Chapter 511
"Sister Wei, according to your logic, Brother Fei should also consider himself first, let alone leak the strategy to outsiders like you."

Li Jiajia couldn't help but refute.

Cai Wei froze for a moment, not knowing how to argue.

Zhou Guanqun coughed dryly, and took over the conversation: "Jiajia, the key to this matter is not who is right and who is wrong, but which side you are on."

"I don't understand what you mean." Li Jiajia bit her lip.

"You have to recognize your position! As the captain of the 12th team, you should first consider the interests of the team, instead of following Gao Fei's ass and being an answerer! Right?"


"Jia Jia, I'm only saying this for your own good! No matter how great Gao Fei's contribution is, does it have anything to do with you?"

"Only when our 12th team grows up and performs outstandingly, you, as the captain, can gain honor and benefits, and be appreciated by the higher-ups of Tiangong! Don't you understand such a simple thing?"

Zhou Guanqun reprimanded him sternly.

"Xiao Zhou, don't be so fierce, Jia Jia is scared by you."

Cai Wei played the white face at the right time, holding Li Jiajia's arm, trying to appease her.

"Jiajia, Xiao Zhou's words are not pleasant, but they are all from the heart! You have to be frightened, and when you have to make up your own mind, make up your own mind!"

"For example, Dragon Warrior, if you tell Xiao Zhou and me in private, even if Gao Fei finds out in the future, what will happen to you if there is no proof?"

Li Jiajia's temperament is weak and weak, but she is not stupid, and she vaguely senses that Zhou Guanqun and Cai Wei's intentions are not pure.

"Sister Wei, I know I lack leadership skills, but it doesn't seem right to do what you said..."

"Jiajia, we are all on the same boat, can we still harm you? Listen to me, you are right!"

Zhou Guanqun's tone was aggressive, and he continued to put pressure on Li Jiajia with a tough stance.

Cai Wei smiled and chimed in: "I think Xiao Zhou is very capable of leadership, Jia Jia, if you think you are not suitable, you might as well give up the position of captain to Xiao Zhou so you don't have to worry about it."

Li Jiajia didn't make a sound, as if she was moved by her words.

Zhou Guanqun glanced at Cai Wei, and said to Li Jiajia: "Jiajia, I don't intend to usurp power. In fact, I want to be the number one general under your command more than the captain, to advise you and charge forward. Do you understand me? "

Li Jiajia's face turned red immediately, she pushed the table and stood up: "Sorry, I have something else to do, excuse me first!"

Watching her go away, Cai Wei glanced at Zhou Guanqun with a half-smile.

"Jiajia already has a boyfriend, Ma Tao, the captain of Team 05. I think your efforts are wasted."

Zhou Guanqun's face darkened, and he said disdainfully, "A naive little girl like Li Jiajia is not my cup of tea, Sister Wei, but I actually prefer mature women who are smart and intellectual."

"Come on, that's not what you said just now!" Cai Wei sneered and pinched him, "A man's mouth, you liar! I won't be fooled by you!"


On the morning of October 10th, it was the third day of the rain disaster in Zhongzhou.

Gao Fei drives a motorboat and speeds through the flooded streets, with a Jiang Nv Xia with fluttering hair sitting behind him.

"As the old saying goes, riches and honors do not return to their hometowns, it is like traveling at night in brocade clothes! Comrade Xiao Jiang, your martial arts gym is in the block where we are on duty today. You didn't think about wiping your butt with gauze in front of your parents and neighbors." Show off a little hand?"

"Show you big-headed ghost! If my mother finds out that I'm a special police officer, it's no wonder she scolds me to death! Turn left ahead!"

Jiang Feng tugged at his boyfriend's left ear, as if he was steering the wheel.

"By the way, where did you learn such nonsense allegory?"

"There is a Tongliao hamster up master in the Knowledge Zone of Bizhan. Follow him, and you will be able to learn the most coquettish and fashionable allegorical sayings."

Goofy replied with a smile.

On both sides of the flooded streets, there are mostly low, old and old-fashioned buildings, showing the style of the last century everywhere.

This is where Jiang Feng was born and grew up.

Xingzhou City has six districts under its jurisdiction.

The locals are used to taking Zhongzhou Avenue as the boundary, and the east of Zhongzhou Avenue is called the "East District", and the west of Zhongzhou Avenue is called the "West District", which is the old city.

The old city was built earlier, the streets have been in disrepair for a long time, there are many depressions, and many sections of the road will accumulate water when it rains.

During this rain disaster, the old city was the most severely flooded area, and the deepest place is said to be able to cover the heads of adults.

In the middle of the night on October 10, the heavy rain turned to drizzle, and it seemed that the sky was about to clear up.

The drainage work in the urban area has been effective, and the water level in most blocks has dropped to only one foot deep.

Citizens in Xingzhou thought the flood was over, and drove out early in the morning on October 10 to buy daily necessities.

Unexpectedly, the weather changed suddenly, and it rained again, which caught everyone off guard.

Jiang Feng's parents live in this old neighborhood.

She was worried about the situation at home, so she quickly called and learned that the second floor of the martial arts hall was still safe, and the eight children who were stranded here slept soundly last night, and there was no shortage of food for the time being.

Jiang's mother also revealed to her daughter that this morning, a parent refused to listen to her dissuasion and insisted on coming to pick up the child.

As a result, the car broke down halfway through the drive, and people and the car were soaked in the flood, so they had to call the fire brigade for help, and they are still in trouble.

Gao Fei listened to his girlfriend talking on the phone with his mother, and saw that she was worried about the situation at home, so he took the initiative to apply to the company commander, hoping to participate in the rescue operation in the old city.

His application was quickly approved.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, all twelve trainee special police officers from Team 05 and Team 12 set off from the station in a motorboat and rushed to rescue the victims in the old urban area with severe waterlogging.

After the hard work of all the special police of the 13th company these days, the number of water monsters on the streets of Xingzhou has decreased significantly.

The first part of the journey of Gao Fei and others went smoothly, and they were not disturbed by water monsters on the way.

Once in the old town, however, the situation changes.

Not far in front of the motorboat, four giant crabs were besieging a car trapped in the torrent.

On the sidewalk across the street, a man riding an electric scooter was also trapped in the waist-deep flood water, holding the lamppost tightly with both hands, facing a mutated octopus waving its tentacles approaching, with panic and despair intertwined in his eyes.

Jiang Feng quickly stood up from the motorboat, raised his hand and shot a beam of "hot light", hitting the mutated octopus a hundred feet away, piercing its head that surfaced, emitting a strong burnt smell.

Gao Fei drove the motorboat with one hand, freed his right hand, raised his gun and fired.

The gunshot rang out, and the big octopus that was still wriggling its tentacles was shot dead on the spot.

Gao Fei put away his pistol, then threw out the owl statue, turned into a giant owl, grabbed the man in the flood, and sent them to the assault boat specially used to accommodate refugees.

As for the electric car that was submerged in the flood, I can't take care of it for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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