Savior Simulator

Chapter 506 Dragons Escort

Chapter 506 Dragons Escort
Seeing the injured flying sharks trying to escape by diving, Li Jiajia quickly switched her sub-job back to "bard", picked up the harmonica, and played "Ecstasy", attracting the flying sharks back, and the newcomers in the team hunted them down .

Qi Tian catches a wounded flying shark and is delighted to see him hunting. He resolutely abandons his former animal partner "Brother Octopus" and adopts this magical beast capable of sea, land and air as his new love.

Zhou Guanqun also subdued a flying shark to replace the giant crab and serve as the "mount" of the ocean knight - although the size and physiological structure of the flying shark are not suitable for riding and flying.

In the rainy night sky, there are more flying sharks circling.

Before the sharks came to hunt with the scent of blood, Gao Fei and his team hurried to the transport plane to check the condition of the passengers.

Fortunately, the pilots, medical staff and patients were just a little frightened and nothing serious.

The engine of the transport plane can still start normally, but the doors and windows are severely damaged, cracked and leaking air.

In this state, pilots dare not take the risk of taking off.

"What should we do next?" Li Jiajia asked Ma Tao, "Do you want to send a letter to the company commander and send a boat to pick up the patients on the plane?"

Ma Tao wiped the rain off his face, shook his head and said: "The transport plane is full of critically ill patients, and the wind and rain are not necessary, and the speed of the barge is too slow. Even if there is no water monster attack on the way, the transfer cannot be completed before dawn." , it will be troublesome if the illness is delayed."

"Brother Tao, air transport is more efficient. You only need to repair the doors and windows of the transport plane to take off." Gao Fei smiled, "Actually, your sister is already busy."

Ma Tao looked back at the transport plane.

Sure enough, Ma Yun jumped around the transport plane like a squirrel, constantly performing "repair techniques", smoothing the sunken cabin shell and bridging the cracks in the glass.

Ma Tao sighed helplessly, switched to the sub-profession "Mechanism Warlock", and ran to help his sister repair the transport plane.

Gao Fei also got the reward profession "Artificial Mechanic" in the game mod "Prince's Revenge". At level 1, he automatically acquires "Odd Mechanic Skills", which is the 0-ring "Prosthetic Art".

This kind of professional ability, which was originally a magic spell, but changed its name and surname specially, has a common feature, that is, it does not need to learn and memorize, and can be mastered automatically when it meets the employment requirements.

Gao Fei also switched to Artificer and joined the ranks of repairing the transport plane.

The three teamed up to cast spells, and within 5 minutes the transport plane was restored as new.

Gao Fei knocked on the cabin door, briefed the pilot on the current situation, and asked him how long it would take to take the plane to the hospital receiving critically ill patients.

"If everything goes well, ten minutes will be enough."

The pilot looked at the flying sharks circling in the sky, with a look of lingering fear in his eyes.

"But there are too many monsters in the sky, too fierce, I'm afraid..."

"You don't have to worry about this, our special police team is responsible for escorting the transport plane."

Gao Fei gave the pilot a reassurance first, and then exhorted:
"We will try our best to protect the transport plane from being harassed by flying sharks, but we can only provide escort for about 15 minutes at most. Are you sure you can reach the destination in such a short time?"

In the form of a red dragon, Goofy's "Rage" time is 9 minutes.

The "Perseverance" feat reduces exhaustion by 1 level, and two consecutive berserk, that is 18 minutes.

The other members of the 05 team, together with Li Jiajia, have also obtained the "Dragon Warrior" profession and the "Perseverance" specialty, but except for Wang Daqing, the physical attributes of the others are not as good as Gao Fei, and the berserk time cannot last for so long.

15 minutes is a relatively safe threshold.

If the time limit for two rages is exceeded, you can only use "First Aid", "Air Healing" or "Song of Courage" to eliminate exhaustion.

"Dragon Warrior" must be at least level 7 before he can learn "First Aid", while Gao Fei's dragon warrior is only level 4, and other teammates are only level 1, so he must temporarily switch to other occupations that can relieve fatigue.

Carrying out such operations in the air is troublesome and dangerous, and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

"15 minutes..." The pilot thought about it, then nodded solemnly: "I have no problem here, it's up to you!"

"That's good, take off now!"

Gao Fei closed the cabin door and turned to call his companions over.

"Brother Tao, our 05 team plus Jiajia, collectively transform into a red dragon form, escorting the transport plane to transfer critically ill patients."

"As for the sharks that slipped through the net on the street, I'll leave it to the other five rookies in Squad 12 to hunt them down. Is that okay?"

Ma Tao and others fully agree with his plan.

Xu Zhigang, Huang Hansheng, Hao Le, Cai Wei, and Zhou Guanqun also expressed no objection.

Not long after, the transport plane restarted, and the two high-power propellers installed at the front and rear of the machine hummed and roared, and the high-pressure airflow stirred up caused layers of waves on the water surface, and at the same time aroused the vigilance of the sharks in the air.

The transport plane lifted off slowly and sailed over the night-shrouded streets.

Gao Fei and others collectively switched their sub-professions to "Dragon Warrior".

For the sake of insurance, before everyone transforms, they first bless with various buffs.

Gao Fei used the imitator's "mage mask" to bless the "shield technique" and "magnification technique" in advance, plus the "buoyancy blessing", as well as the "guiding light blade" and "blessing technique" provided by Huang Hansheng, that's enough.

After the preparations were complete, everyone collectively transformed into a red dragon form and spread their wings into the air.

Under the night of thunderstorms, seven red dragons circled the transport helicopter and flew over the city.

Whenever lightning tore through the dark clouds and instantly illuminated the night sky, the spectacular sight of red dragons flying in clusters was reflected in the eyes of the sleepless citizens in front of the windows of thousands of households, which shocked people deeply and left an indelible memory in their minds. impression.

Xu Zhigang, Huang Hansheng, Hao Le, Cai Wei, and Zhou Guanqun stood on the flooded street, braved the heavy rain, looked up at the night sky, and silently watched the dragons sail away at night, drifting away.

Among these rookie special police officers, some simply admire or envy, while others show more complicated emotions in their eyes.

In the urban area of ​​Xingzhou, there are row upon row of high-rise buildings.

During the rain disaster, there was a large-scale power outage, and helicopters lacking ground light navigation were very dangerous to pass between the dark high-rise buildings.

In order to ensure safety and avoid the high-rise buildings on the ground, the transport plane had to increase its flight altitude.

The red dragon team escorting the transport plane also flew almost close to the clouds.

The cumulonimbus clouds that hang over the city are pregnant with lightning and thunder.

The thunder that exploded in his ears from time to time made Gao Fei feel a little worried.

I and my companions flew too high, what if they were struck by lightning?
In the eyes of ordinary people, the mighty red dragon is no different from a mythical beast.

However, in the face of the thunderous power of nature, the red dragon is no different from a fragile bird.

(End of this chapter)

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