Savior Simulator

Chapter 507 Two Guns Crazy Dragon

Chapter 507 Two Guns Crazy Dragon
A flash of lightning suddenly flashed in the air, illuminating the clouds above Gao Fei's head.

With the keen vision of the dragon clan, Gao Fei vaguely saw a strange scene!
In the overlapping layers of lead gray clouds, a string of spherical films is emerging, like light and huge soap bubbles, or bubbles turning up in a boiling water pot.

When these membranes are broken, a torrential rain will fall, and at the same time, an extremely strong wave of magic power will emerge.

The scene in front of him immediately reminded Gao Fei of what Yao Guang had said.

These huge bubble-shaped objects rising in the clouds are likely to be micro-tunnels that run through the material world and the water elemental world, transporting rainwater and magic power from other worlds.

These miniature foreign world passages are not stable, and will disappear by themselves after a short burst.

But don't underestimate their destructive power.

It is like one or two pipes appearing on a magnificent dam. The seepage trickle is insignificant compared to the dam, but it indicates that the structure of the dam is no longer strong.

If these channels are left alone, there is no guarantee that there will be a catastrophe of collapse at any time.

Gao Fei also knew that Yao Guang and other high-level officials of Tiangong were trying to repair the barriers of the planes and eliminate these piping as much as possible.

But judging from the current situation, it is impossible to completely block all the leaking pipes in a short time.

Of course, this is just a simplified description.

In fact, the plane barriers and cross-boundary tunnels are far more complicated than Gao Fei imagined.

Those big bubbles in the clouds are nothing but the projection of the tubes of the barriers of the planes in the three-dimensional space.

Lightning cracked the sky, thunderbolt exploded!
Taking advantage of the momentary strong lighting, Gao Fei saw another group of bubbles blooming in the clouds.

The moment the bubble burst, many tiny black shadows erupted from it, sliding towards the ground along with the rain.

Gao Fei's heartstrings couldn't help but tense.

These black shadows from other worlds, it would be fine if they were inanimate matter, similar to extraterrestrial meteorites.

If there is life, it is an invasive alien species.

Although the vast majority of intruders have been blocked by the labyrinth, there are still very few who seize the fleeting opportunity to force their way into this world that does not welcome them.

At this moment, before Gao Fei's eyes, a large group of flying sharks, originally from the water elemental world, came out of the air bubbles.

These visitors from other worlds didn't know whether they were attracted by the loud noise from the helicopter's propellers, or they smelled the blood in the cabin, and they all chased after the transport plane.

In just two to three minutes, nearly a hundred flying sharks have joined in the chase.

At a glance, it is densely packed.

Numerous gray dorsal fins pierced the rain curtain, and the triangular head was extremely ferocious.

Even Gao Fei, a seasoned and experienced special police officer, couldn't help feeling apprehensive when he saw this scene.

"Guys, trouble is coming!"

Ma Tao issued a warning on the Astrolabe team channel.

"There will be a fierce battle next, everyone be careful!"

The group of sharks is getting closer and closer, and has broken into the airspace defended by the Red Dragon team.

The good news is that some of the flying sharks felt the power of the dragon and turned around and fled in fright.

The bad news is that there are still nearly half of the flying sharks, resisting Longwei's oppression, and still chasing after them!

Gao Fei took a quick look.

There are at least 40 flying sharks chasing behind. Once a group of siege, there are only seven people on our side, it will be difficult to stop all this group of bloodthirsty sharks.

In case there are a few fish that slip through the net and hit the transport plane and get sucked in by the high-speed propeller, of course they themselves will not escape death, and the transport plane will also usher in the bad luck of crashing.

Gao Fei flapped his wings and flew high, and came directly above the propeller at the tail of the transport plane.

Taking a deep breath, he suddenly turned around and spewed out a cone of flames!
There was a "chi" sound, as if burning coals were thrown into the pool.

The rain curtain was like a soft gauze curtain, a corner was blown away by the dragon's breath, and the water vapor filled the sky.

The four flying sharks rushing forward were hit by Gao Fei's dragon breath.

Two of them were killed on the spot, and the remaining two were seriously injured. They whimpered and fell in circles, breaking away from the large force chasing down the transport plane.

At the same time, Jiang Feng and the others also breathed out dragon's breath one after another to drive away the approaching flying sharks.

The first wave of tentative attacks by the group of sharks was forced back by the seven red dragons.

Yet the situation remains dire.

The dragon's breath must be cooled for at least two rounds before it can breathe again.

The Flying Sharks haven't noticed this weakness of their opponents yet.

But as the battle continues, they will soon notice this, and use it to take advantage of it.

"Blindly defending passively, the escort mission may fail!"

This idea appeared in Gao Fei's mind.

At a critical moment, someone must stand up and take the responsibility to stop the flying shark at all costs, so as to buy time for the transport team to evacuate safely!

Gao Fei took a deep breath, made up his mind secretly, turned around and flew to Ma Tao.

"Brother Tao, lend me your shotgun!"

Ma Tao froze for a moment, then turned to look at him.

"Look at the hammer, hurry up!"

Gao Fei urged impatiently.

"Brother Fei, I can borrow it from you, but you have to return it to me with your own hands."

"What nonsense are you talking about, I'm not going to be a martyr!" Gao Fei couldn't help laughing, "Just with those few miscellaneous fishes, they might hurt me!"

"I hope so."

Ma Tao forced a smile and handed over the shotgun.

Before the transport plane took off, Gao Fei had fully considered the various difficulties that the escort mission might encounter, and sent a +1 pistol back to the armory through the astrolabe in advance, applying to replace it with a +1 shotgun.

In addition to borrowing Ma Tao's +1 shotgun, now he has two guns in hand, silently activates "flexible rage" and switches to "runaway" mode.

"You continue to escort, I will stay and play with the group of miscellaneous fish!"

Without waiting for his teammates to reply, Gao Fei turned around and rushed towards the group of flying sharks behind him.

Goofy's super-large red dragon turns into rampage mode, and its current attributes become:
STR 17 (Grow Big +2), Dexterity 28/+5 (Rampage +10, Grow Big -1), Constitution 22 (Rampage +6), Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, Charisma 15
Goofy can now hold a shotgun that requires two hands in human form, and the base damage die of the shotgun has been increased to 4d6.

The free feats configured by Goofy, among which "Weapon Proficiency" and "Proficient Critical Strike" can both strengthen the power of shotguns.

The red dragon spread its wings in the air, held two large enchanted shotguns, and fired continuously at the flying sharks swarming towards it.

The sound of gunfire drowned out the sound of rain, echoing in the cloudy night sky.

The effective kill range of a shotgun is a 90-foot cone.

Gao Fei fired both guns at once, and the crossfire net covered most of the flight paths of the flying sharks.

Countless iron sand set off a metal storm in the rain.


Expected damage 35.


Expected damage 26.

Counting the gain brought by "Proficient Critical Strike", the critical strike rate of both guns is 10%, and the critical strike damage x 5 times.

After two gunshots, there was a bloody storm in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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