.

It first flew to a high place, then swooped down at a high speed, crashing into the window with its strong inertia.

The iron fence was bent by the flying shark, and the inner glass windows were also impacted, buzzing and trembling, almost shattered.

Flying Shark himself was dizzy from the collision, spread his wings and circled in mid-air, planning to wait until the dizziness subsided before trying to break through the bars.

At this moment, a golden light beam shot from below.

With a whooping sound, the scorching light hit the Flying Shark's belly, blasting a hole the size of a bowl, and the blood, together with the shattered intestines, spurted out.

The flying shark fell.

At the same time, a slender figure stepped on the wall and rushed to the window on the second floor from bottom to top, his eyes were full of concern.

"That...uncle, are you okay?"

The magic helmet and protective mask specially used by Tiangong special police covered her face and changed her voice at the same time.

"Thank you, little comrade, I'm fine!"

Father Jiang looked gratefully at the special police officer outside the window, vaguely feeling that the figure of this young policewoman looked familiar...

(End of this chapter)

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