Savior Simulator

Chapter 510 Intrigue

Chapter 510 Intrigue
"Sister Wei, what's the matter?" Li Jiajia walked over and asked.

Cai Wei didn't answer, but gave Zhou Guanqun a wink.

Zhou Guanqun nodded knowingly, and came up to greet Li Jiajia.

"Captain, Sister Wei and I are very worried about you. We are relieved to see you come back safely."

Li Jiajia couldn't help being moved: "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine, by the way, what about Lele, Lao Huang and Zhigang?"

"They went to eat first."

"You've all worked hard, let's go eat too."

"No hurry, there is one more business thing I want to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Li Jiajia looked at Zhou Guanqun curiously.

"Captain, I thought that only Gao Fei could transform into a dragon. After all, he is the famous 'Brother Red Dragon'. I didn't expect you to do this trick. It's really enviable."

Zhou Guanqun paused for a moment, seeing that Li Jiajia didn't answer, he had no choice but to take the initiative to speak clearly.

"Captain, I want to know how to get the hidden profession 'Dragon Warrior' in the game, you won't hide anything from me, will you?"

"This..." Li Jiajia showed embarrassment.

"Jiajia, if this profession is your exclusive secret, Xiao Zhou and I are too embarrassed to inquire about it, but you and all members of the 05 team have the profession of Dragon Warrior, even the little girl Ma Yun who is at the same time as me is no exception. , it can be seen that this is not a secret, why do you hesitate?"

Cai Wei persuaded Li Jiajia softly.

"If you tell me the way to get the Dragon Warrior, Xiao Zhou and I can also become the Red Dragon form in the future, and serve as your right-hand man, improve the overall strength of our 12th team, and achieve better results when on duty. What's wrong with that? it is good?"

"Sister Wei, of course you are right to say that. If I discovered this hidden profession myself, I would never hide it. However, this is not the case." Li Jiajia said in embarrassment, "The way to obtain the dragon warrior profession is from Brother Fei. Sister Hefeng discovered it first, unless I get their permission, I can't disclose it to the outside world."

"Jia Jia! You just don't think of us as your own people!" Cai Wei's face darkened, and she complained, "You are the captain, so you should be courageous. Can't you make up your own mind about such trivial matters? Can you give me a quick word? , playing football is boring!"

Li Jiajia couldn't lift her head up because of her counting, wondering whether she really did what Cai Wei said, and failed to fulfill the responsibility of the captain.

However, she really couldn't do this kind of thing to reveal the secret of Dragon Warrior without Gao Fei's permission. After some hesitation, she finally came up with a compromise plan.

"How about this, Sister Wei, you and Xiao Zhou wait a moment, I'll go to Brother Fei and ask him if he can reveal about Dragon Warrior."

Li Jiajia hurried to the hotel cafeteria, found Gao Fei, and asked him a little shyly, if he could share the strategy of the Dragon Bone Tower with his teammates.

Before Gao Fei expressed his opinion, Ma Tao couldn't help getting angry.

"Jiajia, it's not that Zhou Guanqun and Cai Wei don't have long mouths. Why didn't they come to inquire and order you to run errands? I can't see it at all. They have the slightest respect for you as the captain!"

Li Jiajia was already in a difficult situation, but after hearing what her boyfriend said, she felt even more aggrieved, and her eyes turned red.

"I don't blame Jiajia for this matter, why are you throwing your temper at her!" Jiang Feng gave Ma Tao an angry look, then looked at Gao Fei: "What do you think should be done?"

Gao Fei didn't mind sharing the profession of Dragon Warrior with newcomers, but Zhou Guanqun and Cai Wei used Li Jiajia as their gunmen, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

After thinking for a while, he said to Li Jiajia: "Tiangong special police cannot enter the game module during their duty. Even if you tell your teammates the strategy now, they won't be able to use it."

"After this secret service mission is over, I will take the time to post the whole process of the "Prince's Revenge" module, including how to get the two powerful reward professions of 'Astrologer' and 'Dragon Warrior', and send it to the Tianren Forum If anyone is interested, just download a copy and copy the homework."

"Brother Fei, open source directly, you are generous enough!"

Ma Tao clicked his tongue in admiration.

Gao Fei smiled and explained: "Anyway, we already have the first-mover advantage. If there is no accident, we will be able to become regulars after the internship period. It's like recommending students. There is no competition with other students in the class who are preparing for the college entrance examination. , why hide it?"

"It's better to publish the strategy for everyone's reference. If the strength of our Tiangong special police can be improved, at least we can reduce some sacrifices when we are on duty in the future."

"Brother Fei has a big picture! Think about problems and focus on the overall situation, and build a strategic plan. He will definitely be a big leader in the future!"

Ma Tao raised his thumb and patted a rainbow fart.

Hearing what Gao Fei said, Li Jiajia also had a smile on his face, chatted for a while, then went back to find Zhou Guanqun and Cai Wei, and told them Gao Fei's answer.

"What did you say?" Zhou Guanqun couldn't believe his ears, "Gao Fei is going to announce the strategy of hiding his profession... he must be fooling you!"

"No! Brother Fei always keeps what he says!" Li Jiajia said with confidence, "Actually, at his level, there is no need to regard other celestial beings as competitors. Even if others get the Dragon Warrior, it is impossible to surpass him." he."

Zhou Guanqun and Cai Wei looked at each other, their frustration hard to hide.

They wouldn't be surprised if Goofy kept secrets and refused to reveal Dragon Warrior's secret.

Unexpectedly, Gao Fei didn't care at all.

They knew in their hearts that what Li Jiajia said was the truth, and this was precisely what made them most unacceptable.

"If Gao Fei really announces the strategy and Tiangong has a dragon warrior in its staff, won't everyone be able to bridge the gap?"

Zhou Guanqun shouted angrily.

"Any cat or dog can turn into a dragon. The style of this hidden profession will be lowered. If that's the case, even if I get the Dragon Warrior, I won't bother to use it!"

"Jiajia, Gao Fei's behavior is too unreasonable, why don't you persuade him?" Cai Wei was also very upset.

"Brother Fei's announcement of the strategy is obviously selfless and beneficial to everyone, so why is it unreasonable?" Li Jiajia asked blankly.

"Hey! Jiajia, why don't you understand? What's good for everyone is the same as it's not good for everyone!"

Cai Wei hates iron and steel for scolding her.

"Gao Fei's strength is too strong, of course he doesn't need to care about these things, but we are different, we have to step on other trainee special police officers in order to climb to a high place and become regular."

"Jia Jia, you are not stupid, how could you be confused at such a critical moment?"

"You should persuade Gao Fei to give up the idea of ​​publishing the strategy, and let him give this strategy to us alone. When we raise the level of Dragon Warrior and have the strength to crush newcomers in the same period, it doesn't matter if Gao Fei announces the strategy. .”

(End of this chapter)

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