Savior Simulator

Chapter 505 Flying Sharks in the Air

Chapter 505 Flying Sharks in the Air
In terms of attack, flying sharks are similar to their aquatic cousins ​​in that they excel at surprise attacks, doubling the bite damage roll from 2d6 to 4d6 when ambushing unsuspecting prey.

The razor-sharp fangs of the flying shark do not let go once it bites its prey. At the same time, it swings a pair of wings made of specialized fish fins, rolling and twisting crazily until the piece of flesh and blood in its mouth is torn off.

Creatures attacked by flying sharks often leave huge torn wounds on their bodies. Even if they escape the pursuit of flying sharks by chance, they will inevitably die from excessive blood loss.

"You have all seen that the transport plane sent by the military has just landed on the roof of the inpatient building, planning to escort critically ill patients out of danger."

"However, the flying sharks hunting in groups in the sky will probably not let go of the overly conspicuous target of the transport plane."

Po Jun Thirteen's tone was heavy.

"Company commander, the transport plane is made of steel and glass, and it cannot be eaten. What's the point of flying sharks attacking the transport plane?"

Xu Zhigang asked in puzzlement.

"With a mere 3 points of intelligence, how can the flying shark understand the structure of the transport plane? In the eyes of this group of beasts, the transport plane is nothing more than a very loud and huge strange bird."

The company commander thought for a moment, then said:
"Usually, flying sharks don't take the initiative to attack creatures that are much larger than themselves, but we have to prepare for the worst."

"Company commander, I have a question." Ma Yun raised her hand.

Po Jun Thirteen nodded, indicating that she could ask questions.

"So far, have any helicopters involved in flood fighting and rescue in Xingzhou been attacked by flying sharks?"

"There are, but very few. For example, the large transport plane flying to the hospital encountered a group of sharks during the voyage. The group of monsters did not attack immediately, but chased behind the transport plane from a distance, as if waiting for something. "

"If I'm not mistaken, Flying Shark is probably waiting for an opportunity."


"Yes, they are not interested in an empty transport plane, but when critically ill patients are sent to a helicopter, it's hard to say."

Ma Yun looked at the companions beside her and found that everyone was confused, so she explained further.

"Severely ill patients must carry a large amount of blood products during the transfer period, and some patients even need to maintain blood transfusions. Think about it, so many blood products are concentrated on a transport plane, and the bloodthirsty flying shark can't smell it?"

There was silence in the conference hall.

Including the company commander, everyone's expressions changed.

"Comrade Xiao Ma, you are right, it seems we can't take chances!"

The company commander seemed to have made up his mind, and said to Gao Fei and others:

"Squad 05, you are the only team in the 13th company with strong air combat capabilities. The task of driving away the flying sharks and escorting the transport plane is up to you!"

Before the company commander finished speaking, the red telephone on the podium suddenly rang.

Po Jun Thirteen picked up the phone and listened, his gaze gradually became serious.

Seeing the change in the company commander's expression, Gao Fei couldn't help thinking that the situation might have gotten worse.

as predicted.

The company commander hung up the phone, without further ado, immediately applied for permission from Misuo, and took 12 special police officers including Gao Fei to collectively send them to the affected hospital.

The teleportation point is outside the hospital gate.

Gao Fei shook his head, overcame the dizziness caused by teleportation, and looked up at the sky.

In the rainy night sky, the propellers of the transport helicopter rumbled.

There was also a scalp-numbing sound of collisions.

Just before Gao Fei and others arrived, the pilot who was eager to save people had already started the transport plane, carrying sixteen critically ill patients lying on stretchers and four medical staff into the night sky, trying to take the risk of crossing the plane without escort. Shark-infested airspace.

This move soon proved to be unwise.

Flying sharks lurking in the clouds were driven mad by the bloody smell, and rushed towards the transport plane in groups, trying to crash the "big iron bird" and compete for the fresh flesh in its stomach.

The glass windshield of the transport plane was cracked by the crazy flying shark.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the pilot was forced to drive the transport plane to land in the middle of the flooded street, barely making a safe landing.

However, a bigger crisis is yet to come.

The bloodthirsty flying shark will not let go of its prey easily.

Black shadows tracked the transport plane across the night sky, swooped down one after another, and slid close to the water surface.

After entering the waters, the wings of the flying shark returned to their original functions as fins, and they swam through the water, soon trapping the transport plane that was forced to run aground in more than five feet of stagnant water.

The pilots and medical staff in the cabin were horrified when they saw the group of ferocious monster sharks outside through the cracked glass windows. The only thing they could do was to hide in the cabin and wait for rescue.

However, there are still 16 critically ill patients in the cabin who urgently need to be transferred to hospital for treatment.

The longer the delay here, the more likely the patient's condition will deteriorate and even be life-threatening.

Across the street came the roar of the motorboat's motor, drowning out the roar of the sharks.

Several high-beam lampposts projected towards the waters, illuminating the cracked glass windows of the transport plane, reflecting surprised faces in the cabin.

The rescue that the trapped people have been longing for has finally come!
Team 13 and Team 05 of the 12th company of Tiangong Special Service, 12 young Tiangong special police officers, drove four high-power motorboats, and rushed to the area where the transport plane made an emergency landing in a short time.

Gao Fei took the lead in jumping off the motorboat, and switched his sub-job to an astrologer with a vision of "penetrating the darkness".

The waves around the transport plane were churning, and no less than [-] flying sharks were hovering in the water, waiting for the opportunity to hunt together.

Before the motorboat driven by Xu Zhigang was stable, Huang Hansheng couldn't wait to jump off, channeled the divine power, turned on the "sacred radiance", illuminated the waters where the flying shark was lurking, and at the same time blessed the weapons of all his companions with the "Guiding Light Blade", increasing 2d6 Light damage.

Then, Huang Hansheng spent another 3 points of magic power to bless everyone with the "blessing technique", temporarily increasing the attack roll and immunity resistance by 1 point.

Wang Daqing also got off the motorboat and collectively blessed his teammates with "buoyancy blessings".

This group of uninvited guests, coupled with the strong light created by the magic power, aroused the vigilance of the sharks, and they turned around and swam over.

Standing on the wave, Gao Fei slowly raised his right hand, stamped the "fragile mark" on the flying shark rushing forward, and then fired a magic missile.

Five purple lights screamed across the night sky, and hit the flying shark at the same time, killing it directly, and its belly turned white and floated up.

Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Qi Tian, ​​Wang Daqing, and Li Jiajia also followed Gao Fei's example, switching out the astrologer, and collectively released the "Sharpening Imprint Missile".

After two rounds of bombing, eight flying sharks were killed on the spot, and five more were seriously injured and unable to fly.

(End of this chapter)

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