Savior Simulator

Chapter 460 Internal Explosion (for Subscription)

Chapter 460 Internal Explosion (for Subscription)

Reloading the file means losing the perfect pass reward, which is too expensive!

Gao Fei gritted his teeth and racked his brains to think of countermeasures.

If you want to get out of the predicament, you must break free from the shackles of the whirlpool.

However, in the water, Gao Fei couldn't use his strength, so he could only passively drift with the current.

How to do this?

Seeing that the deep-sea squid was about to release "chain lightning" again, Gao Fei had an idea in desperation, and finally thought of a countermeasure.

While the deep-sea squid was concentrating on casting spells, Gao Fei tried his best to keep calm, grabbed the vortex and spun himself to face the deep-sea squid, and suddenly let out the "Battle Cry of Overlord"!
Under normal circumstances, the impact radius of the battle cry is only 60 feet, and it cannot affect the deep sea squid as far as 200 feet away.

However, this radiation radius is not fixed and is also affected by the medium through which the sound waves are transmitted.

The speed of sound waves in water is three times higher than the speed of sound in air.

This makes the propagation radius of the "Overlord's Battle Cry" farther in the water than in the air.

The deep-sea squid was suddenly shocked by the battle cry, the concentration of casting spells was interrupted, and the magic power to control the vortex also lost control.

Gao Fei took the opportunity to get rid of the shackles of the vortex, swinging his wings and dragon tail, like a red devil fish rushing towards a deep-sea squid.

When he swam more than 200 feet and approached the deep-sea squid, the giant beast had already shaken off the shock and regained consciousness. It swung its ten tentacles and intertwined them into a net, trying to intercept him.

The deep-sea squid's reaction was completely within Gao Fei's expectations.

Before the tentacles entangled him, he suddenly released his berserk, transforming from a huge red dragon back into a human form.

The sharply shrunken body gave him more room to evade. He narrowly escaped the entanglement of the tentacles and swam straight to the deep-sea squid.

If Goofy's red dragon form is like a baby to an adult compared to a deep-sea squid, then when he turns back into a human form, he is like a tiny pea in front of this giant beast.

The deep-sea squid didn't even see what happened, so it subconsciously swallowed Gao Fei in one gulp.

Accompanied by a large amount of lake water, Gao Fei slid down the U-shaped digestive tube of the deep-sea squid, made a sharp turn, and finally fell into the huge stomach sac.

The stomach sac of the deep-sea squid is full of sand, acid, and half-digested food, which has a pungent stench.

Gao Fei was in it, and every round he had to bear the contraction and crushing of the stomach wall muscles, as well as the acid damage caused by the gastric juice.

However, compared to being bombarded by "chain lightning" outside, this level of damage is not so unbearable.

Gao Fei resisted the sour smell that filled his nostrils, restarted "Rage", and resumed his red dragon form.

The suddenly inflated body occupied a small half of the stomach sac.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Fei opened his mouth and spewed out a bitter cold current, which froze the stomach wall muscles of the deep-sea squid and temporarily lost the ability to contract.

Gao Fei showed his holy axe, and slashed at the frozen stomach wall with all his strength, and soon opened a crack for escape.

However, under his gaze, the split stomach wall closed itself again, and healed as before.

Gao Fei frowned, remembering that the deep-sea squid has the ability to "regenerate". Only the damage caused by high temperature can temporarily prevent the self-healing of flesh and blood.

If he wanted to understand this question, he had a bottom line in his heart.

Instead of setting the fire on fire, Gao Fei continued to spit out cold currents until all the liquid in the deep-sea squid's stomach pouch was frozen into ice cubes.

At this time, the deep-sea squid already had a strong stomach discomfort, and tried to vomit Gao Fei out.

However, since the stomach pouch is completely frozen into an ice lump, there is no liquid substance for nausea and vomiting, and its retching is meaningless.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, he vomited loneliness.

At this time, Gao Fei has restarted "Energy Replacement", switched back to the fire attribute, and opened his mouth to breathe out the flaming dragon's breath!

The gushing flames melted and evaporated the ice in the squid's stomach, creating a large amount of turbid steam in an instant.

The ice turns into steam and expands at least 1000 times in volume.

The steam in the stomach sac of the deep-sea squid is constantly increasing, like an inflatable ball, expanding rapidly.

Feeling the changes in the body, the deep-sea squid quickly opened its mouth wide, trying to expel the gas in the stomach out of the mouth, so that the internal and external air pressures were restored to balance.

Gao Fei was waiting for this opportunity.

Driven by the air pressure, he seemed to be riding a roller coaster, going upstream along the digestive tract of the deep-sea squid, all the way over mountains and ridges, until he reached his mouth.

The moment he was about to be spit out, Gao Fei activated "Righteous Qi Like a Rainbow", and his body size suddenly increased by a level.

At the same time, Gao Fei tried his best to spread his wings, held the holy ax upside down with both hands, and slashed at the flexible muscle wall under his feet.

The ax blade was deeply embedded in the squid's throat, like a fishbone, firmly stuck here.

Gao Fei uses the handle of the ax as a support, and uses his own body as a "cork", completely blocking the throat of the deep-sea squid, preventing the steam expanding in its body from leaking out.

Like a deep-sea squid stuck in its throat, it rolled and writhed in pain in the lake, trying to stuff a tentacle into its throat and suck out Goofy that blocked its throat.

However, before this operation could be completed, its stomach wall muscles had swelled to the limit, unable to withstand the huge pressure from inside, and finally exploded violently!

Bang! !

Amidst the roar, the belly of the deep-sea squid shattered, its huge body shattered into two pieces.

Gao Fei took the opportunity to break out of his body, held up the holy axe, and tried his best to chop off the head of the dying monster, ending its life completely.

At this time, Jiang Feng, Sonia, Eve and Mu Ning had already eliminated their opponents and swam back to Gao Fei one after another.

After everyone gathered, Sonia continued to lead the way and dive in the direction of the island in the middle of the lake.

After swimming for about two hours, we finally arrived at our destination.

What appeared in front of everyone was a large piece of reef rooted at the bottom of the lake, and the secret path was deep in the crevice of the reef.

Sonia led the crowd into the cracks in the rocks, groping forward in the dark.

Not far away, the waters in front of him glowed brightly.

"Finally found it!"

The White Dragon Queen showed joy.

Just where the light shines, a tunnel is sealed off by a stone door, engraved with intricate magical runes, flickering slightly.

Sonia stood in front of the door and watched for a moment, with a clear smile on her lips.

Raise your hand to cast the 3-ring "dispel technique", and successfully lifted the seal of Shimen.

The magic runes on the door faded.

At the same time, the entire stone gate also disappeared.

Behind the stone gate is a deep tunnel, with bluestone steps extending upwards.

A luminous transparent enchantment was erected in front of the door, like the glass landscape window of an aquarium, isolating the lake water from the outside.

"follow me!"

Sonia winked at Gao Fei, turned around and walked towards the luminous enchantment, passing through without hindrance.

Seeing that she was safe and sound, Gao Fei felt a little relieved, and followed him through the barrier and into the tunnel.

Jiang Feng, Eve and Mu Ning also followed in succession.

The second after everyone entered the secret passage, Gao Fei received a system prompt.

"You have completed the story milestone of this chapter, the energy of the astrolabe +1!"

(End of this chapter)

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