Savior Simulator

Chapter 513 Mutant Catfish

Chapter 513 Mutant Catfish
"You'll be fine!"

The policewoman nodded her head, her feet stuck to the wall like suction cups, she freed her hands to pick off the sausages and bacon hanging on the clothes rail, and handed them to Father Jiang.

"The string of sausages taken away by the flying shark just now, is it Cantonese style or spicy?"

"Ah? This..."

Jiang's father was a little dazed, thinking that this little comrade has a really big heart!
"Looks like Cantonese-style sausage."

"Damn it! My claypot rice!" The policewoman stomped her feet resentfully, "Uncle, close the window and go back to the house! Bye!"

Father Jiang looked at her back, shook his head in confusion, quickly closed the window, and went back into the house.


Jiang Feng went back to the street and found the flying shark that he shot down just now, its belly turned white and floating on the water, still twitching, and suddenly he was out of breath!He stepped forward and shot the flying shark to death, avenging the claypot rice.

"Didn't your parents recognize you?"

Gao Fei came over and asked his girlfriend in a low voice.

Jiang Feng shook his head, and put his hands on his hips triumphantly: "Do good deeds without leaving a name, does this count as a night walk?"

"You are simply the contemporary Dayu. You pass through the house but don't enter, which is much higher than the pattern of returning home after being rich." Gao Fei joked with a smile.

Jiang Feng rolled his eyes at him delicately: "If I were Dayu, you would be the Tu Shan clan, you vixen!"

Before the words fell, there was a sudden exclamation from behind, and there was the muffled sound of heavy objects hitting.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng turned around quickly and followed the prestige.

On the flooded street, the assault boat carrying the refugees was spinning.

The people on the boat were huddled together, all terrified.

Just near the assault boat, black fish fins emerged from the water.

Goofy initially thought it was a flying shark.

However, after a little observation, it was found that the opponent's body was much larger than the Flying Shark, only the back above the water was more than two meters long!

The strange fish came out of the water with its head held high, revealing its true colors.

This monster has no scales all over its body, and a layer of mucus is attached to its body surface. It has a huge head with a flat head and a wide mouth. There are four two-meter-long beards on each of the upper and lower jaws, which twist like tentacles.

"Wow! What a big catfish!" Jiang Feng couldn't help but marvel, "This guy is definitely a local mutant!"

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe, wanting to check the details of the mutated catfish.

The results showed that "insufficient information, unable to provide relevant information."

Insufficient information...?
Great! !

Gao Fei rubbed his hands, couldn't hold back his excitement and said to his girlfriend:
"This product is a new species! Report it to the headquarters laboratory, and there will be a big reward!"

"Oh yeah! Triple experience points, don't run away!"

Jiang Feng's eyes lit up, and he picked up his eyebrow stick and rushed towards the huge mutated catfish.

The mutated catfish was bumping against the assault boat, trying to capsize the boat and devour the refugees on board. As soon as he raised his head, he was hit hard, and his head was broken on the spot.

Jiang Feng wanted to continue chasing, but the stick was slipped away by the mucus attached to the mutated catfish's body, and he almost fell into the water.

The mutated catfish twisted its body, glared at Jiang Feng, and opened its wide mouth, trying to swallow her in one gulp.

Goofy switches "Berserker Mask" to "Warlock Mask", and releases "Whip of Thorns" 30 feet away.

The thorny rattan whip whizzed and lashed the mutated catfish's face, tearing open a bruised wound, entangled the catfish's beard, and forcibly pulled it away 10 feet away.

Jiang Feng took advantage of the situation to launch an "attack of opportunity" and hit the mutated catfish's left eye frame with a swing.

She wanted to smash the monster fish's eyeball with one stick, but the eyebrow-raising stick was once again hindered by slippery mucus, and lost [-]% of its strength.

Jiang Feng frowned secretly, switched to a pistol, and fired two shots at the huge fish head.

The result was not as good as with a club, and both bullets were slipped away by the mucus, causing only minor flesh wounds.

At this time, Gao Fei also noticed that the layer of mucus on the mutated catfish could hinder physical attacks, so he took out his wand from the astrolabe and blasted a "Frost Nova".

The white ring-shaped cold air exploded violently, freezing the mutated catfish together with the nearby stagnant water.

The layer of mucus on the surface of the mutated catfish was also frozen at low temperature, losing its slippery texture and no longer having a protective effect.

Jiang Feng took the opportunity to start the "Glancing Wind Combo" and attacked fiercely with his stick.

The iron rod infused with Yang Yan's true energy rained down on the mutated catfish, beating it to pieces.

Half of the mutated catfish's body was frozen, but it still had the strength to resist. It suddenly threw out a long and flexible beard, entangled Jiang Feng unexpectedly, and tightened its grip.

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei quickly switched out the "mage mask", and cast a 1-ring "reduction technique" on the mutated catfish.

He learned this spell last night with the help of the "Assisted Learning System", and specially memorized it, planning to practice it in actual combat.

The first time Gao Fei tried the "reduction technique", he received miraculous results.

This mutated catfish is more than three meters long from head to tail and weighs more than one ton.

Under the effect of the "reduction technique", the length, width, and height measurements were all reduced by half, and the weight was reduced to 1/8. Compared with Jiang Feng, his body shape was no longer dominant.

At the same time, Jiang Feng had switched his sub-profession to Dragon Warrior, unleashed a berserk, and turned into a red dragon form. His strength attribute increased by 10 points, and his body size increased by one level.

On one side is the shrunken monster fish, and on the other side is the girl who has turned into a red dragon.

Transformed into a dragon, Jiang Nvxia easily broke free from the entanglement of her beard. The dragon claws grabbed the mutated catfish and beat it on the ice!
Not long after, the big fish was thrown to the point that its brain was split, its eyes were bulging, and it lost its breath.

After the mutated catfish died, the "reduction technique" applied to it was automatically canceled, and its body shape returned to its original size.

Jiang Feng changed back into human form, stuffed the big fish into the astrolabe, and sent it to Wei Da's laboratory.

Not long after, Hao Le also found a mutated catfish, which suddenly rushed up from the bottom of the water and almost knocked over the motorboat, so scared that he hurried to his teammates for help.

Li Jiajia led the team to arrive.With the strength of all members of the 12th team, after a hard fight, the fierce strange fish was finally killed.

After using the astrolabe to investigate, it was still unable to provide information.

However, the feedback information is slightly different, it becomes "The data is being processed, please check back later".

Li Jiajia had never seen such a situation before, so she asked Jiang Feng about it.

"Half an hour before you encountered this strange fish, Gao Fei and I sent its similar species to Vida's laboratory. The analysis report has not yet come out, so we can't investigate it for the time being."

"It's a pity that you are one step late. If you report a new species before us, you can get three times the experience reward, or the naming right of this new species."

After listening to Jiang Feng's explanation, Li Jiajia's face suddenly revealed.

The novice special police of the 12th team learned that reporting new species can get three times the reward of experience points. Some people feel sorry, while others are gearing up excitedly, hoping to encounter new strange creatures in the future.

As for the mutated catfish that they killed, even if they report it now, they can't get a reward, so they just dump it on the street.

(End of this chapter)

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